Extreme_Qwerty t1_j7t2n10 wrote
Reply to comment by melisma48 in How do you feel about all the warehouses and other land development? by conifer0
Pave paradise; put up a parking lot.
Extreme_Qwerty t1_j7sla8t wrote
Reply to comment by MongolianCluster in Democrats sweep special elections, affirming first Pa. House majority in 12 years by AgentDaxis
I think it's because younger Americans are getting CRUSHED by the older generation and establishment pols who don't give a fuck about them.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j69y9uh wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
Like what?
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j69a8kh wrote
Reply to comment by Atrocious_1 in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
The information is in regard to each state's financial situation. That a company may have jobs in New Jersey doesn't mean the state isn't financially strapped.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j692836 wrote
Reply to comment by TipsyTurtlZ in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
>They’ve also changed some of the tax law to help attract bigger companies to PA with bi-partisan legislation prior to COVID.
Yeah, they're lowering the corporate tax rate which means the tax burden gets shifted to working Pennsylvanians, because retirees pay no state income tax.
And that rainy day fund won't last long.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j6709cm wrote
Reply to comment by TwitchandSmokeMain in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
>Democrats: "We wanna take your rights and force you to rely on the government while we take your money"
I still loathe the lazy Dems. That being said, every time I propose cutting HEAVILY taxpayer-subsidized Medicare and veteran benefits, people lose their shit.
Nobody's forced to sign up for any government program, btw.
And to keep yourself out of prison for sedition, the 2A is intended for tyranny by ANOTHER government, not your own. Take up arms against your own government and you're headed for pokey.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j66w70o wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
That Entity R sucks doesn't mean that Entity D does NOT suck.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j65p8oi wrote
Reply to comment by PregnantSuperman in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
I anticipate I won't be the only one in the outflow from Pennsylvania.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j65ljgo wrote
Reply to comment by 30686 in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
30 states are lower.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j65k677 wrote
Reply to comment by Hoppiness83 in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
Pennsylvania 2022 unemployment rate: 3.9%
Pension funded ratio (2019): 58.0%
1 year GDP growth: 4.4%
Poverty rate: 12.2%
Moody's credit rating: Aa3 (AAA is the best)
It's barely an improvement
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j65ioq5 wrote
Reply to comment by PregnantSuperman in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
Pay attention: I'm a former Democrat who worked for Democrats in the State House.
They're garbage.
And it's definitely a mystery as to how the Legislature & governor are going to wring additional taxes out of people working low wage jobs (PA's minimum wage is STILL $7.25/hr), struggling to breathe where air quality is horrible, and are FREE caregivers to their elderly relatives.
I won't be here, so they won't get any money out of me.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j65ce15 wrote
Reply to comment by PregnantSuperman in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
Oooh. Big bucks. The most recent PA budget was $44 billion, and the Legislature and the governor continue to lower the corporate tax rate. We'll blow through that $5 billion pretty quickly.
Now do pensions. And no, Act 5 0f 2017 isn't pension reform; it's just more screwing over of the young.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j6551te wrote
Reply to comment by RedditMemesSuck in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
Yep. In Congress, it's just good cop, bad cop.
The overpaid Pennsylvania Legislature is just corrupt AF.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j653kp5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
I don't understand the downvotes. Pennsylvania isn't losing population because it's so fabulous that people can't stand it; it's losing population because it's turning into more of a polluted shithole.
THe only reason the population decline isn't more severe is because retirees are moving to W. PA to avail themselves of the low cost of living, abundant healthcare and no state tax on retirement income.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j6531vr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
The unemployment rate might have ticked down, but everything else is still the same.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j64zkvj wrote
Reply to comment by _TheWhiteWolf_ in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
I posted it upthread.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j64v4ep wrote
Reply to comment by drunkmonkey176 in Pennsylvania's only saving grace is that New Jersey came in worse by Extreme_Qwerty
As a former Democrat, now independent, who once worked for Democrats in the state House, Democrats are just as awful.
Extreme_Qwerty t1_j5keexw wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Would it be a good idea to move to PA just for work? by finallyalright
That doesn't mean it isn't a backwater.
PA is where I was born and raised and it's turning into Kentucky.
Extreme_Qwerty t1_j2sj7qp wrote
"I have started using a combination of existing U.S. Highways like Route 22, Route 30. and smaller state roads, that meander through the mountains and small towns that dot the land."
It's not the win you think it is.
This is why I have to move. I live 500 feet from US 22, which was widened from 2 lanes to 4 about a decade ago, and as more and more motorists and tractor-trailer drivers avoid the Turnpike, the increased traffic and much higher levels of pollution where I live is literally making me sick.
Extreme_Qwerty t1_j2c0fgb wrote
Reply to comment by FuzzPunkMutt in [Serious] What can be done to stop the Clairton mill? by NickySmithFromPGH
Politicians are like a zit.
You only get something out of them if you pressure them. HARD.
It's a gross analogy, but it's accurate.
When I worked for a member of Congress, he'd always ask how the mail and calls were running.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j1y0xao wrote
Reply to comment by transneptuneobj in From purpleair.com: Eastern Pennsylvania has MUCH worse air quality than Western Pennsylvania tonight. by Extreme_Qwerty
> industrial sites, fracking and vehicle exhaust
We also have the new cracker plant, which 'cracks' natural gas into plastic nurdles for making plastic stuff. Lots and lots of plastic stuff.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j1xwnt8 wrote
Reply to comment by CBScott7 in From purpleair.com: Eastern Pennsylvania has MUCH worse air quality than Western Pennsylvania tonight. by Extreme_Qwerty
Usuallly the Pittsburgh area has worse air quality, from industrial sites, fracking and vehicle exhaust, and this pollution gets trapped in our many valleys, where it lingers.
Inversions make it worse.
If you're always groggy and sleepy, even after a full night's sleep, it may be due to pollution, which seeps in from outdoors and makes you congested.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j1xvzux wrote
Reply to comment by Joran_Dax in From purpleair.com: Eastern Pennsylvania has MUCH worse air quality than Western Pennsylvania tonight. by Extreme_Qwerty
Fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) commonly comes from industrial sites, car exhaust and chemical reactions in the atmosphere. The particles can lodge in the lungs and bloodstream, causing respiratory complications.
During winter, when air is warmer in the atmosphere than at the surface, temperature inversions can occur.
An inversion happens when the warmer air acts like a lid above the cooler air underneath, preventing pollutants from rising and dispersing, trapping them at breathing level.
Inversions are strongest in the winter months when pollution from vehicle exhaust, industrial sites and wood burning can fester near the ground, leading to poor air quality.
Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j1xvr0a wrote
Reply to From purpleair.com: Eastern Pennsylvania has MUCH worse air quality than Western Pennsylvania tonight. by Extreme_Qwerty
During winter, when air is warmer in the atmosphere than at the surface, temperature inversions occur.
An inversion happens when the warmer air acts like a lid above the cooler air underneath, preventing pollutants from rising and dispersing, trapping them at breathing level.
Inversions are strongest in the winter months when pollution from vehicle exhaust, industrial sites and wood burning can fester near the ground, leading to poor air quality.
Extreme_Qwerty t1_jadw0y1 wrote
Reply to comment by Guinea-Charm in Why are the kids in NE so terrible? by schmillischnede_dad
I never acted like this.