Have her meet you up at that bus stop in front of the abandoned church on liberty heights, next to the gas station where everyone gets shot. Take a stroll down Garrison Blvd and catch the sunset at the playground right before you hit Belvieu where the hookers hang out and shoot heroin between their toes, then head down to Hoffmans Liquors on Park Heights and brown bag some plastic bottle vodka on the sidewalk until you’re ready to get food poisoned at one of the Caribbean restaurants next to the race track. After dinner invite her back to your grandmothers place to watch a movie, tell her you just need to pick your computer up from the shop on the way home and get stabbed trying to buy a $90 stolen MacBook from the guys in ski masks on W Belvedere and Cordelia.
Fattybitchtits t1_iwc18vm wrote
Reply to Plan the worst all-time date in Baltimore. by DfcukinLite
Have her meet you up at that bus stop in front of the abandoned church on liberty heights, next to the gas station where everyone gets shot. Take a stroll down Garrison Blvd and catch the sunset at the playground right before you hit Belvieu where the hookers hang out and shoot heroin between their toes, then head down to Hoffmans Liquors on Park Heights and brown bag some plastic bottle vodka on the sidewalk until you’re ready to get food poisoned at one of the Caribbean restaurants next to the race track. After dinner invite her back to your grandmothers place to watch a movie, tell her you just need to pick your computer up from the shop on the way home and get stabbed trying to buy a $90 stolen MacBook from the guys in ski masks on W Belvedere and Cordelia.