FPSCanarussia t1_jdzsoo8 wrote
Reply to comment by Cement-eater in Everyone speaks english right? by lostinthewoods87
From what I've heard? There's three big countries where, if you do business with their companies, you will be expected to know their language. Italy, Russia, and China.
FPSCanarussia t1_jdx1ygw wrote
Reply to comment by NthngToSeeHere in As seen in Auckland, NZ this morning. A touch of genius to get this past the censors by emgeenz
Might not be sold in Europe or wherever they live.
FPSCanarussia OP t1_j9l2a56 wrote
Reply to comment by R3D3-1 in Putin: How much of the Russian population want to kill me? by FPSCanarussia
Yeah, pretty much. I personally think that instability from regime change would be better than the consequences of letting an idiot remain in power, but I've got close family members in Moscow that actively support the war.
The situation is fucked up, and the people with the power to change things don't benefit from unfucking it.
FPSCanarussia OP t1_j9jid1i wrote
Reply to comment by Imaginary_Charge7807 in Putin: How much of the Russian population want to kill me? by FPSCanarussia
The joke is that the first half want to kill him - as in, they want to kill him themselves, consequences be damned. The other half don't want to be arrested for assassinating the President, so they'd rather someone else do it.
FPSCanarussia t1_j5pgspj wrote
Reply to TIL that Ophiocordyceps unilateralis (zombie-ant fungus) has its own fungal hyperparasite sometimes referred to as the "anti zombie-fungus fungus" which limits its effect on ant colonies by Kubly
It's parasites all the way down tbh. Did you know that even viruses have them? There are certain viruses that only take over cells that have been infected by other viruses.
FPSCanarussia t1_je5wj5h wrote
Reply to [WP] To finally solve all problems caused by humans, God made six new earths, to separate everyone depending on their sins, Earth 1 being for the best people and Earth 7 for the worst sinners. Every 50 years, angels arrive and re-judge people to decide if they should stay, go up or down. by QuantisOne
It failed.
Of course it failed. It was inevitable. It was a segregation made by someone who fundamentally misunderstood human nature, someone who barely understood their own rules.
It's quite simple really.
The worst people in the world wanted to go up, of course. Not all of them, but enough. They would act how they were expected and get to enjoy the pleasures of the best world.
But the best people did not want to stay around. They would intentionally go below, by any means they could - for the best people were the selfless and the humanists, who would go to hell to help others.
And in the end, it was all the same. The worst raised by the best, the best lowering themselves for the worst.
Perhaps it's better to see it as a success.