Folks, this is actually a law in Massachusetts, which you'll find berried in the subsections of Chapter 90 as well as the Massachusetts Driver's manual. It aint nothing new. They are just reinforcing it now for reasons, as many of you mentioned above. I say it cause I've worked for the department for 18 years.
Few_Badger_7895 t1_jdhyp4d wrote
Reply to Sorry for the million posts! The RMV has postponed my license suspension for 60 days while they "investigate." Thanks u/SchminksMcGee for suggesting contacting the local news, it's working! And they're digging into the craziness of anyone who drives in MA for 30 days being required to dual-register. by bostonshopper
Folks, this is actually a law in Massachusetts, which you'll find berried in the subsections of Chapter 90 as well as the Massachusetts Driver's manual. It aint nothing new. They are just reinforcing it now for reasons, as many of you mentioned above. I say it cause I've worked for the department for 18 years.