
Finrodsrod t1_it7h6yw wrote

I'm glad that Dougie has like a 3% chance to win, but we've got to vote our asses off to ensure it doesn't happen. Mastriano will be a bigger disaster than Tom Corbett. He WILL completely murder the PA education system. PA WILL experience brain-drain to Virginia, New York, Delaware, and New Jersey. With Mastriano as governor the PA population will shrink faster than it already is and EVERY town will be as run-down as most of the mid-state shitholes.


Finrodsrod t1_it7gyuf wrote

Dear God, if this bastard wins, PA is all but guaranteed to have a worse population decline and his policies backed by the bat-shit insane PA Congress will turn this state into another Red-State, welfare shithole like Kentucky, Alabama or Louisiana.

The Republican take over of Wisconsin is a perfect example of what will happen to PA. Wisconsin used to be great, and now it's a ghost-town ridden cess-pool, with Minnesota reaping the benefits of the educated brain drain.


Finrodsrod t1_isper5v wrote

Eh, it's down about 10k cause the market's down (which is about average to what Fidelity is reporting). I'm not retiring this year - I have a solid 25 years for that yet. I also plan to part-time teach adjunct when I retire for extra income and I have Index Funds for my slush money, so my 401k isn't my biggest concern. It's still higher than it was in 2020 during Trump's flub of Covid.

Even you're on the verge of retirement, your 401K shouldn't really dictate voting a literal Nazi into the governor's office. Doug Mastriano will have 0 influence on the stock market and my 401k. Why are you even bringing this or Joe Biden up? Biden isn't running for PA governor.

You know what is a concern? Helping my kids pay for college, which "uncle Joe" is helping out on. So fuck off, Boomer.