
FriendlyAndHelpfulP t1_jdstrdr wrote

It was actually under the Nixon administration that the relevant law was passed and ratified.

Nixon was the one who signed The Clean Air Act, the law that gave the EPA the right to regulate and limit the amount of lead in gasoline.

It was also under the Nixon administration that the plans for the lead phase-out were set into place. It was a gradual process, and the phase-out wouldn’t actually finish until 1996, fifteen years after Carter was out of office.


FriendlyAndHelpfulP t1_ja4theg wrote

>Clearly in need of help and pose no real threat…

…Right until they run out of money. Opiates in particular rise in cost at an exponential rate.

When you’re starting out, a $10 Vicodin pill can be broken up into a week of getting high.

Then you very quickly find yourself needing to rail a $60 Roxy 30 to feel a buzz.

Then you switch to H to save money, and get back down to 2-3 $10 bags a day to stay stable.

Until it doesn’t work anymore, and you start knowingly avoiding H in favor of that fetty, at which point your tolerance goes so fucking high you literally can’t get high on any amount of heroin anymore, and you’re banging $100 worth of fent a day just to stave off the withdrawals that make heroin withdrawal look like a cakewalk.

At which point your only two choices are “get into a detox program that will accept you and go through a literal month+ of hell,” or “start robbing.”

Guess what people tend to choose.