
Er3bus13 t1_iuul29m wrote

Lofl did you miss the world collapsing under his leadership. Jesus fucking christ you people are blind. Also you may want to check out the deficit now compared to when fuckstick was in. It went down massively. While your at it do the defecite under every republican since Reagan. Smaller government my ass.


Er3bus13 t1_iuugne4 wrote

You do realize that Republicans have controlled the pa legislature since forever right? Or do they get a pass like Trump? You know they guy who said he takes 0 responsibility ever. For such a grade A tough guy he is a grade A pussy when it comes to consequences


Er3bus13 t1_ispcr9b wrote

Lol.. and there it is. Sorry homie not everyone worships money. You know what's better than money? An even playing field where human rights are prioritized more than fucking money. There is going to be like 10 greedy assholes living on the moon while the rest of us try to live on a dying planet.