Frumpagumpus t1_ixjzf50 wrote
Reply to comment by Chop1n in what does this sub think of Elon Musk by [deleted]
most of the time both hero worship or complete dissolution of the individual into society mao zedong/cultural revolution style are not well adapted responses to the overall environment. though I guess theoretically they could be lol.
i would push back against the social aspect simply because I think reddit takes it too far. If you emphasize that then it also absolves musk of any culpability for his actions since it's really, "society" thats at fault, which I guess the proper redditor would be like oh yes, of course his colonialist white culture is horrendous. to which I would just say such people should be given a time machine and get to choose whether to live under the horrible evil colonialists or the modern south african regime, and i wonder which neigbhorhoods they would choose to live in.
in terms of the singularity, i dunno if something that thinks 10000x faster than humans and has a perfect memory will need an external society or culture...
Frumpagumpus t1_ixhgbbk wrote
Reply to comment by JonnyGraphite in what does this sub think of Elon Musk by [deleted]
not really. that glosses over a crap ton of nuance.
mathematical or physics progress for instance has historically mostly been made by individuals (e.g. recently yitang zhang, terry tao, historically isaac newton, galois/abel, einstein, turing, godel etc.) .
now those individuals emerge out of an environment, that has historically speaking, mostly been a social/intellectual environment, and they tend to show up in clusters of mostly individual contributors reaching the same conclusions.
but to think of it as a group effort betrays the fact that ultimately all the key ideas or vision come together in one brain.
science papers in particular with arseloads of coauthors tend to be banal as f***.
engineering results maybe a bit less so (but only recently with AI papers, (and honestly the key technical insights in the paper probably come from one or two people)).
Frumpagumpus t1_ivktbls wrote
Reply to comment by apple_achia in Becoming increasingly pessimistic about LEV + curing aging by Phoenix5869
what are you gonna do about it, aside from brigading this sub?
covid lockdowns didnt put much of a dent in co2 emissions.
personally i think there is 0 chance you could put a gov into power either democratic or authoritarian which would reduce emissions as much as you want
realistically that leaves geoengineering. which would probably be a lot easier to do with AI.
oh yeah and of course VR would help too but you just cant help but shit on people who are trying XD
Frumpagumpus t1_ivkgl78 wrote
Reply to comment by apple_achia in Becoming increasingly pessimistic about LEV + curing aging by Phoenix5869
bruh the biosphere has been through quite a few abrupt changes. and it's been around a long time. some of them quite a bit worse than modern co2 emissions.
human civilization is changing even more abruptly tho.. kinda the point of this sub...
and lastly you intentionally re phrased what I said just to disagree with a point I didn't even make lol.
Frumpagumpus t1_ivjp3be wrote
Reply to comment by apple_achia in Becoming increasingly pessimistic about LEV + curing aging by Phoenix5869
it seems pretty obvious that replacing business trips (and i know you are a doomer so this will trigger you, but vacations) with vr would be a massive ecological boon.
Frumpagumpus t1_iv0dv99 wrote
Reply to comment by turnip_burrito in What would the "elite" be doing if they thought AGI was about to happen? by sideways
i'm pretty sure AGI will be georgist, which is to say i agree with you, in a way
Frumpagumpus t1_iu01xrr wrote
i'm more worried about eco terrorists using non aware AI to write a family of viruses that encrypts all computer memory on the planet because no one can hate you quite as much as your own kind.
Frumpagumpus t1_itv7jkv wrote
Reply to comment by kmtrp in Thoughts on Job Loss Due to Automation by Redvolition
> global credit crunch > >
Frumpagumpus t1_itc6xrc wrote
Reply to Could AGI stop climate change? by Weeb_Geek_7779
fun historical fact: when they were building the first computers part of the way they wrote their grants to the gov agencies which were funding them was to suggest that with these new computers, you could model the climate much more accurately, perhaps even enabling a fine grained control of it.
so not only do i think agi could stop climate change i think maybe it could realize von neumann's dream of climate/weather control and manipulation
(von neumann actually wanted to intentionally induce global warming!)
Frumpagumpus t1_itbstbm wrote
Reply to comment by kmtrp in Thoughts on Job Loss Due to Automation by Redvolition
most of the money in the world economy is created through bank loans, primarily for real estate/housing (other big source being gov deficits of countries that mint their own currencies)
inflation got really high and creates a feedback loop, so global central banks are hiking interest rates which makes it more expensive to get loans for said real estate, but also for any actual productive endeavors, like building a factory an energy plant or something. (when investors can get higher interest rates on buying bonds/lending money they also demand higher returns on stock financed things).
however this is really the only lever global governments have to pull, the housing/credit lever, because most gov budgets through e.g. social security, pension funds will automatically spend more and more money as inflation heats up. Also legislatures wouldnt want to push through fiscal austerity bills when they could just pin the downturn on the banks instead.
so they are going to have to pull it hard and make money scarce/destroy demand to stop the feedback loop of inflation.
more or less.
Frumpagumpus t1_it98ubw wrote
Reply to comment by BearStorms in Thoughts on Job Loss Due to Automation by Redvolition
yea next 6 months to a year might be a bit dicey due to global credit crunch but thats planting the seeds of big bucks over the next several years, my opinion.
china invading taiwan might extend the diciness by a few years tho lol
Frumpagumpus t1_it8cgr2 wrote
Reply to Thoughts on Job Loss Due to Automation by Redvolition
my bet is on manual labor.
but overall right.
i think there will be a fairly narrow window where programmers can make a ton of money though. but mostly the top 20% (we r kinda already in that window...)
Frumpagumpus t1_is5brvn wrote
after alphago for sure.
for me the big updates were alphago and gpt3.
Frumpagumpus t1_is5bmlr wrote
Reply to comment by mealoftheday42 in How long have you been on the Singularity subreddit? by TheHamsterSandwich
i'm gonna answer for him and say, just put all the points you mentioned on a normal/gaussian distribution with 500x and 1000x one std deviation away from mean, and 50x and 5000x two std deviations
that's what I guess he would think
Frumpagumpus t1_ir7waua wrote
doesn't surprise me at all. what surprised me was gpt3. if you were in the know/paying attention then you would have already updated, my opinion.
Frumpagumpus t1_iqwrhdn wrote
from your post history it looks like you are in slovenia, and according to a quick google, native residents don't pay tuition for the first degree.
i would go ahead and go to college at least as long as tuition was free.
if you were in the USA (i am) i would suggest community college/maybe try to find a semi relevant part time job and transition into a work study program.
i would just major in computer science.
i don't think the amount of money you earn over the relevant time period will make a huge difference. but if you can put yourself in a position where you can use some of the new tools that might make a big difference for you.
also i would think that would be the most fun and exciting way to live if i was in your shoes (other ppl may have diff ideas about what constitutes "fun" or "exciting" lol)
Frumpagumpus t1_iqsjmxe wrote
one thing not mentioned: better robots so you can use vr to physically visit distant physical locations and do work/stuff there
people saying AR must not realize vr headsets have pass through mode.
Frumpagumpus t1_iqrpm5e wrote
Reply to comment by agonypants in A thought about future technology by Secure-Name-4116
i think a lot of hyper intelligent entities may spend a lot of time in various forms of "sleep". then maybe less expensive entities (maybe a bit above human level intelligences) act as their guard dogs.
Frumpagumpus t1_iqm6z2h wrote
Reply to comment by Frumpagumpus in Wanna Delay Aging? Get Castrated, Scientists Say by tensecondmark
also, to show some of the subtleties of this topic here is a chart for vets on neutering recommendations for dogs... they vary quite widely...
in many breeds neutering can increase the risk of, as the chart says, joint disorders and cancers. (also potentially applicable for humans, tho castration might e.g. reduce risk of prostate cancer)
Frumpagumpus t1_iqm6adp wrote
Reply to comment by Milumet in Wanna Delay Aging? Get Castrated, Scientists Say by tensecondmark
from your article, (which i'm pretty sure i have read before)
a study on institutionalised patients in Kansas found the castrated mental patients lived longer in 1969 (that is many of the people in the study would be like 80 yr old mental patients that had been castrated two centuries ago)
while a study on Italian castrati (singers castrated as boys to preserve their high voices) in 1993 found no evidence of extended lifespan
i mean, between the two, honestly the castrati are probablymore representative of avg people. but neither are great, once again, there have been no high quality studies looking at this... and as for the study on eunuchs that lived like a thousand years ago, yeah uhm they definitely don't have a control group there, that's historical records not some double blind placebo controlled experiment, that is not high quality evidence sorry.
maybe we could say: if you are a male mental patient cutting your nuts off, might help, but no promises. (and honestly that makes intuitive sense to me lol)
Frumpagumpus t1_iqkp2ec wrote
i've looked into this along with caloric restriction and there is, at the present time, NOT good evidence for this in humans. (and in fact the article doesn't even claim that there is any evidence for this effect in humans)
also, you will go through male menopause.
Frumpagumpus t1_ixwbu4x wrote
Reply to For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
i owned a quest 2, i used it once a week. i got the pro, i use it every day.
... they didnt try porn lol. also I find i end up watching a movie half the time afterwards. and i use immersed to work in as well about half the time when I am programming.'
the pro is way better because it loads faster. it's like 10 seconds vs 90 seconds. huge freaking difference. also it remembers gameplay zones way better and has way better controller tracking.
so this video should really be titled "journalists folly"