
FrequentAnnual1262 t1_iv05l7x wrote

I seldom watch much network TV, and if I do I tape it.. so FF is a friend of mine.

The straw that broke my back was an advertisement for Peyronie's disease when I was watching TV with my granddaughter.. corporate driven network TV has pretty much gone down the rabbit hole and I will not follow.


FrequentAnnual1262 t1_iuywoqq wrote

He is who we think he is a MAGA at heart. When was the last time any R voted against their party?? If they did they suffer consequences and are called RINOS.. don't forget Fung killed a guy in 1989 and suffered no consequences even though he "lost consciousness".

Beware of Fung and don't believe anything he says....


FrequentAnnual1262 t1_itys2l1 wrote

Of all of those Democrats who allegedly achieved some sort of notoriety I only recognize one name.. pretty confident there are more than a few (R's) who will support McKee. Kalus is a carpetbagger, a place holder to speak, so she can try to follow in the footsteps what TFFG and his cabal want.

Kalus does not know all that much about RI, except it is place where she can fleece the public.