Funkybeatzzz t1_j6j6mve wrote
Reply to What kind of items can I buy for my class that would be used on a Shuttle / ISS? by glastonbury13
Not sure what to buy, but check out astronaut Chris Hadfield’s YouTube vids. This is one I used to show a lot:
Funkybeatzzz t1_j5wnpaq wrote
Go to the equator if you really want to blow your mind:
Funkybeatzzz t1_j5rptfu wrote
Reply to Should I stay in Salem or Boston? by DecentCockroach
February isn’t known as the tourist season in Boston. This is even more true in Salem. Salem will probably be dead that time of year. Stick to Boston. Should be no trouble finding a cheap place to stay. You can take the train and go to the Peabody-Essex Museum in Salem for a day if you want. Make sure to double-check they’re open, though.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j5qtt5y wrote
Reply to comment by capnflacid in Superman & Lois casts Michael Cudlitz as Lex Luthor by klutzysunshine
Check out Band of Brothers if you haven’t. His character steals every scene he’s in.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j5qtehe wrote
Reply to comment by illeaglex in Superman & Lois casts Michael Cudlitz as Lex Luthor by klutzysunshine
Hopefully they pulled the bullet out of his ass
Funkybeatzzz t1_j5ku0n4 wrote
Reply to Where to get MD 2020? by VR_Panda_Lover
The 1990s? It’s right next to the Zima.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2izqhx wrote
Reply to comment by barzbub in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
And this is why the US is a joke to the rest of the world.
Science: “Here’s some data and analyses!”
u/barzbub: “My feelings are better than your science!”
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2iyidg wrote
Reply to comment by barzbub in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
It might be backwards logic to you but it’s what the actual data analysis shows. Just because it doesn’t make sense to you doesn’t mean you can just dismiss it.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2i55b9 wrote
Reply to comment by barzbub in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
You made the claim that OP’s study can’t be believed because there are studies saying flat earth is true. There aren’t any actual studies about this. You are dismissing scientific evidence based on your feelings.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2i4q3o wrote
Reply to comment by barzbub in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
And to be clear, I don’t think you believe in flat earth. You’re just using it as an argument to dismiss actual science.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2i4kqo wrote
Reply to comment by barzbub in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
How is this a flat earth study? Now I know you’re just trolling.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2i3et9 wrote
Reply to comment by barzbub in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
I’m not joking. You are using a common anti-science argument against OP as some sort of “gotcha” and immediately pull back when challenged with some sort of humor. OP has shown actual scientific evidence with a source and you think your anecdotal evidence trumps it. Go back to Facebook with this nonsense.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2i2jyt wrote
Reply to comment by barzbub in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
I challenge you to find one actual study arguing for a flat earth.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_j2fue8d wrote
Reply to comment by BurntOrange101 in My favorite PA food tradition. Pork and sauerkraut for a prosperous New Year. by Funkybeatzzz
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_j2fkhd7 wrote
Reply to comment by jesterwords in My favorite PA food tradition. Pork and sauerkraut for a prosperous New Year. by Funkybeatzzz
Yeah, pretty big PA tradition given the German ancestry.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_j2fgj3z wrote
Reply to comment by angelinafuckingmarie in My favorite PA food tradition. Pork and sauerkraut for a prosperous New Year. by Funkybeatzzz
Never heard of that one. The pork and kraut is a German tradition and a crap load of Germans settled in PA. The quarter thing may be a local, New World tradition.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_j2fe05b wrote
Reply to comment by ImOnRedditMaaan in My favorite PA food tradition. Pork and sauerkraut for a prosperous New Year. by Funkybeatzzz
I’ve done that in the past. I use sweet apples (Macintosh, honey crisp, Fuji, etc) now instead. Give it a shot sometime.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_j2fbx3g wrote
Reply to comment by ahtzib in My favorite PA food tradition. Pork and sauerkraut for a prosperous New Year. by Funkybeatzzz
Since I’ve been in Boston this had become a tradition on St Paddy’s Day and every three months after. One of the local groceries stores, Shaw’s, has corned beef specials in three month intervals staring March 17th.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_j2f8fmt wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in My favorite PA food tradition. Pork and sauerkraut for a prosperous New Year. by Funkybeatzzz
To you as well!
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_j2f5hyi wrote
Reply to comment by ISmellMyWifesAss in My favorite PA food tradition. Pork and sauerkraut for a prosperous New Year. by Funkybeatzzz
Normal in my house for sure haha. I mostly add it since I’m using leaner cuts. If I used a pork butt instead of the loin I’d skip the butter…. maybe.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2f0kpw wrote
Reply to comment by No-Confidence4933 in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
It’s not safe only because the outer lane people have no clue how these things work.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2f0e2b wrote
Reply to comment by No-Confidence4933 in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
Yeah, this totally isn’t how roundabouts work. Do you drive much? Most multi lane roundabouts exit on at least two lane roads. They’d be single lane roundabouts if not.
Edit: also if you follow the other rules about yielding this wouldn’t be an issue. You’re clearly part of the problem.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2b6fkk wrote
Reply to comment by cloud-cover in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
Hence the other post about yielding. You shouldn’t have entered in the first place. If the inner lane car can’t exit that means you didn’t yield and entered right beside them on the outer lane.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j6j7bu9 wrote
Reply to Car insurance costs in boston (mission hill in my case) by Emotional_Comment293
You were paying nearly $800 before? That itself seems absurdly high. Lots of tickets? How old are you? I’ve been with Progressive for years and only pay $286/six months.