Fairy_Love_Sniper t1_jagbquo wrote
Reply to comment by pic-of-the-litter in Bereft of love: Japanese people have lost 'romantic ability' leading to low birth, marriage rates, says politician by Dark_Delusion
I doubt you feel that way, since you are u/pic-of-the-litter
Fairy_Love_Sniper t1_ja89fos wrote
Reply to comment by litnu12 in Google lays off 100 robot workers used to clean its cafeterias, says report by snowmaninheat
Even robots these days don't have job security
Fairy_Love_Sniper t1_j9yy0ln wrote
Reply to comment by TheLurkingMenace in McDonald's Croydon installs knife arch but diners won't be forced to use it by Prestonn2705
Have ya tried to read anything from Scotland?
Fairy_Love_Sniper t1_j5y80z4 wrote
Fairy_Love_Sniper t1_j5y6lf3 wrote
Fairy_Love_Sniper t1_j1ldi8t wrote
Reply to comment by crazy-robot-guy in Is the Milky Way... Normal? by cciccitrixx
To be honest. It would be less scary than the idea of AI, Aliens, Or something like a dimensional horror
Fairy_Love_Sniper t1_jagcew2 wrote
Reply to comment by pic-of-the-litter in Bereft of love: Japanese people have lost 'romantic ability' leading to low birth, marriage rates, says politician by Dark_Delusion
You can't rush art