Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5lih63 wrote
Reply to Mother Sneaks Into NY HS Dressed As Student To Watch Daughter Fight, Police Say by maxcrazy
Are we talking, like, pigtails and tartan miniskirt, that sort of thing?
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5kcxo3 wrote
Reply to Railroad Worker Rescues Raccoon After the Hair on its Butt Got Frozen to the Tracks by do_not_remind_me2
I mean, what was he doing sitting on a frozen rail for a sufficiently long time to get frozen to it?
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5jf0rc wrote
Reply to comment by smackthenun in Waiheke Island resident fed up with being tormented by mysterious sausages put in his mailbox by Saarstriker
He doesn't mind a free hotdog in his mailbox, it's being tormented by it afterwards he is annoyed with
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5jeqek wrote
Reply to comment by Quirky-Ad5417 in Waiheke Island resident fed up with being tormented by mysterious sausages put in his mailbox by Saarstriker
Two divorces. Three kids who'll grow up without a father. You happy now?
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5jby4h wrote
Reply to comment by noirest in TIL: A 60-year-old Japanese truck driver learned that he was switched at birth after being born to a rich family, but instead grew up in poverty and raised by a single mother. by LimeSugar
Yeah, with him being blonde Nordic European, you can see why the Japanese family was quietly suspicious
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j54ci8d wrote
Reply to Jeff Bezos used metaphors, an ancient communication tool, to explain complex ideas. by iLiveOnWeetbix711
Hey tomorrow we'll be told a celebrity has mastered the complex techniques of walking and talking, and an even more ancient technique of going potty so as not to poop one's pants!
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j4zgleo wrote
Reply to comment by JimAsia in Woman sues concert venue after getting so drunk she blew up a home, caused $15M in damages by EyeWantItThatWay
That would've been theft? I mean you can't go around grabbing other people's car keys off of them just because you think it's the right thing to do, we'd have nobody left on the road
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j4gmaqu wrote
Reply to comment by stingilysettle in There once was a woman named "Ninety"... by blue4029
I do not like this in a house
I do not like this with a mouse
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j4g20cg wrote
Reply to TIL in 1994, David Kang fired two blank shots from a starting pistol at Prince Charles during an Australia Day speech. He was found guilty of threatening unlawful violence and sentenced to 500 hours of community service. In 2004, he was admitted to the NSW Bar and is a practising barrister. by Str33twise84
Should be in the Tower at high tide, innit
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j4bkmvz wrote
Reply to comment by Tony_Bone in His excellency Rollan Roberts II announces his bid for President of the United States by JawaPunter
It's an executive office in North America, I believe
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j4bg50y wrote
Reply to TIL Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the creators of Superman, attempted to replicate their success with a second superhero, Funnyman. His book was canceled after only six issues. by Realshow
Flamboyant sort of chap, isn't he
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j431c42 wrote
And was declared a "melancholy" meat by Dr. Maturin. I'm sure Patrick O'Brian had good 18th century authority to support that statement, but unfortunately I've not been able to find any.
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j40wwzb wrote
Reply to JSO Arrest Report: Argument Over Heaven & Hell Leads to Pastor Being Shot by MagicNipple
I wonder where he ended up
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2nxvi4 wrote
Reply to comment by ________________me in TIL that bots 🤖 drive ~40% of all internet traffic. by kkoolook
Title of your sex tape!!
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2n03y8 wrote
But if 75% of all traffic is porn, it means the 15% overlap is bot-on-bot depravity?
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2k9u11 wrote
That's, like, a threat, cause they're dog people?
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2ftisr wrote
Reply to Advanced dog camouflage by nikomasch1ne
I feel he belongs in Star Wars somewhere
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2fqn8k wrote
Reply to TIL 15th century Korea developed the Geobukseon (turtle ship), a warship roofed with spiked plates to prevent boarding actions. Each Geobukseon was also designed with a dragon head on the bow that hid a cannon or could release smoke to inspire terror or cover ship movements. by BitterFuture
How do you steer or adjust sail if you can never go on deck?
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2fclb5 wrote
Reply to comment by officialdevourer in Best way to start the assembly instruction manual by mattkh555
Keeping your enemies closer with furniture assembly!
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2df435 wrote
Reply to What do you call sad coffee? by Butterflies_Books
Good joke, don’t roast the author!
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2d32p2 wrote
Reply to TIL Ancienct Mesopotamians played this sport that was like polo except instead of riding on horses, they rode on other people by electroctopus
And instead of hitting a ball with a stick, they’d chop commoners heads off, otherwise pretty much the same game
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2d2bku wrote
Reply to TIL When Picasso died, his estate contained 1,885 paintings, 1,228 sculptures, 7,089 drawings, as well as tens of thousands of prints, thousands of ceramic works and 150 sketchbooks. His youngest daughter, Paloma Picasso, is the richest heir, with $600 million by Ok_Copy5217
The problem with such a mass of paintings and sculptures is they still can’t figure out which nose and ears are supposed to go with which face, so when auctioning things off just basically use a pot luck/ mystery gift method
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2d1xvx wrote
Is this Klingon or AI gibberish?
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j2d0sec wrote
Reply to TIL That in 1840s Australia, there was a rumor about a European women held against her will by the Kurnai people. For two years, the native people of the area were hunted, with a boy being captured. After arranging a meeting, the natives arrived with a statue; the figurehead from the ship, Britannia by gingkared184
Sadly, these early examples of crowdsourced intelligence and social media investigations did not teach humanity anything…
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5spbsa wrote
Reply to Senator proposes caning as punishment for crime by Equivalent_Bell_4469
I mean everybody is complaining about prison overcrowding and cost