
EyeWantItThatWay t1_iybxg9h wrote

Can you wait a month until 2023 comes around? Gyms will all be fighting for your business with great promotional rates that is likely to be better than $34.99 a month. Yes, I know you noted that there's no other gyms around, but gyms are competing with many non-gym options available too


EyeWantItThatWay t1_iyavog6 wrote


Dont automatically assume ahe's waiting for a bus and would love a ride. She may be waiting for her boyfriend, parents, uber, drug dealer or something else

She or a friend may have have experienced a kidnapping, sexual assault, robbery, or something else one time they accepted a ride from a stranger

She may just not be trusting of strangers who offer rides.

Dont automatically assume it has to do with you when someone turns down a ride