
FunkinDonutzz t1_j218ihl wrote

Yeah the storage is the real kicker. I know two people that bought one and got frustrated with it pretty quickly - especially when "Smart" Delivery forces you to install the Series version of a game if it's available. They had a few Xbox One games on an external HDD just fine which got ugrade, and were forced to install to the paltry 350GB.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j211rku wrote

I'd advise everyone bar the most casual user against a Series S - no disc drive, much lower spec than the Series X/PS5, 350GB of usable storage (in the era of games clocking in over 100GB this just doesn't cut the mustard), and while the storage is expandable, it's also proprietary and very expensive (a 1TB upgrade is about 250 bucks, and it's also much slower than PS5 storage, the equivalent of which is usually - if not more than - 100 bucks less).


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1srpxq wrote

Define "beat"? Because PS5 has been consistently outselling it since day one, has way more exclusives, has better regarded exclusives, has more hype for upcoming exclusives, is usually more performant in multiformat games, has a more innovative controller, has PSVR2 on the way...

Sounds like it has already curbstomped the Xbox, much like every other generation before.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rwz8u wrote

I like most PS exclusives. Are you really having trouble understanding people like massively popular games?

Halo and Gears haven't been good since the 360 days (especially Halo, Infinite is straight garbage).

> space, all the dishonoureds, all the dooms, all the dragon ages, all the fables. I could keep going. Not to mention all the old classics you can replay

Again, they're all cool if you haven't owned a console or PC in the last decade. Played them all to death already.

Microsoft are clearly spunking money on their garbage subscription service so they can hook suckers in for life. And here's you, applauding it.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rrj59 wrote

Last ten games according to my profile I've played are;

Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Redout 2

Mass Effect 3


GoW Ragnarok

Resident Evil 2


Samurai Showdown Neo-Geo Collection


Wonderful 101 Remastered.

None of these sound remotely like FIFA.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1ropet wrote

GamePass is great if you haven't owned a console in the last ten years. And there's hundreds more games on PS Premium vs. GamePass.

I've got a Series X and a PS5 - if you think the exclusives aren't holding up on PS5, oh boy do I have bad news for you about the Xbox.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j0klnsp wrote

I think not actually being able to secure a PS5 is fair. I do have both myself, and the only thing I really like about the Series X is it runs some older titles really well. At the same time "playing the Xbox 360 version of Dead Space 2 at 60FPS" probably isn't the greatest selling point for a console in 2022.

Some people love GamePass - I have it too and find it kinda meh. Most of the content on it is old and I've played it already. With the new content, I'd rather just buy whatever the odd game on it I actually want.