FriedScrapple t1_j6e96ne wrote
Search “communications” on LinkedIn?
FriedScrapple t1_j6atq77 wrote
Reply to comment by Few_Construction_654 in Best Restaurant for Valentines Day? by Pretend-Smoke-8942
You’re a real Baltimorean and he is not, dump him immediately
FriedScrapple t1_j6aoyns wrote
Reply to comment by thisis29 in Best Restaurant for Valentines Day? by Pretend-Smoke-8942
Crabs, why not buy diamonds at those prices!
FriedScrapple t1_j69zp8s wrote
Reply to comment by DemonDeke in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
Who knows, but that fund Ed had been using had been dipped into by other police chiefs for miscellaneous purchases pre-Ed for a while. One option might’ve been “hey, why did you buy panties with that fund? Even if other guys did it it’s not for that, quit it and pay it back.” Another is to call the FBI. Another is to not even probe smaller expenses in the first place. I’m not saying Ed was wrong, and maybe he was given the option to pay it back and said no, I don’t know. Ed thinks it was political, but of course consider the source.
FriedScrapple t1_j68h0yy wrote
Reply to comment by Difficult-Buddy1205 in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
Former chief of police who was spending a city police fund on underthings for his mistress at Victoria’s Secret. Was busted by the FBI prosecuted by a young Rod J Rosenstein (who went on to Trump WH fame, and to become a traitor to this country. But back then he prosecuted more corrupt cops than anyone before or since).
FriedScrapple t1_j66ixo4 wrote
Reply to comment by frolicndetour in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
Which is so silly, especially with a Republican governor looking for any excuse to point to Baltimore city as too corrupt to be deserving of any help. Remember the Ehrlich days when Rod Rosenstein busted Ed Norris’s panty fund? Good times.
FriedScrapple t1_j66hksb wrote
Reply to comment by ElectricStar87 in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
My impression is she’s a mean-girl narcissist who always got by on her looks but thinks she earned it. I say narcissist because instead of friends she has fans and followers. She refuses to admit when she is wrong, ever (even when the IRS is like, “hey, this is wrong”) is convinced she’s the smartest person in the room always, obsessed with her image, no empathy for others. I’m sure many many people told her, hey, get an accountant. Hey, we’re lawyers, here’s some charges you could put on the Freddie Gray cops that would stick instead of goofy shit like kidnapping. If she was willing to take advice, she would have been able to wing it even with scant experience, but she would not.
FriedScrapple t1_j66by8u wrote
Reply to comment by hogsucker in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
Anyone competent would’ve had an accountant deal with the IRS immediately, and taken their accountant’s advice on how to buy condos in a legitimate way, which she could have done if she’d handled her business right in the first place. If she’d had sense and a little humility she would have been fine. But she didn’t want to be bothered with details, or to do the work, she just wanted the praise and the things.
FriedScrapple t1_j662u8f wrote
Reply to comment by megalomike in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
Is it really unexplainable, or are they just huge idiots? Any non-idiots would have gotten an accountant to deal with their financial issues properly the first day the IRS came knocking. They could’ve afforded a second condo legitimately, why did they feel the need to buy two, so urgently that they’d lie about Covid hardship and fake Nick’s dead dad’s signature on documents for like $5,000?
Nick was elected and he was young and full of energy, seemed promising. She was an unknown and got in with his name recognition. And then they both got way, way out of their depths, in terms of basic how-the-world-works experience and sense.
FriedScrapple t1_j660k3i wrote
Reply to comment by PigtownDesign in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
It means she doesn’t get to delay any more, so there’s that.
FriedScrapple t1_j6602e7 wrote
Reply to comment by hogsucker in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
Incompetence makes everybody’s life harder. She didn’t do them any favors because she was trying to do them favors, she was just bad at her job.
FriedScrapple t1_j65zoj2 wrote
Reply to comment by planetarylaw in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
In her mind she’s like Megan Thee Stallion strutting around being a bad bitch, doesn’t get that you’re only a bad bitch if you’re actually competent at life. Otherwise you’re just a shallow idiot with good hair.
FriedScrapple t1_j65phm7 wrote
Reply to comment by goose_10 in Looking for permanent housing within 1hr of Baltimore by goose_10
I suggest getting an AirBnb and a realtor and touring around and looking at stuff. I know from my realtor friends though that the market especially in your price range is really tight, so you need to come in pre-approved, go on Wednesday brokers’ opens and be prepared to maybe not get exactly what you want. Another option might be to rent until things cool down and you’re sure where you want to be.
FriedScrapple t1_j64zdmb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
I, for one, appreciate any and every opportunity to bring up what a shite SA she was, and how proud I am of this city for sending her packing.
FriedScrapple t1_j64yzer wrote
Reply to comment by Ms_Cranky_Pants in ELI5: What's the deal with Marilyn Mosby? by baltinerdist
She also used victims of police violence’s families, like Tyrone West’s, as props in her campaign, then once she was elected never lifted a finger to hold those cops accountable and quit taking family members’ calls.
The police in the Freddie Gray case were never held accountable, because she charged them so stupidly. And we never got that video footage from Mondawmin, where many people from the scene say the rioting actually began by cops penning in and taunting high school students.
Once she was in, after her show trials, she gave up entirely on trying to hold cops accountable.
FriedScrapple t1_j5x5rro wrote
Reply to Marilyn Mosby’s lead attorney in federal case says he can’t represent her because he might be in trouble, too by aresef
Why does she surround herself with incompetent people? I can’t figure out how she made it through law school, much less got to where she did, being so inept at everything she touches.
FriedScrapple t1_j5hxxh3 wrote
Reply to Remember this by adb1146
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake mishandled that so horribly. The first plow I saw on my street was 10 days after it snowed. Main roads weren’t even three days later. I don’t know what went wrong there, but it was more than just there being a lot of snow.
FriedScrapple t1_j55ybil wrote
Reply to comment by z3mcs in Who’s going to Chris Rock Netflix special on March 4 at the Hippodrome?! by musicmatt2022
OP says they’re cheaper on StubHub
FriedScrapple t1_j55y6lx wrote
Reply to comment by musicmatt2022 in Who’s going to Chris Rock Netflix special on March 4 at the Hippodrome?! by musicmatt2022
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
FriedScrapple t1_j55w6ol wrote
Reply to comment by musicmatt2022 in Who’s going to Chris Rock Netflix special on March 4 at the Hippodrome?! by musicmatt2022
Wow! Scam tho?
FriedScrapple t1_j55w4s7 wrote
Reply to comment by z3mcs in Who’s going to Chris Rock Netflix special on March 4 at the Hippodrome?! by musicmatt2022
At $1000 a ticket it better be
FriedScrapple t1_j55jb0i wrote
Reply to comment by musicmatt2022 in Who’s going to Chris Rock Netflix special on March 4 at the Hippodrome?! by musicmatt2022
Ticketmaster shows two left at $775 each
FriedScrapple t1_j55ho7m wrote
Did they sell tickets and I missed it?! If anybody has a spare I’m in! Saw him at the Lyric and he was amazing. The man does not miss.
FriedScrapple t1_j34spqn wrote
Foreman/Wolf (Johnny’s, Petit Louis) is always hiring bussers, hosts, dishwasher etc.
FriedScrapple t1_j6hrl79 wrote
Reply to Good Baltimore co-working spaces ? by k032
Towson University has a free workspace in the old National Guard building downtown.