EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j14iblk wrote
Reply to comment by mtarascio in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
I'd like to believe in humanity's ability to remain civil in a situation of extreme scarcity, but history has already spoken. Yes, you're going to have to defend against thieves in hand to hand combat. As the aggressor, they will choose the time and place. It will begin with them having the upper hand.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j14d33f wrote
Reply to comment by inksmudgedhands in Germany returns 20 Benin bronzes to Nigeria, noting ‘dark past’ by Fit-Asparagus8557
The English have the least claim.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j14b07x wrote
Reply to comment by the_noise_we_made in Germany returns 20 Benin bronzes to Nigeria, noting ‘dark past’ by Fit-Asparagus8557
I am, just like the first person who said it. It’s clearly a homonym though, and somebody is going to take it wrong.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j148i1h wrote
Reply to comment by JazzlikeScarcity248 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
I didn’t say everyday. Reading comprehension, straw man.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j145s5l wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_EZ_sk in Germany returns 20 Benin bronzes to Nigeria, noting ‘dark past’ by Fit-Asparagus8557
If I come in your backyard and dig up some shit, is it mine?
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j144sd3 wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_EZ_sk in Germany returns 20 Benin bronzes to Nigeria, noting ‘dark past’ by Fit-Asparagus8557
Was. Now give it back
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j144nmc wrote
Reply to comment by TheTabman in Germany returns 20 Benin bronzes to Nigeria, noting ‘dark past’ by Fit-Asparagus8557
You’re right, but I think we should probably refrain from anything that sounds like it could be referring to color for this one, just to be safe.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j143ycc wrote
Reply to comment by calguy1955 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
In the gun world we do call them MSR’s. Some of the problem is that news media and entertainment media do not want to hear anything from us, and basically put forth a very warped view of everything involving guns. After becoming an ammosexual, I started noticing crazy shit in both the news and movies. Almost nobody follows gun safety rules in the movies, police routinely break gun safety rules, nomenclature is misused, mechanics are practically invented. It’s no wonder we have so many accidents, and ineffective laws, if that’s where you get your gun knowledge from.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j1436qo wrote
Reply to comment by JazzlikeScarcity248 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
I work overnight. I get off as the before the liquor stores open. Am I a raging alcoholic because I’m the first one in the store and drinking before noon? The time of day is meaningless. We are not a nanny state either.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j141o1z wrote
Reply to comment by JazzlikeScarcity248 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
Why would the time of day have any bearing on when you’re allowed to buy ammo?
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j141hwg wrote
Reply to comment by calguy1955 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
Modern sporting rifle is the correct term.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j141cm8 wrote
Reply to comment by dlc741 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
We were born with the right to keep and bear arms. AR-15s have existed since the 1950s and were only banned from being manufactured during a 10 year period between 1994 and 2004. The pre-existing weapons were grandfathered in. Analysts have determined that the assault weapons ban had no effect on crime. We have always been fighting to keep that right, with or without the NRA.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j140c33 wrote
Reply to comment by jumpyg1258 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
“Everyone’s second rifle” doesn’t sound so big black and scary.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j14012y wrote
Reply to comment by mtarascio in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
I can’t wait for global warming to fuck shit up more just to see how civilized your pompous asses are when you’re starving.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j13zptj wrote
Reply to comment by Talmaska in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
Getting one legally is difficult. It’s easy to get a gun illegally anywhere in the world with an internet connection now, if you have like $500 USD total in disposable income. Ammo may be trickier in some places.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j13yyx8 wrote
Reply to comment by IrishRage42 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
That’s exactly what it is. They are lying about the definition of children for emotional manipulation. The number one killer of teens and young adults is suicide and gang violence. They lumped all 4 of these together so that they could say the number one killer of kids is guns. So evil.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j05n3pf wrote
Reply to comment by Khaldara in Las Vegas police: Woman who stole, hid Rolex inside genitals was in town for court on similar theft charge by vt9876
In his ass … for two long years … he died of dysentery.
this watch
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_iylcaqs wrote
Reply to comment by Jon-theHuman in UF Quarterback Jalen Kitna accused of possessing child pornography by Cussi2021
Two things about this particular adult film star.
She looked really young, and anybody would have thought is was child porn.
One of the film directors she worked for was arrested for making actual child porn.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_iy31qk7 wrote
Reply to Tamil Nadu: Man’s tongue had to be cut off to save his life after snakebite, paid a heavy price for following astrologer’s advice by kulchacop
I have a schizophrenic friend who works as a psychic in a call center. Lol
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_ixcpv07 wrote
Reply to comment by HervPrometheus in Helicopter view of LA sunset by pritidope
The river. It doesn’t have water so it’s just smooth concrete
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_ixc0fjv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Helicopter view of LA sunset by pritidope
That late in the day, it’s probably moving a good 30 miles per hour. A few hours earlier and they’d just be parked.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_iucpux2 wrote
Reply to comment by yblame in 2 teenagers facing attempted homicide charges in connection with Brighton Heights funeral shooting by nosotros_road_sodium
They can try a person as an adult at the age of 10 in some states.
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j14j0ym wrote
Reply to comment by JazzlikeScarcity248 in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy