
ForklkftJones t1_iy48zyu wrote

Those are some traveling ass thieves. It takes all my energy to drive to NY, I can't imagine stealing in the morning, shopping in the afternoon, and then driving 4-5 hours away that same day. Hopefully she'll get her phone back.


ForklkftJones t1_iwmk1a6 wrote

Maybe we should start something similar to Cart Narcs, but instead of calling people lazy bones for not putting their carts back, we call them fucking assholes for not removing the snow off their cars. 😂 We can hand out complimentary "snow bye byes".


ForklkftJones t1_iwcstu3 wrote

I have been looking for a nice spot this morning too. I need an indoor pool/jacuzzi. Adventure Suites seems like cheesy fun, but it's pretty far.

Great wolf lodge looks like a fun place for families.


ForklkftJones t1_ivxq0fy wrote

I love this. I prefer to chill by myself, but I wouldn't mind sending you a small donation for food/drinks. I have Google pay and PayPal. If you're interested, dm me.