Evipicc t1_jc6dlge wrote
Reply to comment by TheLastSamurai in Now is the Moment for a Systemic Reset of AI and Technology Governance by lughnasadh
Simply because something can't be EVERYTHING it could be doesn't mean it still can't do a lot to benefit our lives.
Evipicc t1_jc4yc7z wrote
Reply to comment by TheLastSamurai in Now is the Moment for a Systemic Reset of AI and Technology Governance by lughnasadh
This is why we need a global economic overhaul but there's a lot of power voting against it.
Evipicc t1_j60tv3y wrote
Reply to What aspect of engineering would be highly in demand for the future? by ImplementExtension58
Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation Tech (Actually what I'm majoring in), Civil Engineering.
Evipicc t1_j604tuf wrote
Reply to comment by Tronith87 in Which medical specialty will deal with immortality? by MeronDC
Immortality invalidates the concerns for how long it takes to get places in the universe.
Evipicc t1_j5zqlaa wrote
Reply to comment by Tronith87 in Which medical specialty will deal with immortality? by MeronDC
If I have option to no longer be beholden to this 'natural order' I'm going to take it. There is no overarching and controlling morality. Your ideals do not dictate what is possible.
That said your mention of current societal limits are valid, the ruling party having immortality right now, with our current systems, would be really bad. Hopefully in the next century we resolve those issues.
Evipicc t1_j5y53nz wrote
Crispr to address cancers and genetic disorders, potentially even eliminating those disorders from germ-line cells and eradicating genetic diseases forever.
Crispr to create anti-virus and anti-bacterial and anti-fungal technologies to again, eradicate communicable disease.
Nano-machines to directly combat infections and toxins in the blood and tissues.
Nano-machines to 'excavate' plaques and blockages in the veins/arteries.
Nano-machines to provide real time constant diagnostic data from every tissues and fluid in the body.
Bio-mimetics alongside material sciences and micro/nano-machines will allow us to replace organs with synthetic ones, if not using cell research to simply grow new 'real' organs.
We're already making synthetic neurons, which implies we can advance the brain in ways we probably can't even comprehend right now. Repairing damage, backups, growing to new capabilities and connectivity to systems...
Also education... we are SO MASSIVELY missing the ability of children to learn at an incredible rate. https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/10lixha/a_young_baby_reading/ This baby is NOT an outlier. I honestly believe that the new connections are so rapid and numerous in a child's brain that they could be learning mathematics from even this age. Our systems are just so defunct and slow that not only are we missing the mark, children literally get BORED when learning, which at a younger age learning ANYTHING is an incredible excitement, literally their entire purpose.
There's a couple of comments about psych/neuro for people being able to 'handle' being immortal but... if someone simply decides they don't want to exist anymore they should be allowed to do as they please, in peace and dignity. Sure those fields are going to continue to exist, but the implication that it is 'wrong' to not want to live forever is just laughable.
Evipicc t1_j5y4fsc wrote
Reply to comment by Tronith87 in Which medical specialty will deal with immortality? by MeronDC
No. We don't have to die, we just do right now.
I'd love to hear an explanation though. Are you concerned about our economic systems supporting immortality? Are you concerned about resources and the math behind potentially infinite people in a finite space?
Your comment of "Everything must die so that new things can live" just isn't scientifically based. New things live around undying redwood trees all the time. While one redwood lives there's no restriction on another seed starting life.
Evipicc t1_j482sxf wrote
Reply to Programmable matter by crua9
I've had more waste and maintenance from a singular paper printer than I have from owning 3 3d printers.
I'm sorry but you're wrong, 3d printing is pretty fantastic and is likely to be a huge part of the technological home through the coming century.
Will other interesting tech come out? Sure, I'm looking forward to it; but your view that 3d printing is bad is simply misinformed.
Evipicc t1_j3bkd81 wrote
Evipicc t1_j2639pj wrote
Reply to comment by thenamelessone7 in Soaring fertilizer prices could see millions more undernourished by Vucea
Yeah if that 'giving their dividends to the poor' was actually happening I'd be willing to accept that as a point of counter-argument.
The point of nominal profits vs growing margins is minutely valid, but the fact remains that, despite risen costs, these companies (which are responsible for food security across a great majority of the planet) are generally maintaining their same margins despite the harm it does to many.
You're right, corporations have no soul or morals, so it's almost like they shouldn't have such universal power to doom millions to food insecurity on a fucking whim.
Evipicc t1_j1tq8jv wrote
Reply to comment by KainX in Soaring fertilizer prices could see millions more undernourished by Vucea
We have a greedy corporations problem...
Evipicc t1_j1tq437 wrote
Reply to comment by atrophy1999 in Soaring fertilizer prices could see millions more undernourished by Vucea
Of all of the arguments that are totally valid to support continuing to eat meat as a species you picked the one that was wrong...
Evipicc t1_j1tq0nz wrote
Are fertilizer companies also showing records profits the last 2 years? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. If that turns out to be the case it should actually be criminal.
Just looked it up... yep, record profits from the 15 largest fertilizer companies. Fucking disgusting.
Literally capitalizing on starvation. Atrocious...
Evipicc t1_j0r3cmr wrote
Reply to comment by Benny_Lava760 in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
Yeah it's called hanging them and distributing their assets... What we did before unions were a thing. Beating the boss to death in front of his family was commonplace.
Evipicc t1_j0odvoy wrote
Reply to comment by Utahmule in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
Totally understand the "I get mine" mentality as realistically that's all we have the power to do.
Evipicc t1_j0obi17 wrote
Reply to comment by Utahmule in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
My original point was about that, but I can see scrolling up that you were focused on the IF and not the WHEN/Solutions of it all. I think that's where our fundamental difference in opinion lies. I believe that it's a certainty, and sooner than most realize, that automation is going to displace a great majority of the workforce. It's literally my job to make that happen as funny as that is. It seems you believe this is "so far in the totally different future", which I just inherently don't believe is true.
Evipicc t1_j0o8ulr wrote
Reply to comment by Utahmule in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
So let's rehash: What is your solution to the inevitable erasure of 90% of all work through automation?
Evipicc t1_j0o7ffo wrote
Reply to comment by Utahmule in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
Lol ok boomer... Not to be reductive of course. "Go InTo A tRaDe" has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard in response to a discussion about automation.
I have a hard time understanding how everyone can't see the technology explosion that is about to happen. Silicon Photonics, AI, Automation, Bio-Mimetic Engineering... We're gearing up for another industrial revolution. If Legislation doesn't keep up people are literally going to starve to death.
The entire process of making a home is going to be automated within our lifetime. Every manufacturing job. Every menial service job like cashier/fast food/delivery etc. If we don't put systems in place to support the fact that there will be almost 0 manual labor (Aside from large scale civil construction as you allude to, for which you are correct) there's going to be problems. Just saying "YoU shOulD hAvE goTtEn A bEtTer JoB!" Is fucking dumb.
Evipicc t1_j0nt2p3 wrote
Reply to comment by Utahmule in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
As an aside, you personally liking physical labor doesn't mean everyone does, or that it's good for the body. That said...
Scale will always be a challenging factor. Large scale construction will certainly take longer to automate than manufacturing, which is generally what I was referencing. I worked as an aerospace machinist, but that ENTIRE process is being automated, top to bottom. Material handling, setup, machining, tool maintenance and replacement, finishing and deburring, and inspection were ALL getting automated right in front of me.
Like you said, shit breaks down, but frankly there will come a day where a machine steps in to fix the other machine. Every human task will be automated this century. Hopefully legislation keep up.
Evipicc t1_j0nhsjw wrote
Reply to comment by Utahmule in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
Sorry but my field of study and work is automation, robotics and mechatronics... There is absolutely no competition between human and machine even right now, just price, let alone in the coming future with the myriad of breakthroughs in AI, material sciences and design.
Your point about not catching mistakes is also just flat out wrong. There are entire systems dedicated to just that that simply don't miss.
Humans are only cheap while they're willing to be abused... That's likely coming to an end.
Evipicc t1_j0mjncp wrote
Reply to comment by TZ1205 in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
The alternative is 90% of the population starving to death. Guess it would solve climate change.
Evipicc t1_j0m9wfw wrote
All of these idiotic AI fear mongering posts are getting really aggravating.
1 - No, AI will not fOrCe EvErYoNe InTo MaNuAl LaBor it's going to ERADICATE MANUAL LABOR. Physical tasks are literally the easiest things to automated among what can be, why would anyone employ a messy, mistake prone human when they can spend half as much for a machine that is never late, never complains, works 10,000x faster, and generally makes no mistakes?
2 - We need to properly tax organizations that benefit from automation in order to improve quality of life for everyone...
Evipicc t1_isklnzf wrote
Reply to comment by xrhstos12lol in [Image] "Self-discipline" by Butterflies_Books
Why are so many so hell bent on this being good advice?
Evipicc t1_isk03b4 wrote
Reply to comment by xrhstos12lol in [Image] "Self-discipline" by Butterflies_Books
I am also a random ass redditor who can decide for myself what's best for me. That's the point.
Evipicc t1_jc6dm8u wrote
Reply to comment by SexyGenius_n_Humble in Now is the Moment for a Systemic Reset of AI and Technology Governance by lughnasadh
Eat the rich.