Er3bus13 t1_iv95pil wrote
Reply to comment by Edgeyville in An Unexpected Twist With Midterms Just Up Ahead - Volume On by Edgeyville
As you suckle the teet of a guy who cannot walk down an incline and has the vocabulary of a 4th grader. Then again if you dropped out in third grade he might seem really smart.
Er3bus13 t1_iuzi136 wrote
You are on the internet lol. How can you not find the answers for yourself?
Er3bus13 t1_iuusi3k wrote
Reply to comment by Yourlordensavior in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
What happened to "fuck your feelings" same thing about back the blue unless they coming for you. Am I right?
Er3bus13 t1_iuus9i4 wrote
Reply to comment by Yourlordensavior in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
Going to bed I have a job have fun collecting ssi and bitching about socialism
Er3bus13 t1_iuus1w5 wrote
Reply to comment by Yourlordensavior in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
World peace? We didn't have places in our own border how about insurrection on Jan 6th. The best thing I have to say is thank God all those rednecks are incompetent. Trump didn't bail them out either funny that.
Er3bus13 t1_iuurtd0 wrote
Er3bus13 t1_iuurh52 wrote
Reply to comment by Yourlordensavior in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
If you were asleep during that dumspter fire of 4 years nothing g I can say will convince you
Er3bus13 t1_iuuqkk3 wrote
Reply to comment by Yourlordensavior in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
Compelling argument please keep your eyes closed
Er3bus13 t1_iuupfyr wrote
Reply to comment by MayorOfCentralia in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
You should tell your republican legislature to raise the minimum wage then... oh wait then prices would go up?!? Oh man. What an argument that was. Prices still look like 2008 when it was raised last?
Er3bus13 t1_iuul29m wrote
Reply to comment by MayorOfCentralia in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
Lofl did you miss the world collapsing under his leadership. Jesus fucking christ you people are blind. Also you may want to check out the deficit now compared to when fuckstick was in. It went down massively. While your at it do the defecite under every republican since Reagan. Smaller government my ass.
Er3bus13 t1_iuugne4 wrote
Reply to comment by Yourlordensavior in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
You do realize that Republicans have controlled the pa legislature since forever right? Or do they get a pass like Trump? You know they guy who said he takes 0 responsibility ever. For such a grade A tough guy he is a grade A pussy when it comes to consequences
Er3bus13 t1_iuug7k7 wrote
Reply to comment by Advanced-Guard-4468 in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
Man those boots taste pretty good this time of year
Er3bus13 t1_ituw8e8 wrote
Reply to comment by Janderss182 in Fetterman/Oz Debate…In my humble opinion. Who’s the best choice for PA? by T-Hi
Size of me penis and? Small but diamond tipped
Er3bus13 t1_ituv5s7 wrote
Reply to comment by Janderss182 in Fetterman/Oz Debate…In my humble opinion. Who’s the best choice for PA? by T-Hi
No who is assuming? /glare
Er3bus13 t1_ituuw4f wrote
Reply to comment by Janderss182 in Fetterman/Oz Debate…In my humble opinion. Who’s the best choice for PA? by T-Hi
I'll assume whatever I want. What are you the thought police? /s
Er3bus13 t1_ituqehp wrote
Reply to comment by Janderss182 in Fetterman/Oz Debate…In my humble opinion. Who’s the best choice for PA? by T-Hi
It's about policies. They don't run marathons. Hilarious you all don't care about the 80 years Olds in congress that fall asleep during sessions if they have an R beside their name.
Er3bus13 t1_itrcof1 wrote
Reply to comment by DatabaseChemical9131 in Doug Mastriano wants to use Pa. state police to bus migrants to Delaware. Here’s why that breaks both federal and state law by TransFattyAcid
You should feel bad. I know you won't but you should.
Er3bus13 t1_ithedqn wrote
Reply to comment by dherrmann in Trump Plans to Challenge the 2022 Elections -- Starting in Philly by CQU617
Er3bus13 t1_itdftvy wrote
Reply to comment by byndrsn in Warehouses, a manufacturing plant, a Chick-fil-A and Sheetz among more than 30 projects planned for central Pa. by elanlift
I mean who needs a watershed or places to grow things?
Er3bus13 t1_ispcr9b wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
Lol.. and there it is. Sorry homie not everyone worships money. You know what's better than money? An even playing field where human rights are prioritized more than fucking money. There is going to be like 10 greedy assholes living on the moon while the rest of us try to live on a dying planet.
Er3bus13 t1_isjpvqk wrote
Reply to comment by joefred111 in An AirTag led police to a dumpster filled with more than 100 stolen Democratic campaign signs in Pennsylvania. by CQU617
Poems have different meanings and can be interpreted a thousand different ways. Unfortunately seapoem is transparent as cellophane.
Er3bus13 t1_isher0c wrote
Reply to comment by webauteur in Moving to PA looking for suggestions for jobs and areas to live by Bigben030
If he's a drug dealer then York might be better?
Er3bus13 t1_irvtah0 wrote
Reply to comment by RotateTombUnduly in Watch out for these texts going out, they are NOT non-partisan and their website is anti-abortion. by Avaisraging439
How presumptuous that they have to do God's work. Thought he could do it on his own.
Er3bus13 t1_irvsxwx wrote
Reply to comment by pocketbookashtray in The Vulnerability of John Fetterman - Inside this year’s highest-stakes Senate race. by -TheFarce-
"He lies about everything" good talking point. I bet you voted for that pristine apex "truth" teller Trump
Er3bus13 t1_ivm6s5j wrote
Reply to comment by NoSnitchinMFer in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Go vote