Finrodsrod t1_j5yzqjr wrote
Reply to comment by mister_pringle in Pa. drillers abandoned thousands of natural gas wells in 5 years, ignored state law, report says by lildobe
I'm talking about the impact of his office towards the NG industry in PA - this is one of the repercussions.
Finrodsrod t1_j5yvno6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pa. drillers abandoned thousands of natural gas wells in 5 years, ignored state law, report says by lildobe
All colluded under and developed by Tom Corbett's governorship. PA should have been the next Texas in terms of natural gas, but Tommy C prefers to sell out the state, protect pedophiles like Sandusky, and to top it off have PA citizens pay more taxes on gasoline.
Finrodsrod t1_j5ljv61 wrote
Reply to comment by Calint in How can you live in PA and hate this?! It’s absolutely stunning! by Jacey0527
Bruh, 3-stage self propelled snow blower, with a cup holder. Bonus: It stays cold!
Finrodsrod t1_j5ljq9q wrote
Cause snow causes drivers along my 1 hour commute to instantly drop 30 IQ points, and I really don't like getting into an accident.
Finrodsrod t1_j2ug34y wrote
Reply to I am 100% for this and want to see what everyone in Pennsylvania thinks ? Kill a parent drunk driving pay child support. by [deleted]
How the hell are they supposed to pay if they're in jail for killing someone?
Finrodsrod t1_j2sg3dc wrote
Reply to comment by Agent-Quinn in I discovered a lot about PA by simply not using the Turnpike. by Yinzerman1992
> That would target large businesses, corporations and the wealthy whom are sending these trucks
Can't have that! I am a temporarily embarrassed millionaire. How dare you suggest my future taxes to go up!?
Finrodsrod t1_j2sfv3z wrote
Isn't this the theme of the Pixar movie "Cars" lol?
Finrodsrod t1_j2fvtku wrote
Reply to comment by jaythebearded in Commonwealth Court sides with Philly DA Larry Krasner in impeachment lawsuit by boundfortrees
No judaachair is alluding to Trumps impeachments.
Finrodsrod t1_j2fun04 wrote
Reply to comment by iluvbacon1985 in Are there any movies with a lot of interference from the studio/suits that didn't end up being terrible or were actually good/great by Menace117
Wasn't Woody the bad guy in the first draft?
Finrodsrod t1_j2fan0z wrote
Reply to comment by hedgerow_hank in Commonwealth Court sides with Philly DA Larry Krasner in impeachment lawsuit by boundfortrees
He's sealioning you. Don't bother answering the troll
Finrodsrod t1_j2fada7 wrote
Reply to comment by JudasChair in Commonwealth Court sides with Philly DA Larry Krasner in impeachment lawsuit by boundfortrees
No there's a damn difference when the President of the US deliberately halts already Congress approved funding as an abuse of his power, or incites a riot to stay in power. Those things justify an impeachment and Senate hearing.
Finrodsrod t1_j28p1u9 wrote
Reply to comment by thenewtbaron in Pennsylvania Dairy Farmer Decides to Bottle His Own Milk Rather than Dump It. Sells Out in Hours with Westmoreland residents support by ProfessionalDavidson
This is US Capitalism 101. Super tight supply chains to minimize costs. He still needed to milk the cows and gets government subsidies either way. (It's really socialism when it comes to farms)
Finrodsrod t1_j28os1f wrote
Reply to comment by choodudetoo in Pennsylvania Dairy Farmer Decides to Bottle His Own Milk Rather than Dump It. Sells Out in Hours with Westmoreland residents support by ProfessionalDavidson
Didn't some dopey Congressman pass a bill for unregulated raw milk, and then get sick off said milk during a photo op?
Finrodsrod t1_j1i8oym wrote
Reply to comment by Dispatcher12 in Anyone know what happened on the turnpike last night? by Block_Outside
But how on the Turnpike? Aren't opposing sides barriered off (they are on the Philly end anyway). I don't get west too often and forget if that's the case out near Pittsburgh. I guess I can check google maps.
Finrodsrod t1_j0wnpq3 wrote
Reply to comment by HeyZuesHChrist in Philadelphia Starbucks workers begin 3-day strike - The Politicus by dammand32
Crabs in a bucket. He thinks if someone's improving their situation that makes him impacted negativy somehow. He wants to keep people down to feel better.
Finrodsrod t1_j0utq5w wrote
Reply to comment by w00fbaderginsburg in Philadelphia Starbucks workers begin 3-day strike - The Politicus by dammand32
> You COULD buy a house off of minimum wage in the 60s.
In the 60's, the dude that was selling ice cream cones from a truck. yeah, he did that supporting a family of 4 as the main bread winner. It's ridiculous how much wages have stagnated over the decades. What's hilarious is how bad all the mega rich are yowling over people making 17 bucks an hour, and the temporarily embarrassed poors suckling their teat.
Finrodsrod t1_j0u887u wrote
Reply to comment by Fr0dg549910 in Philadelphia Starbucks workers begin 3-day strike - The Politicus by dammand32
A decade ago is 2012. I worked at Kmart and Home Depot (and construction jobs) back through 1999 and 2005. I worked with people who indeed made it there "living" back then. What the hell is wrong with that? Not everyone is cut out to be career professionals, but the retail wage workers deserve fair compensation for their work.
You're enraged why? Because people want to be compensated accordingly?
Finrodsrod t1_j0u7reh wrote
Reply to comment by aguyfromhere in Philadelphia Starbucks workers begin 3-day strike - The Politicus by dammand32
Lol like those three are the only coffee shops let alone Starbucks in Philly.
Finrodsrod t1_j0l31wl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
Cops don't give one rat's ass about safety. They care about revenue.
Finrodsrod t1_j0hdp8r wrote
Reply to comment by Jeffy3 in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
I drive a BMW - paid extra for turn signals!
Finrodsrod t1_j0h11ep wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
Nah, the ticket fine isn't worth the hassle. The big bucks are speed traps.
Finrodsrod t1_j0h0sux wrote
Reply to comment by burghcoder in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
This. Take the most basic bitch you know and realize that there are a butt-ton of people dumber, more ignorant, and more completely oblivious to others out there.
Finrodsrod t1_iz54dxc wrote
Reply to Can someone from the borough remove the cover from your car to take pictures of it in PA? by Haroflolpter
uh i thought uninspected cars can sit in a driveway and it's only a problem if it's in the street or the yard?
Finrodsrod t1_iyikzd5 wrote
Reply to comment by Gayboifresh in Dougie's shameless $30 cash grab preying on the gullible masses. by YonderMTN
And then Albert Einstein came out of the shadows and gave OP a subtle approving nod and a wink while taking a puff out of his pipe.
Finrodsrod t1_j5z19qs wrote
Reply to comment by mister_pringle in Pa. drillers abandoned thousands of natural gas wells in 5 years, ignored state law, report says by lildobe