
FlawlesSlaughter t1_itouv5h wrote

Might be to do with the poor parts of NZ kids not being raised well, loads of split up parents. Though I don't know how that is any different to any other place.

Getting mental health help can be difficult, for example when I was struggling during polytech I tried to get help and they said, I'm sorry that you're struggling right now the next appointment is in 3 months, how's that?

Self harm seems really rampant and popular especially in highschool. Back then I was naive and had no idea about anything, my ex partner sort of talked about self harm as if it was this secret thing that they try and everyone's done it etc. Being depressed almost feels like it's been popularized. (Not saying it's not real but I almost feel like it would make someone more likely to show symptoms if they were predisposed)

Also out of all my partners 80% have been on antidepressants.

But overall I don't know why it's so common, but hopefully once I've finished my studies I'll be able to help