Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iz8gcjl wrote
Reply to Goodwill coming to Brattleboro by proto-jackal
Goodwill is fucking trash. Support local thrift stores instead.
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iyej3pu wrote
Reply to Aladdin Stowe by dmcginvt
Wait, what? I work in Stowe but I book it home (an hour away) when I’m done. How haven’t I heard of this though?!
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iyeg85b wrote
Reply to comment by VTPeWPeW247 in Crazy people by Realistic_Law1226
😂😂… I really hope you know that this is all a movie reference
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iyeft1m wrote
Reply to comment by VTPeWPeW247 in Crazy people by Realistic_Law1226
What’s the Myles Davis of shitting yourself … outside. I do need more practice
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iyedpge wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Crazy people by Realistic_Law1226
Lolllllll what the fuck does this have to do with work? At all? Bro grow up. Some people don’t want other people taking a shit outside their window.
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iyedh6z wrote
Reply to comment by VTPeWPeW247 in Crazy people by Realistic_Law1226
If peeing your pants is cool
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iyed9l0 wrote
Reply to comment by raz0rsnak3 in Crazy people by Realistic_Law1226
Frequented San Francisco in college as an art student (we did field trips to Oakland) and can confirm. Also snorted a line of baking soda because some fucking idiot in my class wanted to buy us some blow but got ripped off. So Oakland/San Francisco 10/10 for entertainment, food and art. 1/10 for cleanliness. For a hippie city it really is dirty
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iyebui8 wrote
Reply to comment by twdvermont in Crazy people by Realistic_Law1226
My staffy takes big dumps but there’s a huge difference between dog shit smell and human shit smell… idk
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iydy1id wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded_Stay429 in Stolen from MA subreddit: what one emoji best represents VT? by TheGoldberryBombadil
Haha that’s the truth! Just waiting to finally fire up the wood stove… it’s not cold enough yet because our house is really small so even a mellow fire cranks up the heat a LOT but maybe that will help me get into the winter spirit haha
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iyduvpd wrote
Reply to comment by gingerkid_420 in Stolen from MA subreddit: what one emoji best represents VT? by TheGoldberryBombadil
Is it just me or is 30 degrees feeling extra cold this year? Like I haven’t adjusted at all, and it’s weird because I HATE being hot so I was excited for cold weather hahaha!
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iydubba wrote
Reply to comment by ButtonFactoryJoe in Stolen from MA subreddit: what one emoji best represents VT? by TheGoldberryBombadil
This is one of two best answers. The other one is also right below, just a different variation haha
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_ixhr10w wrote
Reply to comment by tossawayintheend in Looking to travel up from SW Florida with my family in January. What would be the best ski resorts for family? Our kids are 2,4 and 8 and never ski before. Looking to ski and tub. by Deep_Echidna1306
Yeah there’s nothing good about it now. I just work in Stowe to make money and then go back to my quiet home outside the craziness haha. Pretty sad considering I grew up riding Stowe every single day but that seems laughable now
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_ixhih4d wrote
Reply to comment by realize-finiteworld in Looking to travel up from SW Florida with my family in January. What would be the best ski resorts for family? Our kids are 2,4 and 8 and never ski before. Looking to ski and tub. by Deep_Echidna1306
But on the weekends you can get stuck in traffic for two hours on the mountain road trying to get there. I work on the mountain road… that situation isn’t fun for anyone. It sucks haha
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iwoatrw wrote
Reply to comment by DeepWoodsDanger in Shape our coverage: What listener question should 'Brave Little State' answer next? by bravestatevt
I’m still kickin!
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iwn8oun wrote
Reply to comment by Coachtzu in So when do you expect Malloy to deploy his picking up litter skills? And Rohan can come get his crap. This is opposite my house I don’t want to see this little anymore. by Rincewindisahero
Yessss! Well… there are multiple losers right? I just imagine them all scrambling like rats. But honestly they should be responsible for these dumb signs. It really is littering. Also I’ve never really been convinced that signs like this are a good method of persuasion… I’ve never seen one of these signs and been like “oh yeah definitely voting for them!”
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iwn4v3s wrote
Reply to comment by Coachtzu in So when do you expect Malloy to deploy his picking up litter skills? And Rohan can come get his crap. This is opposite my house I don’t want to see this little anymore. by Rincewindisahero
Omg that’s like the ultimate walk of shame
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iw2imc7 wrote
Reply to comment by McGrupp1979 in Uninsured motorist crashed into neighbors house and fled the scene by orangekrush19
Ahhh, the American dream right here /s. I’m sorry for everyone (including myself) dealing with health issues and we can’t get to the doctor/afford them.
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_ivrn5lp wrote
Reply to comment by ThisistheInfiniteIs in Vermont Woman Survives Being Mauled By Bear In Backyard After Shih Tzu (Dog Breed) Chases Its Cub Up Tree by Educational_Sector98
Lol you’re so fucking salty
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_ivq74cj wrote
Reply to Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
He’s like a diet republican though
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iuz6byf wrote
Reply to comment by aqhamills in Is it just me or do 50% of people always drive high beams on? by aspiringharlequin
I came here to tell the same story! I make sure to flash back so people don’t think I’m a dick lol
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iuu24b9 wrote
Now we won’t need newspaper to start fires in the wood stove!
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_irvq02v wrote
Reply to comment by yafsyiasty in Subaru “all weather tire” question. by BallLikeLucky
Well that’s what I meant. It doesn’t matter if you know how to drive in the snow or not… like I said, there are always days with shitty conditions no matter what. What I was trying to say is that even if you’ve driven in the snow your whole life, winter tires are very important. I still get super anxious in snowy conditions.
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_irvfknu wrote
Reply to comment by Jerry_Williams69 in Subaru “all weather tire” question. by BallLikeLucky
Also turn off traction control during mud season! I learned this in the spring. It was my first time living on an especially tough road. Lol
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_irvfhnh wrote
Reply to comment by Clavier_VT in Subaru “all weather tire” question. by BallLikeLucky
I always have studded tires for the winter. I have a Subaru too. If you can’t afford studded tires (I can’t I make sure I save up for them) definitely get winter tires. I’ve lived here my whole life and even though I know how to drive in the snow, my mind is more at ease knowing that I have proper tires. Shitty road conditions will happen no matter how much they try to keep up with road maintenance
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j0iu5jc wrote
Reply to Thank you for reporting animal cruelty. by DilliciousPickles
Can you put a NSFW or something in the future please? I hate seeing animals struggle this made me so upset