
ExternalPiglet1 t1_iyb9slc wrote

Have a variety pack from my desert island picks:

Graceland - Paul Simon

Rust In Peace - Megadeth

Cure For Pain - Morphine

Low - The Great Destroyer


ExternalPiglet1 t1_ixonx9b wrote

To say band, I'm going to skip the music and focus on how the band gets along over the years. The camaraderie has to be there.

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Beastie Boys, Silversun Pickups, The Prodigy, Mastodon, RHCP...


ExternalPiglet1 t1_ixo37mh wrote

Yea, especially if I get the free digital download with it. But even still, I like building a physical library.

Lot's of my original collection got sold off when I was in college and moving around...but now I love going to the shelves to look 'em over. I probably buy 1 or 2 CDs a month.


ExternalPiglet1 t1_ixjqtoa wrote

I just order them directly from the bands website or from Bandcamp. ...shipping can suck sometimes, yet often enough you get a free digital version too.


ExternalPiglet1 t1_iwuqn9n wrote

I forgave my heroes for getting old. And realized they were carrying the torch of their heroes. And guess what, we can pick that torch up now too and run with it. ...be the freak you wanna see.