EscapedAlcatraz t1_j39yz1a wrote
Reply to comment by ReadBonny in Back-up Generator for Entire House by ReadBonny
Here's a budget option: a dual fuel portable Westinghouse model 5300 generator ($650), Reliance indoor transfer switch ($450), electrician to install this panel (~$800 or so), a 100 lb propane bottle or two from Lowes ($200 each). So for around $2,000 you can keep the critical items running like your refrigerator, boiler / furnace, lights and microwave oven and get through several days of an outage without a lot of hardship and without having to manage the shelf life issues associated with a gasoline appliance.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_j39wxa4 wrote
Reply to comment by ReadBonny in Back-up Generator for Entire House by ReadBonny
Typically these systems are designed to have one days worth of capacity remaining even after the high level alarm sounds. This is the alarm that warns the homeowner that the pump isn't operating. You could probably flush toilets as you normally do for 2-3 days without a worry during an outage, even longer if you are skipping showers due to a lack of hot water.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_j217azv wrote
Reply to comment by 0comment in Vermont lawmakers aim to make housing more available and affordable by dropkickninja
The notion that someone would uproot their life, become a climate refugee and move 171 miles away seems far fetched.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_j1yu8zo wrote
Reply to comment by 0comment in Vermont lawmakers aim to make housing more available and affordable by dropkickninja
And moving from Massachusetts to Vermont will make a big difference in climate? This makes little sense.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_j06fu0g wrote
Reply to Help Save Camp Sunrise! by theorwellbugler
From the article: Across the country, local chapters of Boy Scouts of America are selling land to pay for $2.46 billion in settlements resulting from a lawsuit that involved the alleged sexual abuse of more than 80,000 former scouts.
I don't believe for a minute that there were 80,000 Scouts molested. This is the root cause issue, the financial settlements are bankrupting the organization and impacting local communities. What did we think would happen?
EscapedAlcatraz t1_iystk0e wrote
This is silly. National Forests are land set aside for get this.....logging! They're not national parks, they are tracts of reusable resources for paper, lumber etc.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_iyawdf7 wrote
Reply to How Bad is the Water? by Unfair_Good6326
Two words; reverse osmosis.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_iy358i0 wrote
Reply to comment by somedudevt in I need a place to live. by travelingtutor
Just how many people do you want to see here? Another thousand? Ten thousand?
EscapedAlcatraz t1_iy19ix8 wrote
Reply to I need a place to live. by travelingtutor
Not disparaging investment property owners might be a good tactic.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_ivlm3ty wrote
This is great news. Fuck these thieves.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_iutzvul wrote
Reply to comment by timberwolf0122 in What's up with the open enrollment healthcare plans? by buttergams
Thanks Obama!
EscapedAlcatraz t1_iuhfkdl wrote
Reply to Help my AZ brother survive VT winter! What are your best care package suggestions? Bag Balm? Kitty litter for the car? Tickets out?? by Snoo_Regrets
A trip to the Caribbean in April. It will get him over the hump.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_iuhfeqe wrote
Reply to Any recs for snow blowers? by kickerconspiracy
As others have said Airens, two-stage, gasoline. I saved some $ buying a compact 24" Airens however during big storms this requires me to go out mid-storm and tackle the driveway, and then a second trip later to finish. With a larger model I could have waited. Also I recommend purchasing from a dealer as mine (Small Engine Co.) gives service priority to their customers. Finally, have the dealer do an overall service at least every other fall. Snowblowers have many moving parts that need to be lubricated and adjusted.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_ircimz4 wrote
Reply to comment by raz0rsnak3 in Why Bernie rocks! He's not wrong. by DCLexiLou
Precisely. The wind doesn't always blow nor does the sun always shine. We need a reliable grid and the grid needs reliable sources of generation.
EscapedAlcatraz t1_j3c58be wrote
Reply to comment by lavransson in Back-up Generator for Entire House by ReadBonny
Propane has an indefinite shelflife. You might want to go with 40 pound bottles of propane. These are the type you would see on the front of a travel trailer. Three or four of these would be easier to move around and transport.