Finrodsrod t1_iw6u7rg wrote
Reply to comment by cordy_crocs in So glad I purchased a few case’s before coming home! Love me some YUENGLING! by [deleted]
And the bartender laughs at you every time, but whatever floats your boat, man.
Finrodsrod t1_iw6u3zq wrote
Reply to comment by thaboognish in So glad I purchased a few case’s before coming home! Love me some YUENGLING! by [deleted]
If your beer needs additives like lime or orange, then it's shit beer.
Finrodsrod t1_iw6u081 wrote
Reply to comment by doct0rdo0m in So glad I purchased a few case’s before coming home! Love me some YUENGLING! by [deleted]
Wawa warriors checking in. I am armed with my mighty Gobbler shield.
Finrodsrod t1_ivvc9gd wrote
Reply to comment by Reynard1981 in Real talk… can we make recreational weed legal now? by the_mandateofheaven
What's it like living on a different plane of reality?
Finrodsrod t1_ivrdl9l wrote
Reply to comment by Unfetish in John Fetterman Campaign Serves Crudités at Election Night Party by Methylatedcobalamin
Does Wegners though?
Finrodsrod t1_ivqjhxh wrote
Reply to comment by ILikeMyGrassBlue in Real talk… can we make recreational weed legal now? by the_mandateofheaven
> Their base doesn’t care about weed enough to change their vote over it no either way
I dunno, man. Rednecks love their weed.
Finrodsrod t1_ivqgx7e wrote
Reply to comment by ILikeMyGrassBlue in Real talk… can we make recreational weed legal now? by the_mandateofheaven
Yeah, but now the Dems in the House can pass a bill forward and point directly at the Reps in the Senate saying THEY are the ones holding back the law.
Finrodsrod t1_ivqgqgs wrote
Reply to comment by ILikeMyGrassBlue in Real talk… can we make recreational weed legal now? by the_mandateofheaven
Update: Dems may flip the PA House.
Finrodsrod t1_iui2qlm wrote
Reply to comment by Odd_Description_2295 in No, Pennsylvania didn’t send 255K ballots to ‘unverified’ voters by krabstarr
Why? Because it's sterile and he likes the taste!
Finrodsrod t1_ithcr00 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Car crashes into dirt bike, kills rider: Philly police by snuffy_tentpeg
Where in the article does it say all this?
Finrodsrod t1_ith2elo wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Car crashes into dirt bike, kills rider: Philly police by snuffy_tentpeg
How do you know this. Article just says dirt bike. You have no clue if it was a duel purpose bike, which is 100% street legal and looks close to a dirt bike
Finrodsrod t1_it7h6yw wrote
Reply to comment by Exodys03 in Doug Mastriano is making more wild accusations about Josh Shapiro by plantman77
I'm glad that Dougie has like a 3% chance to win, but we've got to vote our asses off to ensure it doesn't happen. Mastriano will be a bigger disaster than Tom Corbett. He WILL completely murder the PA education system. PA WILL experience brain-drain to Virginia, New York, Delaware, and New Jersey. With Mastriano as governor the PA population will shrink faster than it already is and EVERY town will be as run-down as most of the mid-state shitholes.
Finrodsrod t1_it7gyuf wrote
Dear God, if this bastard wins, PA is all but guaranteed to have a worse population decline and his policies backed by the bat-shit insane PA Congress will turn this state into another Red-State, welfare shithole like Kentucky, Alabama or Louisiana.
The Republican take over of Wisconsin is a perfect example of what will happen to PA. Wisconsin used to be great, and now it's a ghost-town ridden cess-pool, with Minnesota reaping the benefits of the educated brain drain.
Finrodsrod t1_it31l3t wrote
Reply to comment by poserben in What's with the ATV crowd in PA and what should I do about it? by Griff82
> but we have large groups of dirt bikes and ATVs mucking up traffic
That's cause they're super easy to steal or even buy since they don't require registration, and those dopes probably don't have driver's licenses. It's super easy to out run and maneuver cops on a dirt bike.
Finrodsrod t1_it31aq9 wrote
Reply to comment by CatOfTheDecade in What's with the ATV crowd in PA and what should I do about it? by Griff82
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to booby trap your yard, lol.
Finrodsrod t1_istz2og wrote
Reply to comment by IsTh1sNameTaken in U.S. Supreme Court backs Republican in Pennsylvania ballots case by MandoFett123456
Why do you hate old people, people in the Military, expats living abroad, college students, and people with disabilities?
Finrodsrod t1_istyuvp wrote
If the ballot is postmarked before the election, then why does a date need to be written on it? What difference does it make if I write October 18th, and send it the day before election day having it post-marked?
Finrodsrod t1_ispird0 wrote
Reply to comment by Er3bus13 in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
I don't even know why he brought up Joe Biden or 401k's in a thread about Nazi Mastriano running for governor who will have absolutely 0 influence on 401k's or the stock market.
Finrodsrod t1_isper5v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
Eh, it's down about 10k cause the market's down (which is about average to what Fidelity is reporting). I'm not retiring this year - I have a solid 25 years for that yet. I also plan to part-time teach adjunct when I retire for extra income and I have Index Funds for my slush money, so my 401k isn't my biggest concern. It's still higher than it was in 2020 during Trump's flub of Covid.
Even you're on the verge of retirement, your 401K shouldn't really dictate voting a literal Nazi into the governor's office. Doug Mastriano will have 0 influence on the stock market and my 401k. Why are you even bringing this or Joe Biden up? Biden isn't running for PA governor.
You know what is a concern? Helping my kids pay for college, which "uncle Joe" is helping out on. So fuck off, Boomer.
Finrodsrod t1_isor7su wrote
Reply to comment by klauskervin in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
> I fear the type of politics his supporters find acceptable
Conservatives love all the Nazi ideals, they just don't like the word "Nazi".
Finrodsrod t1_isj49qp wrote
Reply to comment by Yomama-22 in Don't believe the propaganda, Bigfoot is in PA and is definitely *REAL* ! by Blexcr0id
Go on get outta here, you goddamn Lock Ness Monster!!
Finrodsrod t1_isdbrbv wrote
If he asks you for 3.50 that ain't no Bigfoot!
Finrodsrod t1_isdbmcs wrote
Reply to comment by s4t0sh1n4k4m0t0 in Don't believe the propaganda, Bigfoot is in PA and is definitely *REAL* ! by Blexcr0id
No no no. Gritty is already established as the Phillie Phanatics crackhead cousin from Delco.
Finrodsrod t1_isdbh37 wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_Fraunces in Don't believe the propaganda, Bigfoot is in PA and is definitely *REAL* ! by Blexcr0id
Western PA also has a lot of naked meth junkies roaming the woods. Coincidence? I think not!
Finrodsrod t1_iw7k5hy wrote
Reply to comment by thaboognish in So glad I purchased a few case’s before coming home! Love me some YUENGLING! by [deleted]
I mean you do you, man. Don't knock people for drinking light beer when you're also drinking crap though