Er3bus13 t1_j3bp1y6 wrote
Reply to comment by Matt-33-205 in Pennsylvania County Jail hires 18-year-old Corrections Officers by discocrisco
Lol. No they are choosing not to work for shit wages. For fucks sake they have you people brainwashed.
Er3bus13 t1_j2zvar0 wrote
Reply to comment by Flimsy-Lie-1471 in Taken in Lititz, PA While Out Running Errands Today by TyeDyeAmish
It was like 55 degrees today lol
Er3bus13 t1_j295gym wrote
Reply to comment by munkyxtc in Pennsylvania not among states raising their minimum wages in 2023 by gvillepa
Why have a full time legislature then?
Er3bus13 t1_j28ci88 wrote
Reply to comment by PivotalPosture in Pennsylvania not among states raising their minimum wages in 2023 by gvillepa
The problem is it depresses all wages when it's so low. Really really need to have our schools teach critical thinking as 50% of the public don't understand causality. Wonder to which political spectrum they lean towards.
Er3bus13 t1_j28c8hr wrote
Reply to comment by Donotaskmedontellme in Pennsylvania not among states raising their minimum wages in 2023 by gvillepa
Lol they have a magic wand for thirty years of obstruction. Not in power yet..yup everything fixed.
Er3bus13 t1_j1tcnai wrote
If you aren't for Medicare for all then kindly just shut up. For profit healthcare is liquid shit and needs to go away.
Er3bus13 t1_j1rcizo wrote
Reply to comment by RoyOfCon in Pennsylvania politics are heated. It soon could be utter chaos by Yelloeisok
People who cannot read
Er3bus13 t1_j0xqipx wrote
Reply to comment by siberiandivide81 in PA Unemployment is depressing and should be reworked by DigitalDash18
Also the time off gives your body time to heal. Physical labor destroys your body.
Er3bus13 t1_j0dxim1 wrote
Reply to comment by TacoNomad in Rubber Gloves, Condoms, Baby Oil Found On Lebanon Dad Of 5 Meeting 13-Year-Old From Florida At Wilkes-Barre Hotel: DHS by jillianpikora
This is pa here yellow is in our flag.
Er3bus13 t1_j0ael8q wrote
Reply to comment by BeltfedOne in Mark Meadows Exchanged Texts With 34 Members Of Congress About Plans To Overturn The 2020 Election by BeltfedOne
I mean we do have a full time legislature that does fuck all but want to keep us in the 50s. It seems tge only legislation that gets through is their raises and tax hikes.
Er3bus13 t1_izqg2p4 wrote
Reply to comment by carrotheadginger in 3-Year-Old Boy Among Three People Shot In York (DEVELOPING) by jillianpikora
Sad though...
Er3bus13 t1_izc7wq0 wrote
Reply to comment by artful_todger_502 in Control of Pennsylvania House in dispute · Spotlight PA by GraffitiTavern
This guy gets it!
Er3bus13 t1_izc5j7h wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in Control of Pennsylvania House in dispute · Spotlight PA by GraffitiTavern
Didn't take long to resort to name calling lol.
Er3bus13 t1_izc4ztv wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in Control of Pennsylvania House in dispute · Spotlight PA by GraffitiTavern
Well when the dead guy is better than the live one.
Er3bus13 t1_iyl6gxm wrote
Reply to comment by 31November in Pat Toomey was one of the 43 Senators who killed sick leave for rail workers by GraffitiTavern
Doesn't matter. The people that vote for them cannot read.
Er3bus13 t1_iyj4bax wrote
Reply to Bucks County Election Deniers File Multiple Petitions to Disrupt Certification of the Midterm Election by Open_Veins_8
Don't these cost them money? If not it should. Make them pay for their stupidity
Er3bus13 t1_iycyzhr wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in New Pa. law increases penalties for repeat DUI offenses by t800x
What part of it stays in your system for thirty days. You are not high after 4-6 hours. If you can find some weed that keeps you high for thirty days you better patent that shit.
Er3bus13 t1_iyan1ae wrote
Reply to comment by dirtyoldman20 in New Pa. law increases penalties for repeat DUI offenses by t800x
Ok 100% we can agree on this.
Er3bus13 t1_iyamgu4 wrote
Reply to comment by dirtyoldman20 in New Pa. law increases penalties for repeat DUI offenses by t800x
Lol. Thanks boomer. Weed stays in your system for 30 fucking days.
Er3bus13 t1_iwn9ouy wrote
Reply to comment by internetcommunist in Chester County man convicted of 12th DUI: Lancaster DA by sintactacle
You do understand how big and solpread out this country is right? Seems like a myopic statement.
Er3bus13 t1_ivme5cg wrote
Reply to comment by NoSnitchinMFer in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
/high five
Er3bus13 t1_ivm7ak5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Just asking questions....derp
Er3bus13 t1_ivm771u wrote
Reply to comment by Jaymart321 in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
"Problems" means Republican fuckery. Only one party wants to throw out votes...wonder why
Er3bus13 t1_ivm6zb2 wrote
Reply to comment by Unparty in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Yea fuck those active military people. Why should we wait for their votes to come in /s
Er3bus13 t1_j58aw4k wrote
Reply to We made another list! PA loves getting on lists especially if its a "best of" list and we did it again :) by Responsible-Type-392
Hurray keeping minimum wage down to starvation levels does make the state look awesome to exploit folks!