Funkybeatzzz t1_j2b29es wrote
Reply to comment by cloud-cover in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
Read the other reply about yielding
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2ao67l wrote
Reply to comment by MesaVerde87 in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
My gripe is when people in the outer lane don’t exit when they’re supposed to and keep going around preventing those in the inner lane from exiting. Outer lane are supposed to exit at the first or second exit and the inner lane at the second and beyond. The inner lane should never have to cross any cars in the outer lane if you drive correctly.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j28si6k wrote
Reply to comment by electricmaster23 in TIL a UK punk band called the FF'ers were bottled at the Reading Festival in 2008 after rumours circulated their set was a secret Foo Fighters gig. Their bassist said items thrown included "bottles, shoes, clumps of earth, phones, a full packet of cigarettes (exactly what we needed after the gig)" by electricmaster23
Grohl also plays Satan in the Pick of Destiny movie and sings the part on the album, too.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j28sdp2 wrote
Reply to comment by Useless_Lemon in TIL a UK punk band called the FF'ers were bottled at the Reading Festival in 2008 after rumours circulated their set was a secret Foo Fighters gig. Their bassist said items thrown included "bottles, shoes, clumps of earth, phones, a full packet of cigarettes (exactly what we needed after the gig)" by electricmaster23
Tenacious D was a band long before they made a movie.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j21wjkg wrote
Reply to comment by Cancelledonscene in Parking around Harvard medical school by Cancelledonscene
Yeah, if you don’t mind walking a little you can usually get pretty cheap spots. Some spots can be sketchy or really small, though.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j21pzd4 wrote
Funkybeatzzz t1_j12jq9y wrote
Reply to comment by ElfMage83 in TIL that The Specials singer Terry Hall was abducted by a paedophile ring in France when he was 12 years old by Disastrous-Spirit543
Let me go get some honey from my Bs and go P in the toilet. I don’t know Y people R getting so upset with U.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j11xx88 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL that The Specials singer Terry Hall was abducted by a paedophile ring in France when he was 12 years old by Disastrous-Spirit543
Both spellings are correct. Brits primarily use OP’s spelling. You can even click into the article and see this is how it’s spelled.
Funkybeatzzz t1_izx82te wrote
Reply to comment by ipsissimus666 in Should ~20° be painful on your fingers and toes? by ipsissimus666
Whiny baby for sure. Stay off of WebMD.
Funkybeatzzz t1_ixee9ov wrote
Reply to comment by erkynator in Is space infinite or finite? by erkynator
Google Bubble Universe Theory
Funkybeatzzz t1_ixebiyo wrote
Reply to Is space infinite or finite? by erkynator
There’s no edge if you consider the universal plane is on the surface of an expanding “bubble” or “donut”
Funkybeatzzz t1_iwueg7v wrote
Reply to comment by Anustart15 in Car Bluetooth disconnects on Eliot bridge by Master_Ship_8569
Probably the transducers buried in the intersections that trigger the lights.
Funkybeatzzz t1_iwbcwr9 wrote
It hasn’t been conclusively shown yet, but Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (PMMoV) lives in humans and may cause an immune response. Researchers are studying it now. It’s presence is also a major indicator of human fecal contamination in groundwater because it survives for so long in our gut.
Some sources:
Humans Have Antibodies against a Plant Virus: Evidence from Tobacco Mosaic Virus
Funkybeatzzz t1_ivfe1r0 wrote
Reply to comment by bsmike128 in Is it me, or does no one have common courtesy anymore? by bsmike128
Ask yourself why you did it in the first place. There was no reason for you to let them out other than you wanted the moral satisfaction of getting that wave or nod. You can claim it’s because you were trying to be nice, but you even admit that it made it longer for the other person and you seem to have known this before you let them out. What I think is ridiculous are people that expect an acknowledgment like you are for something so mundane. Just drive your car and get a pet if you need some attention.
Funkybeatzzz t1_ivd6obc wrote
Reply to comment by TheGrandExquisitor in Is it me, or does no one have common courtesy anymore? by bsmike128
What’s your metric? “Because that’s how I feel mumble mumble!”? The fact is you’ve shown nothing but you’re own personal opinions and gripes. The fact is people typically think their own experiences carry a lot of weight and are superior to actual data. For instance, in my opinion I’d take Boston traffic any day over the Garden State Parkway or the Capital Beltway. If you really wanna see some shit, go stand on top of the Arc de Triomphe and watch those maniacs navigate that multi lane roundabout. It makes an evening on the Pike almost like waiting in line at a Dunks drive-thru.
Funkybeatzzz t1_ivcfuo0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is it me, or does no one have common courtesy anymore? by bsmike128
OMFG! I don’t think most people know what a yield sign means. Total disregard for it and people will road rage you if you expect them to wait for you, the person with the right of way. The Newton Corner “Circle of Death” is prime example of this.
Funkybeatzzz t1_ivc85zl wrote
Reply to comment by TheGrandExquisitor in Is it me, or does no one have common courtesy anymore? by bsmike128
Nice anecdotal evidence! Totally refutes actual data!
Funkybeatzzz t1_ivba4vl wrote
Funkybeatzzz t1_ivaib1f wrote
I have to agree with cranky pants on this one. Doing something unexpected while driving, even if it’s something nice like letting them go, causes confusion and most times makes the whole interaction longer than if you would’ve just kept driving. This situation reminds me of the TV show The Good Place where people only do nice things to get their “moral dessert”, in this case your dessert is getting that smile or wave. The roads would be much safer if people just followed the rules and didn’t do nice things.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_iu90imj wrote
Reply to comment by Unregistereed in Fun fact: You DO NOT have to slow down for toll transponders on the Pike. by Funkybeatzzz
Please point out which toll workers are in danger at this typical toll plaza on the Pike.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_iu9077d wrote
Reply to comment by SkiingAway in Fun fact: You DO NOT have to slow down for toll transponders on the Pike. by Funkybeatzzz
These are the ones I’m talking about.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_iu8yryl wrote
Reply to comment by disco_t0ast in Fun fact: You DO NOT have to slow down for toll transponders on the Pike. by Funkybeatzzz
Good to know. Thanks!
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_iu8xc9z wrote
Reply to comment by Unregistereed in Fun fact: You DO NOT have to slow down for toll transponders on the Pike. by Funkybeatzzz
There are no people manning the toll booths. None. Going from highway speeds to a dead stop at toll plazas is also a safety issue for drivers. Your point about safety makes no sense.
Funkybeatzzz OP t1_iu8wm7a wrote
Reply to comment by disco_t0ast in Fun fact: You DO NOT have to slow down for toll transponders on the Pike. by Funkybeatzzz
I think it’s allowed by local ordinances. Wasn’t Salem going to install red light cameras? It’s certainly not allowed on state roads.
Funkybeatzzz t1_j2b6fkk wrote
Reply to comment by cloud-cover in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
Hence the other post about yielding. You shouldn’t have entered in the first place. If the inner lane car can’t exit that means you didn’t yield and entered right beside them on the outer lane.