Quantum computing is as much as a game changer as linear or binary computing was 70 years ago. Lots of people think it's like computing now but just better, or faster. It is exponentially better and faster but vastly different than traditional computing now. In theory an extremely powerful quantum computer could create entire realities much like the one we occupy. There really is no limit w the recent level of understanding we have of the quantum realm and this emergent tech.
Free_Psychology717 t1_j9pjh0d wrote
Reply to Google announces major breakthrough that represents ‘significant shift’ in quantum computers by Ezekiel_W
Quantum computing is as much as a game changer as linear or binary computing was 70 years ago. Lots of people think it's like computing now but just better, or faster. It is exponentially better and faster but vastly different than traditional computing now. In theory an extremely powerful quantum computer could create entire realities much like the one we occupy. There really is no limit w the recent level of understanding we have of the quantum realm and this emergent tech.