FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jdx51eg wrote
Reply to I found an abandoned Nissan in the Alaska bush, what happened afterward haunts me to this day. by Lynthelia
This made me feel sick reading. Glad you're alive and that I know if I'm ever in the company of a group of antlered humanoids to run like fuck, but still feel nauseous.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jdlxd0n wrote
Reply to comment by girlinsing in My uncle once poured holy water into a cement mixer. Today I found out why. by MikeJesus
He died but many others lived :)
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jdlx5ju wrote
You are an excellent writer, but I'm sorry your uncle was killed for saving the village.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jdgzede wrote
Reply to comment by DelcoPAMan in I found a Journal washed ashore at the beach. What I read will give me nightmares the rest of my life. by JLGoodwin1990
You could use me and we would sink like a granite wardrobe. Way to fast to be dinner.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jcfurjc wrote
Reply to When I was nine years old, I wished to be a mermaid. Five years ago, my wish came true in the worst way possible. by Trash_Tia
But darlings, it's better down where it's wetter, take it from me.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jcfjshq wrote
Pigeon is forced into doing something illegal due to the cost of living crisis in order to feed his family. Walter White did illegal shit to look after his family. This bird is no different. Good for you, friend, good for you.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jb64uax wrote
Reply to Please Help by Pprdge_Frm_Rmbrs
Record the videos on your phone so even if they vanish you can see thrm. Good luck!
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j9vsnz4 wrote
Reply to comment by Phoenix4235 in The Dice Killer is still out there. Pray he doesn’t roll your number. by [deleted]
Jesus, that's disturbing. Don't get on their wrong side. I'll keep you in my prayers. Some people are just born wrong.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j9veob1 wrote
Reply to comment by Far_Angrier_Admin in I love my kids, but can’t stand my wife. Is there any way to salvage what's left of this family? by lightingnations
So kill the twins?
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j9veit3 wrote
Reply to I love my kids, but can’t stand my wife. Is there any way to salvage what's left of this family? by lightingnations
Call the police and until you do DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON HER! Short sighted of her too, having a kid with no arms means extra work, same with drumstick boy. Good surgeon but common sense idiot.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j9ojw9y wrote
Reply to comment by Thr33Littl3Monk3ys in The Dice Killer is still out there. Pray he doesn’t roll your number. by [deleted]
But society as a whole isn't safe from whoever numbered that house.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j9ojr3z wrote
Reply to comment by scarymaxx in The Dice Killer is still out there. Pray he doesn’t roll your number. by [deleted]
Maybe next time he will pick an address with a letter in it, maybe will pick the letter by eating alphabetti spaghetti then making himself sick and the most clear letter is getting a visit.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j69sobe wrote
Santa is gonna get shot if he comes down my chimney.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j5oq7sn wrote
Did you go to the police? Are they trying to find him? EDIT: Just seen that you did. Good luck friend.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j4du16j wrote
Reply to comment by TwoFrontHitters in Russia fires new waves of missiles at Ukraine and hits energy infrastructure by Rofocal07
Because it could bring about a world war, or at least that's what I was told when asked the same question.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j4dtuay wrote
Must be a lot of Nazis in there, you know, along will the woman and many kids who have been crushed.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j20yase wrote
Reply to Nearly 300 sue over alleged sexual abuse at L.A. County juvenile halls and camps by BecuzMDsaid
I'm sure the people who couldn't be cops wouldn't take out their anger of literal children who were at their mercy. Then they never woulf would happen in the good ol' USofA!
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j1wjgya wrote
Honey I I love you but Jesus loves you more so I'm sending you to him, Naughty night 🌙
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j122v6f wrote
Reply to comment by eightNote in Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
I feel like I've had a stroke.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j0zde4z wrote
Reply to Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
Why couldn't he do what none-attempty-murdery people do a write a 1* review on Yelp?
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_izint0y wrote
Reply to comment by Equivalent_Ad_3482 in My Son's Friend Danny by Equivalent_Ad_3482
Think of his mum and not what people will think!
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_iyxrtpn wrote
Reply to I'm a truck driver, and there's a reason why you should never drive on country roads. by Horror_writer_1717
May I ask what type of creature you are and if you've ever thought of going after people like the sack of chanting dipshits you slaughtered?
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_iyf8m4d wrote
Reply to comment by helloimunderyourbed in My wife has started waking up in the middle of the night to fold clothes. It’s all she ever does now, she simply cannot stop. by lightingnations
Exactly! Just a dribble of blood and pizza night is back on! Have a good night, I'll try not to wake you if I get out of bed, I know a good night's sleep is important even if you are under the bed. Nighty night 💫
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_ixv0g3q wrote
Probably want to keep on the good side of hubby til you have an escape plan. Be safe.
FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jdx8zol wrote
Reply to comment by parmesann in I found a journal in an abandoned psych ward. I think it might be telling the truth. by killerfuzzball7
I'm sorry you went through that, hope you're doing better :)