Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_itg2h4g wrote
Reply to comment by Charlatangle in What albums do you keep going back to? by Jon-G1508
What's that one FTM song about Manatees?
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_itf40iv wrote
Reply to What albums do you keep going back to? by Jon-G1508
Cage -- Movies For The Blind
Rhyme Asylum -- State of Lunacy & Solitary Confinement (the only two albums they ever made, at least to my knowledge).
Wu Tang Forever & 36 Chambers.
Company Flow -- Funcrusher Plus
Dir en grey -- ARCHE, Uroboros, Dum Spiro Spero
NIN -- The Fragile
Manson -- Mechanical Animals, Holy Wood, Antichrist Superstar
SLAYER -- God Hates Us All
Dredg -- that one green album that has the wierd symbol on it.
Ummm.... Duran Duran's first 3 albums (1981 Debut, Rio, Seven And The Ragged Tiger)
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ite66u4 wrote
Reply to comment by Fluffy_Little_Fox in The Modern Music industry sounds like a shit-show by coolguysteve21
Also, the only reason DIR EN GREY (a Japanese Metal Band) ever got any traction in the U.S. is because of a few English-language websites talking about the band and ILLEGAL FILE SHARING VIA P2P CLIENTS....
Without someone uploading DeG's music to Grokster, Morpheus, Kazzaa, LimeWire etc -- nobody outside of Japan would even know about DIR EN GREY.... And much like Rammstein before them (German band) their big entry point came when they were selected to play the Family Values Tour with Korn.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ite5j7y wrote
Reply to comment by Reelplayer in The Modern Music industry sounds like a shit-show by coolguysteve21
Okay, sure. But people who are independent from any record label and sell their albums on Bandcamp probably walk away with more of that money than a big name act would .... Even when people were still buying physical CDs, the bands themselves maybe only got 10 cents from every CD sold.
"The percentage that you receive for each album sold is a negotiating point, but typically it can fall anywhere between 10% and 20%. Most new artists get a royalty percentage at the low end of the range, and 10% is common."
Someone selling their music via a website like Bandcamp is taking more from those sales than a major label artist would.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_isl12je wrote
Reply to comment by Fluffy_Little_Fox in Playboi Carti - Live at Rolling Loud by Itsnotmypornacc
I don't understand a fucking word of what KILLAKIKIT is saying, cuz that shit is in Hungarian or whatever, but damn BAZDMEG fucking goes hard, plus the group Onyx are in there too so I got something in English in there to listen to.
I don't care what language it's in, if it's BOOM BAP style, chances are that I will enjoy it.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_iskzud1 wrote
Reply to Playboi Carti - Live at Rolling Loud by Itsnotmypornacc
Armes (armes).
Deutschland (Deutschland).
Kannst du deine Kinder sehen?
Wie sie vor dem Abgrund Schlange stehen?
Krankes (krankes).
Deutschland (Deutschland).
Kannst du ihre Angst verstehen?
Wenn sie schlafen gehen?
La, le, lu, nur der Mann im Mond schaut zu.
Wenn die armen Kinder schlafen.
Drum schlaf auch du.
La, le, lu und das kleine Herz friert zu.
Wenn die anderen Kinder fragen.
"Wie viel hast du?"
Sandmann, Sandmann!
Mach die Lichter aus.
Die Wahrheit ist grausam.
Drum schenk mir einen Traum.
Sandmann, Sandmann!
Komm zu mir nach Haus.
Streu mir Sand in meine Augen.
Und weck mich nie wieder auf.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_iskvjme wrote
Reply to comment by QuantaviusDingleberg in Playboi Carti - Live at Rolling Loud by Itsnotmypornacc
"Not every song has to have some deep poetic meaning to it."
I guess I kind of see your point, since I like Duran Duran even though some of their older songs have lyrics that are either cryptic or just flat out make no sense.
Like what the fuck is "The Reflex" suppose to be about?
"The reflex is a lonely child who's waiting by the park.
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark.
And watching over lucky clover isn't that bizarre.
Every little thing the reflex does -
Leaves you answered with a question mark."
But it's still a nice song with some neat synthesizers, I guess.
Also why is the dude "Hungry Like The Wolf?" Get this guy some fuckin' food so he'll stop howling for fuck's sake.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_isktfvp wrote
Reply to comment by QuantaviusDingleberg in Playboi Carti - Live at Rolling Loud by Itsnotmypornacc
"It goes hard"
That's really all that matters these days, huh?
Well ya know what, I think Japanese Rock "goes hard." Sure, much like your Carti I can't understand a single word that Kyo from DeG is saying, but that doesn't matter because "It goes hard."
Plus on top of it "going hard" it has the added bonus of making me FEEL something. Whether it's depression, cathartic rage, or just something to put on in the background so that my own constant mental chatter in my head doesn't drive me crazy.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_is23j3o wrote
Reply to comment by ricardo9505 in right ear is now more sensitive to treble by LegenJerry96
....boot???? Oh dude, are you British???
(Cuz Brits call the trunk the Boot, also Elton John keeps calling the Guh-Rodge a Gerridge, lol. AND HE SHALL BE LEEVOOON).
Do you like / have you ever heard of the group Rhyme Asylum?????
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkorhp wrote
Reply to comment by Fluffy_Little_Fox in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
His albums are hard as hell to come by, considering they are quite rare, and to import even just ~one~ album would cost $40 on some service like CD Japan or Yes Asia.
At least when DIR EN GREY started to get popular in the U.S. they started releasing their albums here in stores at normal American prices (like... $14 to $18).
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkofcb wrote
Reply to comment by BiggestOrgasmOf1998 in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
A Japanese Rock singer, he is the ex vocalist of the Visual Kei band "Malice Mizer."
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irko13c wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
Just use Hiby Music Player.
It automatically arranges your albums based on the ID3 tags (meta data, which you can edit on your computer using Tag & Rename).
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkmkc6 wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
I fully relate to the desire to have your music available in a way that does not require a constant connection to the internet, since listening to music on SPOTIFY on your SMARTPHONE costs money because of data rates.
I would suggest that you either buy a small DAP (digital audio player) like a Hiby R3 Saber that uses Micro SD cards for storage, or maybe get an older CD Player like a Sony D-NE320 that will let you convert your high quality ripped albums into ATRAC using the Sonic Stage software for PC, then you can have like, 7 to 10 albums on one CD-R and nobody can take that from you.
With Spotify or YouTube, there is no GUARANTEE that your favorite album or song is going to stay available forever.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkltw7 wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
Winamp uses .m3u across both platforms.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irklkgh wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
I meant that --- if you're too broke to be able to pay for a monthly subscription to Spotify, just find a mirror site of Pirate Bay and go TORRENT the music that you want.
I mean, you're probably not gunna find the super rare stuff like DIR EN GREY or GACKT on there (at least not in high bitrates), but you can get WHOLE DISCOGRAPHIES in 320kbps or Flac. Busta Rhymes, David Bowie, Elton John, Kate Bush, Depeche Mode, Prince --- all those are still easy to get a hold of.
Piracy isn't dead. It just isn't as mainstream these days.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkl6ys wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
Winamp exists as both a Windows PC program and an Android App.
You mean like .m3u files?
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkkrbl wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
Did you forget that Bit Torrent was a thing????
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkknrj wrote
Reply to comment by BiggestOrgasmOf1998 in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
I'm going to use Note Burner 2.2.4 to steal a bunch of Camui Gackt's albums off of Spotify, and nobody can stop me. Buwahaha.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkkdb8 wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
"No Offline Playback"
You do if you rip the albums directly from Spotify using Note Burner 2.2.4 on your PC....
(Rhyme Asylum's album was de-listed, but Note Burner 2.2.4 ripped it anyway).
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkjyur wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
I can rip any album from Spotify using Note Burner for PC. If you get the old version (I'll have to look up which build --- it's 2.2.4) it will even let you rip albums that were De-Listed. So let's say you wanna rip DIR EN GREY's album "Uroboros" but Spotify un-listed it --- you can STILL use the old version of Note Burner (version 2.2.4) to grab the album, despite the fact it was un-listed.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkjj7m wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
Hiby Music Player for Android is also good. I wish they would make a PC version. But whatever, I still have Winamp and that works just fine.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_irkjefa wrote
Reply to comment by el_yanuki in Do u guys know music players that work on pc and phone? by el_yanuki
Are you just asking for a PROGRAM for your computer that will play your existing music files???? Winamp.... It really whips the llama's ass.
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_itg2xam wrote
Reply to comment by Fluffy_Little_Fox in What albums do you keep going back to? by Jon-G1508
This is dope. It's like a fusion of Boom Bap and the electronic noise elements of UK Grime.