FarmhouseFan t1_j1dsu1p wrote
Reply to comment by FarmhouseFan in Afghan Men Stand in Support of Women After Taliban College Ban by BlitzOrion
I'll help you, no, there isn't.
FarmhouseFan t1_j1dqg3z wrote
Reply to comment by Jarsky2 in Afghan Men Stand in Support of Women After Taliban College Ban by BlitzOrion
Ok so you're still wrong.
FarmhouseFan t1_j1dq0qf wrote
Reply to comment by Jarsky2 in Afghan Men Stand in Support of Women After Taliban College Ban by BlitzOrion
Lots of stories about people supporting women in Afghanistan previous to the taliban takeover?
FarmhouseFan t1_j1dpark wrote
Reply to comment by luckylebron in Afghan Men Stand in Support of Women After Taliban College Ban by BlitzOrion
Because religion is garbage.
FarmhouseFan t1_j1dp8a5 wrote
Reply to comment by Jarsky2 in Afghan Men Stand in Support of Women After Taliban College Ban by BlitzOrion
Are they?
FarmhouseFan t1_j1bptsn wrote
Reply to comment by bedub21 in NASA captures a "snapshot in time" showing how a star is born among the Cosmic Cliffs by scot816
Yeah that really should say "solar systems sun."
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0cqi7j wrote
Reply to comment by TouchCommercial5022 in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
Thanks for this input!! Wonderful comment.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0cn5rs wrote
Reply to comment by TwoSoonOrNah in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
What's it like being a doomer?
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0cjpda wrote
Reply to comment by Thatingles in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
I think that any opportunity we have to produce a sustained fusion reaction and rid ourselves of fossil fuels is worthwhile. Diversity in this field can only be a good thing. SPARC is a kind of tokamak correct? MIT usually has smart people working on things, im optimistic about fusion. Seems like the frequency of good news surrounding fusion tech has increased in the passed 10 years as well. Let's keep going. I'm a high school graduate so the highly technical discussions surrounding this is beyond me but articles like this one make it easier for me to understand where we're headed, and I love learning about this type of stuff.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0chhhl wrote
Reply to comment by Zilreth in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
Yeah I'm all for pouring tax dollars into this rather than something like the F35 which is just a 412 BILLION dollar dust collector.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0cgsfz wrote
Reply to comment by Zilreth in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
It's insane. It's like they want a complete up and running 9000% efficiency, world powering fusion reactor, or nothing. I don't understand why fusion breakthroughs get so much hate here. I posted this very tame and easy to understand article that shows both sides of the discussion to hopefully quell that type of talk but it hasnt helped. People just yelling about the headline without reading the article. People are chomping at the bit to just hate on it.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0ccwhi wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayfghtyu in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
Just read the article next time.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0cbs4o wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayfghtyu in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
Are you making assumptions about the viability of advancements based on tech you know nothing about? Seems like a bad bet. You also think that this type of advancement can't be used in conjunction with other fusion tech to provide power? Another bad bet. I'm so sorry you hate progress. Have a day.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0c9f2t wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayfghtyu in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
Facility produced this ignition with outdated tech. The goal was not efficiency but simply an ignition. Does that help?
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0c45zp wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayfghtyu in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
Read the article.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0byiec wrote
Reply to comment by whtevn in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
Used to always be 50 years away. This is a great leap forward.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0bycjz wrote
Reply to comment by saltyhasp in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
It's good to have realistic expectations, but I saw a lot of people shooting this breakthrough down right away. No, we will not have commercialized fusion power in 5 or 10 years but it's coming. I was surprised to learn that the facility is using somewhat outdated tech and am excited for more advancements and investments in the infrastructure of the facility, which is justified by this pretty big step forward.
FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0beou7 wrote
I wanted to post this here because there seems to have been confusion about whether or not this was actually a breakthrough and what it means short and long term for the work scientists and engineers are doing to bring us nearly unlimited clean energy. I hope this clears up a few things for some (including myself.)
FarmhouseFan t1_j0b7tlx wrote
Reply to comment by Volcic-tentacles in HSBC to end funding for new oil and gas fields by esprit-de-lescalier
Yeah you're right. Ok nevermind HSBC please continue to make things worse.
FarmhouseFan t1_ixv14lx wrote
Reply to comment by timmahfast in Fairfield County tree farms be like: "That will be $125 plus tax" by praeda1
Big facts
FarmhouseFan t1_ixv0guw wrote
Reply to comment by timmahfast in Fairfield County tree farms be like: "That will be $125 plus tax" by praeda1
I'm sorry you're being downvoted. You're right. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy a tree.
FarmhouseFan t1_j1dywga wrote
Reply to comment by WillUmbrellaYou in Afghan Men Stand in Support of Women After Taliban College Ban by BlitzOrion
It's almost as if the interpretation is the problem. Which might as well be the the same as the literal texts.
We made it all up, why not distort our own truths in the name of the shit we made up in order to bend society into some HUMANS vision for the perfect life.