Fred2718 t1_j2cbvw5 wrote
Reply to comment by ProveISaidIt in ELI5: Why plates get too hot to touch in the mircrowave but the food can still be cold? by jerrycotton
The cold plate cannot get hotter than the food by conduction of Heat from the food.
Microwave energy can be absorbed (and converted to heat) by conductive/resistive structures in metal-based ceramics, as well as water molecules in food. I should add that most ceramics suck at conducting heat, so the dish's internal heat tends to stay there.
Fred2718 t1_j2c9l2m wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: Why plates get too hot to touch in the mircrowave but the food can still be cold? by jerrycotton
This happens because the ceramic or its glaze is not completely radio-transparent. Many ceramics and glazes have metal elements in them, which absorbs microwave energy. Dishware marked "microwave safe" should not have this problem.
Fred2718 t1_j2c8smr wrote
Reply to comment by ProveISaidIt in ELI5: Why plates get too hot to touch in the mircrowave but the food can still be cold? by jerrycotton
"it remains cooler" Lol wut? It's basic thermodynamics that something cool cannot transfer heat energy to something warm.
Dishware gets hot, even more than the food, if the ceramic or glaze contains metal elements, which can absorb microwave energy. Products marked "microwave safe" do not - they are transparent to microwaves. Clear glass is almost always non-absorbing, but many glass items cannot stand the heat from the Hot food.( More precisely, they cannot stand the stresses from uneven heating and cooling.)
Fred2718 t1_j29vl6m wrote
Reply to comment by SurprisedPotato in Eli5 - replicating in scientific method by Ok_Elk_4333
Why is it always the green jellybeans?
Fred2718 t1_j28l5hy wrote
Reply to comment by Aussie_Mo_Bro in eli5: If Lie Detector tests are highly accurate, why are they not used in court? by NemesisSenpai
So...forget the polygraph. I want to be interrogated with the Lasso of Truth!
Fred2718 t1_j27g7cy wrote
That is a wonderful photo 😊
Fred2718 t1_j21b6p0 wrote
Reply to [ELI5] How do online compression algorithms manage to take a file that is dozens of megabytes in size and shrink it down to just a few kilobytes, while mantaining the same quality? by Karamel43
Here are a couple of techniques which may not be in use anymore.
"Rook move encoding" for outlines of shapes, in particular digitized text characters. Instead of recording all the black and white pixels inside the character's body, record the outline of the character, in xy pixel space, as if you were moving a chess rook. E.g. 5 up, 2 left, 4 up, 3 left, ..... I worked with laser printers which did this.
"Patchified memory". Instead of treating a page as a set of raster lines, treat it as a set of small squares, like a quilt. Printed pages of text + black/white graphics tend to have lots of such patches which are all-white or all-black. Those patches can be represented in a very compact way.
These techniques are mathematically unsophisticated, but are easy to understand. Oh, also, they are both "lossless".
Fred2718 t1_j1mi20q wrote
Reply to comment by Cam455 in My mom's dog has had enough of the loud children at Christmas dinner. Also, my uncle in a turkey coma. by Cheesetoast9
It does, though. It regulates the flow of wine into your system, maximizing the overall soothingness. I learned that in O-Chem, but I forgot everything else. Or maybe it was P-Chem? Maybe some more wine will jog my memory.
Fred2718 t1_j1mhk7a wrote
Reply to comment by Cheesetoast9 in My mom's dog has had enough of the loud children at Christmas dinner. Also, my uncle in a turkey coma. by Cheesetoast9
I've got one, too. Chi, poodle, terrier, scruff, in roughly equal proportions.
Fred2718 t1_j1mhbwb wrote
Reply to comment by Long-Piccolo-3785 in My mom's dog has had enough of the loud children at Christmas dinner. Also, my uncle in a turkey coma. by Cheesetoast9
Age and experience. Amazes the youngsters every time.
Fred2718 t1_j1imt5s wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: Why are electric car engines/motors able to accelerate so much faster (0-60 mph) than internal combustion engines? by jacobhottberry
Was pitched a company doing add-on electric drive for F-150 pickups. They had a few dozen on the road, it Was not just vaporware.
The motor was claimed to make 400hp and was a cylinder roughly 14 inches long x 11 inches diameter. I did not verify this claim. I don't recall the torque spec.
But to be fair to both EV and ICE, you need to factor in the battery mass and volume, against gas tank mass and volume.
Fred2718 t1_j12wn3d wrote
Reply to This is Calvin, my 11 yo Corgi. I have to look at this face while I'm working. by ellinorianne
He just finished the punch line of that shaggy dog story he was telling you, didn't he.
Fred2718 t1_iy96liz wrote
Reply to Happy trio [OC] by smoffy_puffy
Album art. Upper right is drummer.
Fred2718 t1_iy4dywh wrote
Reply to comment by Toes14 in Eli5 why do traffic lights have red, yellow and green color? Why not use other colors so that even colourblind people can drive. by [deleted]
Not always . There are still a few places where a horizontal layout is used.
Fred2718 t1_iujfyl4 wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why does all movement in zero gravity appear to look unnatural and stiff even when not in a suit ? by WinabegoWarrior
A lot of the "naturalness" of normal motion is due to the pendulum-like motion of our body parts in a gravity field. Experience has taught you to expect that. Absent that, the motion looks unnatural.
Fred2718 t1_iugvqnm wrote
Reply to (eli5) how fast would a cylinder that is 3cm wide, 15cm long, and weighing 1kg accelerate through atmosphere, if given a constant thrust of 2500kg. (for the sake of air resistance assume the cylinder is vertical in relation to the thrust.) by dudewasup111
The problem is wrongly stated. 2500 kg is a mass, not a force. Also, no specifics of the atmosphere are provided. Is it, for instance, STP? Also "How fast" is not a good question. This projectile will have a non-linear acceleration due to air friction. If it goes transonic, it gets even messiet.
Fred2718 t1_iug9n5k wrote
Reply to comment by breckenridgeback in ELI5: If you can't defibrillate a stopped heart, how are hearts restarted after bypass surgeries? by Tos-ka
Can't help you there, bro. I was kind of out of it At the time.
Fred2718 t1_iug6x3t wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: If you can't defibrillate a stopped heart, how are hearts restarted after bypass surgeries? by Tos-ka
Nah, I survived because my surgeon, a tough Taiwanese lady, threatened me with dire consequences if I messed up her win streak.
Fred2718 t1_iug6d2x wrote
Reply to ELI5: If you can't defibrillate a stopped heart, how are hearts restarted after bypass surgeries? by Tos-ka
Basically, the heart is stopped by pushing a slug of cold saline into the coronary arteries, and restarted by flushing that out with warm oxygenated blood.
Source: I survived this process
Fred2718 t1_iudx8ky wrote
Reply to comment by Busterwasmycat in ELI5: Why are mineral ores found in the form of veins? by zafferous
You stole my comment 😁
Fred2718 t1_iu4ykzg wrote
Reply to comment by LochFarquar in ELI5 How can a public company become private? by hellothere564738
Correct. I just quick-posted without thinking about the difference between seed investment and public.
Fred2718 t1_iu39jpj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5 How can a public company become private? by hellothere564738
Part of the contract you made when you bought your shares is something called "drag along". This means that a small minority of shareholders who don't want to sell, can be forced to sell. There are specific, well defined cases where this applies. A total buyout is such a case.
Most small shareholders of public companies are not even aware of the details of shareholder rights ,voting, board control, acquisition, etc, because it almost never matters to them. But your rights have various standard limitations, and in a buyout, merger, bankruptcy, etc. those limitations are important.
Fred2718 t1_itao551 wrote
No, Bob. It's not playtime.
We're here to talk about your... Problem.
You know it's real. Our food bowls know it's real.
Fred2718 t1_j69o8dq wrote
Reply to comment by Dysan27 in ELI5: What is the difference between turbojet, ramjet, and scramjet? by Global_Maize_8944
In light Of all this discussion, there's a great video about the J58, and how it operates in various speed modes.