
Funkybeatzzz t1_j5rptfu wrote

February isn’t known as the tourist season in Boston. This is even more true in Salem. Salem will probably be dead that time of year. Stick to Boston. Should be no trouble finding a cheap place to stay. You can take the train and go to the Peabody-Essex Museum in Salem for a day if you want. Make sure to double-check they’re open, though.


Funkybeatzzz t1_j2i3et9 wrote

I’m not joking. You are using a common anti-science argument against OP as some sort of “gotcha” and immediately pull back when challenged with some sort of humor. OP has shown actual scientific evidence with a source and you think your anecdotal evidence trumps it. Go back to Facebook with this nonsense.


Funkybeatzzz t1_j2f0e2b wrote

Yeah, this totally isn’t how roundabouts work. Do you drive much? Most multi lane roundabouts exit on at least two lane roads. They’d be single lane roundabouts if not.

Edit: also if you follow the other rules about yielding this wouldn’t be an issue. You’re clearly part of the problem.