FLTDI t1_j1vvxn7 wrote

I've been working dod contracts for my whole career, making corrections is standard and billing has a lag to the government. Now intentional miss charging is the only thing I've seen someone get walked out for immediately. So I do agree it can be serious, I just doubt it was "one simple mistake and fired" especially for a director


FLTDI t1_iufjuu6 wrote

I'd use spray foam. Either temp range, is fine for exhaust air.

It'll help, but that vent isn't insulated at all, thin sheet metal has essentially no R value. I wonder if you can find a better version?


FLTDI t1_iue1h5j wrote

Layering is the best way to ensure you're properly prepared for the cold and ever changing temps. That being said, I've always read that your mid layer should be breathable. You may want to rethink your plan of having a waterproof mid.


FLTDI t1_isqjs52 wrote

A 10 kt wind would mean you need to have 20kts more groundspeed to have the same airspeed. You'll eat up that runway much quicker with a tailwind.

And 15 to 20 kts at an airport can be common, impacting ground speeds by 30 to 40 kts, which is not incidental.