Eurynom0s t1_j66vwwy wrote
Reply to comment by HalcyonDias in Shooting at Union Market by JustAcivilian24
From 2017, but relevant: NYC cops did a work stop, yet crime dropped.
Eurynom0s t1_j4jhfvl wrote
Reply to comment by OverlordXenu in McSorley’s Old Ale House. East 7th St. 1942 by KamikazeChief
Either way it gets absurdly packed at night. Better to go in the middle of the day if you can.
Eurynom0s t1_j2bq9mh wrote
Reply to comment by fe2sio4 in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
They thought it was going to be a GOP landslide in the House and were more interested in covering that angle.
Eurynom0s OP t1_j278ctp wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in List of Eric Adams Allies Hired to High-Paid Government Posts Keeps Growing by Eurynom0s
There did seem to be a good amount of pro-Adams brigading leading up to the election, to be fair.
Eurynom0s t1_j115eum wrote
Reply to comment by LoganSquire in Anyone know what the figure means next to the # of cars? It’s new, I fear change. by 858
I don't see how WMATA knows how full the train cars are though without seeing a bunch of phones moving together from station to station.
Eurynom0s t1_ix4krqe wrote
Reply to comment by melissalovekills237 in The Norwegian Christmas Tree is up at Union Station. Nice to see coming home from a work trip. by erichinnw
Center Cafe is long gone, that whole hall is just empty space now. :(
Eurynom0s t1_j9izk7d wrote
Reply to comment by DefibrillatorKink in Proud Boys expected to "protest" two local Drag Story Hour events by MoreCleverUserName
That said, "I don't get it but more power to you" is a pretty good baseline attitude to be shooting to get established in society in general.