Flair_Helper t1_jabc5lr wrote
Reply to Which iPhone compares to the latest iPhone cameras ? Example does the iPhone SE 2020 have a as good of a camera as iPhone 13 or 14? I have the iPhone 12, but I was thinking of getting the iPhone 14 pro, or if I should just save money tbh by dontbipme
Hi, /u/dontbipme Thank you for participating in r/iphone. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s):
No posts or comments relating to buying, selling, trading, giveaways or asking for advice about any of those topics, except in the WSIB thread, same goes for posts about preorders and shipping new devices.
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For questions, comments and concerns, message the moderators.
Flair_Helper t1_jaa5jn1 wrote
Reply to Eli5 credit score please. by astajaznan
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- ELI5 requires that you search the ELI5 subreddit for your topic before posting. Users will often either find a thread that meets their needs or find that their question might qualify for an exception to rule 7. Please see this wiki entry for more details (Rule 7).
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Flair_Helper t1_jaa5iu7 wrote
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- ELI5 requires that you search the ELI5 subreddit for your topic before posting. Users will often either find a thread that meets their needs or find that their question might qualify for an exception to rule 7. Please see this wiki entry for more details (Rule 7).
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Flair_Helper t1_jaa5bqa wrote
Reply to Eli5 why humans don’t resemble each other as much as other animals do? by That_one_guy_zion
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Loaded questions, or ones based on a false premise, are not allowed on ELI5. A loaded question is one that posits a specific view of reality and asks for explanations that confirm it. These usually include the poster's own opinion and bias, but do not always - there is overlap between this and parts of Rule 2. Note that this specifically includes false premises.
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Flair_Helper t1_jaa2foh wrote
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Flair_Helper t1_ja9cumf wrote
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Questions about a business or a group's motivation are not allowed on ELI5. These are usually either straightforward, or known only to the organisations involved, leading to speculation (Rule 2).
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Flair_Helper t1_ja8tyuh wrote
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Flair_Helper t1_ja8jz4g wrote
Reply to ELI5: why do grocery stores in the US keep such a large inventory? Aside from being prepared for episodic panic buying like toilet paper or bottled water, is there an economic reason to do this? How much of the food ends up going bad? by DrEverythingBAlright
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Flair_Helper t1_ja8btz5 wrote
Reply to ELI5 why cancer is a dangerous disease by MRJ20043102
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- ELI5 requires that you search the ELI5 subreddit for your topic before posting. Users will often either find a thread that meets their needs or find that their question might qualify for an exception to rule 7. Please see this wiki entry for more details (Rule 7).
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Flair_Helper t1_ja7x0l7 wrote
Reply to Eli5 - what is the impact on your credit/finance if you cosign a lease with someone? by Financial-Boot3317
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ELI5 is not meant for any question that you may have, including personal questions, medical questions, legal questions, etc. It is meant for simplifying complex concepts.
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Flair_Helper t1_ja7q7s3 wrote
Reply to eli5: Why gold is so precious by sokomokodos
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- ELI5 requires that you search the ELI5 subreddit for your topic before posting. Users will often either find a thread that meets their needs or find that their question might qualify for an exception to rule 7. Please see this wiki entry for more details (Rule 7).
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Flair_Helper t1_ja7o853 wrote
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- ELI5 requires that you search the ELI5 subreddit for your topic before posting. Users will often either find a thread that meets their needs or find that their question might qualify for an exception to rule 7. Please see this wiki entry for more details (Rule 7).
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Flair_Helper t1_ja6ecww wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why did poor white’s in the South before and after the American Civil War have such a visceral hatred of African-Americans? by ScriptGenius12
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Whole topic overviews are not allowed on ELI5. This subreddit is meant for explanations of specific concepts, not general introductions to broad topics.
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Flair_Helper t1_ja5cubi wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why are native Australians called Aboriginals when in English the prefix "a" usually means "not"- ex Abnormal, atypical, etc? by Invisible_Swan
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Straightforward or factual queries are not allowed on ELI5. ELI5 is meant for simplifying complex concepts.
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Flair_Helper t1_ja4rhrg wrote
Hi, /u/Prize_General_6838 Thank you for participating in r/iphone. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s):
No posts or comments relating to buying, selling, trading, giveaways or asking for advice about any of those topics, except in the WSIB thread, same goes for posts about preorders and shipping new devices.
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For questions, comments and concerns, message the moderators.
Flair_Helper t1_ja2tmxb wrote
Reply to ELI5. What happens to ‘criminals’ when the law changes and what they were imprisoned for is no longer illegal? by L0rdTeddingt0n
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Information about a specific or narrow issue (personal problems, private experiences, legal questions, medical inquiries, how-to, relationship advice, etc.) are not allowed on ELI5.
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Flair_Helper t1_ja23nmx wrote
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Loaded questions, or ones based on a false premise, are not allowed on ELI5. A loaded question is one that posits a specific view of reality and asks for explanations that confirm it. These usually include the poster's own opinion and bias, but do not always - there is overlap between this and parts of Rule 2. Note that this specifically includes false premises.
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Flair_Helper t1_ja0qcmr wrote
Reply to LPT: If you always listen to music or the radio when you drive, make sure to do occasional drives without sound to listen to your car for a few minutes. There could be something quietly scraping, grinding, or dragging and you would never hear it until it’s too loud and too late. by The_Big_Crouton
Hello The_Big_Crouton, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason:
Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow.
If you would like to appeal this decision please feel free to contact the moderators here. Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you read the rules before submitting. Thank you!
Flair_Helper t1_ja09xwl wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why do Developers publish their code on Github to the public when “giving it away” could hurt their ability to monetize their creations? by AndreLinoge55
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Questions about a business or a group's motivation are not allowed on ELI5. These are usually either straightforward, or known only to the organisations involved, leading to speculation (Rule 2).
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Flair_Helper t1_j9zw559 wrote
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Questions about a business or a group's motivation are not allowed on ELI5. These are usually either straightforward, or known only to the organisations involved, leading to speculation (Rule 2).
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Flair_Helper t1_j9yn0sa wrote
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Information about a specific or narrow issue (personal problems, private experiences, legal questions, medical inquiries, how-to, relationship advice, etc.) are not allowed on ELI5.
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Flair_Helper t1_j9yf8bb wrote
Hi, /u/Upbeat-Truck-1833 Thank you for participating in r/iphone. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s):
Posts highlighting throttling issues, speedtest results, issues with battery life, battery health or bragging about battery life are not permitted
Reposting posts removed by a moderator without express permission is not allowed. Not here, and not on most of reddit. Please read reddiquette (linked below).
For questions, comments and concerns, message the moderators.
Flair_Helper t1_j9xivcg wrote
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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):
Whole topic overviews are not allowed on ELI5. This subreddit is meant for explanations of specific concepts, not general introductions to broad topics.
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Flair_Helper t1_j9vdmmi wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why do we only use 1 and 0 for binary? Could we create a trinary system introducing an extra '2'? by No-Mammoth-1638
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Questions based on a false premise are not allowed on ELI5. A question based on a false premise is one based on information that may not be true, or may not be the whole truth, and needs that information to stand as a question.
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Flair_Helper t1_jabn485 wrote
Reply to ELI5: What's at the edge of the universe? by roohooreddit
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Loaded questions, or ones based on a false premise, are not allowed on ELI5. A loaded question is one that posits a specific view of reality and asks for explanations that confirm it. These usually include the poster's own opinion and bias, but do not always - there is overlap between this and parts of Rule 2. Note that this specifically includes false premises.
If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.