ExtremePrivilege t1_jdt8930 wrote
Uh… hello friend 👋
ExtremePrivilege t1_jbpv7u9 wrote
Reply to Breathwork may improve mood and change physiological states more effectively than mindfulness meditation by chrisdh79
Ideally you do both. Someone should invent a meditative exercise routine that incorporates breath control and mindfulness into balance and flexibility training.
I bet that would be really popular!
ExtremePrivilege t1_j1yec1g wrote
Reply to TIL that on average women live five years longer than men, and that by age 85 around 67% of the population is female in the US. by Successful-Depth-235
Men engage in riskier behaviors than women do. Men work in jobs that are more dangerous and die significantly more often at work. Although women appear to attempt suicide more often than men, men succeed wildly more often than women do. One of the strongest indicators of early mortality is loneliness and men tend to have worse social support structures than women (or even none at all). Men are more often the victims or murder and die more often in car accidents. Men are less likely to interact with preventative medical procedures including colonoscopies. Men are less likely to seek medical attention period.
Just off the top of my head. In short, hormones make us riskier, society treats us as disposable and we often go through life isolated and distrustful of institutions. Bleak.
ExtremePrivilege t1_iysue1y wrote
Interesting! My doctorate is in Pharmaceutical Sciences, not Psychiatry, but I found this an engaging thought experiment anyway. I did not read your analysis because I’d prefer to come to my own conclusions but I will ask this: did Hannibal spend so much time becoming Moloch that he actually BECAME Moloch? It seems like he ultimately identified as the giant he was pretending to be. I’ve heard a saying that if one wears a mask long enough it ceases to be a mask. Obviously, Hannibal’s hypothesis was more or less proven the moment the healer enthusiastically offered aid, so why continue to his own self destruction?
Thanks for the post!
ExtremePrivilege t1_jdu83fg wrote
Reply to US-Canada agree to turn back asylum seekers at border by nat9191
Roxham road, baby.
An absolutely astonishing number of migrants cross there every year. Like tens of thousands if not over 100,000. If they cross at the nearby Champlain Border Crossing they get rejected because they’re not entering Canada legally, however if they WALK across the border at an illegal crossing, like Roxham Road, they can claim “Asylum” when they get arrested. As far as I know over 65% of Asylum seekers that cross at Roxham ultimately are granted Asylum, so it’s not like they’re lying. They’re mostly fleeing oppression in South America or Africa. But it’s a huge burden on the Canadian legal system and social services.
Naturally, the US government has been aware of Roxham Road for a decade, but why arrest these people on our side? Then they can claim Asylum here and they become our problem. So the US has turned a blind eye to these migrants, letting Canada get stuck with them.
Seems Trudeau has had enough.