
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2ao67l wrote

My gripe is when people in the outer lane don’t exit when they’re supposed to and keep going around preventing those in the inner lane from exiting. Outer lane are supposed to exit at the first or second exit and the inner lane at the second and beyond. The inner lane should never have to cross any cars in the outer lane if you drive correctly.


Funkybeatzzz t1_iwbcwr9 wrote

It hasn’t been conclusively shown yet, but Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (PMMoV) lives in humans and may cause an immune response. Researchers are studying it now. It’s presence is also a major indicator of human fecal contamination in groundwater because it survives for so long in our gut.

Some sources:

Humans Have Antibodies against a Plant Virus: Evidence from Tobacco Mosaic Virus

Pepper Mild Mottle Virus, a Plant Virus Associated with Specific Immune Responses, Fever, Abdominal Pains, and Pruritus in Humans


Funkybeatzzz t1_ivfe1r0 wrote

Ask yourself why you did it in the first place. There was no reason for you to let them out other than you wanted the moral satisfaction of getting that wave or nod. You can claim it’s because you were trying to be nice, but you even admit that it made it longer for the other person and you seem to have known this before you let them out. What I think is ridiculous are people that expect an acknowledgment like you are for something so mundane. Just drive your car and get a pet if you need some attention.


Funkybeatzzz t1_ivd6obc wrote

What’s your metric? “Because that’s how I feel mumble mumble!”? The fact is you’ve shown nothing but you’re own personal opinions and gripes. The fact is people typically think their own experiences carry a lot of weight and are superior to actual data. For instance, in my opinion I’d take Boston traffic any day over the Garden State Parkway or the Capital Beltway. If you really wanna see some shit, go stand on top of the Arc de Triomphe and watch those maniacs navigate that multi lane roundabout. It makes an evening on the Pike almost like waiting in line at a Dunks drive-thru.


Funkybeatzzz t1_ivaib1f wrote

I have to agree with cranky pants on this one. Doing something unexpected while driving, even if it’s something nice like letting them go, causes confusion and most times makes the whole interaction longer than if you would’ve just kept driving. This situation reminds me of the TV show The Good Place where people only do nice things to get their “moral dessert”, in this case your dessert is getting that smile or wave. The roads would be much safer if people just followed the rules and didn’t do nice things.