FuturologyBot t1_j4gj8d9 wrote
Reply to The Stratolaunch Roc, the largest aircraft ever flown, has just completed a 6-hour test flight. It aims to be a platform to launch reusable hypersonic craft from an altitude of 10 km by lughnasadh
The following submission statement was provided by /u/lughnasadh:
Submission Statement
Stratolaunch has been around for a while. Way back in 2011, they were a contender with SpaceX to launch the earliest iterations of the Falcon rockets. While this aircraft was initially developed to launch rockets into space. Presumably, that hasn't worked out, but they see another opportunity - hypersonic research. China seems to have taken a lead in that, which must be funneling US DoD money in that direction.
I wonder will anyone ever crack the nut that is a successful horizontal space launch from aircraft? Virgin Galactic tried in recent weeks and failed. Using this approach for small payloads of 500 kg or so seems most likely to succeed. Among the many problems this approach has, is that building rockets (that are mainly fuel containers for their small payloads) that can take both horizontal and vertical stresses is hard.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10cmgjj/the_stratolaunch_roc_the_largest_aircraft_ever/j4gei3t/
FuturologyBot t1_j49vkv3 wrote
Reply to Solving the Global Sugar Problem by MilkshakeBoy78
The following submission statement was provided by /u/MilkshakeBoy78:
No paywall, https://archive.ph/VJVs3
Most nutrition experts today will agree on at least one thing: that sugar should be treated as a poison in every respect. It’s addictive and its excessive consumption is considered one of the primary causes of a variety of this era’s most widespread diseases, notably diabetes and obesity. But what if it were possible to render food astonishingly sweet with the use of only a very small amount of sugar, just a few granules. What if the amount of sugar in familiar foods could be reduced by 90 percent or more, yet leave the sweetness unchanged. And what if that sweetness were produced without any chemical intervention, without artificial substances, without engineered components, with no fine print, and no aftertaste? Well, this product actually exists and is in fact manufactured in Israel.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10bem1g/solving_the_global_sugar_problem/j49s23n/
FuturologyBot t1_j46qzjo wrote
Reply to The world is entering a new age of clean technology manufacturing, and countries’ industrial strategies will be key to success - News - IEA by Gari_305
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:
From the Article
>The energy world is at the dawn of a new industrial age – the age of clean energy technology manufacturing – that is creating major new markets and millions of jobs but also raising new risks, prompting countries across the globe to devise industrial strategies to secure their place in the new global energy economy, according to a major new IEA report.
>Energy Technology Perspectives 2023, the latest instalment in one of the IEA’s flagship series, serves as the world’s first global guidebook for the clean technology industries of the future. It provides a comprehensive analysis of global manufacturing of clean energy technologies today – such as solar panels, wind turbines, EV batteries, electrolysers for hydrogen and heat pumps – and their supply chains around the world, as well as mapping out how they are likely to evolve as the clean energy transition advances in the years ahead.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10avjel/the_world_is_entering_a_new_age_of_clean/j46e921/
FuturologyBot t1_j4608j2 wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/darth_nadoma:
Like most European countries, Portugal is accelerating its shift to renewables
to reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels whose prices have surged
Benefitting from abundant sunshine and strong Atlantic winds
Portugal seeks to have 80% of its electricity usage coming from renewable sources by 2026
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10ashvj/iberias_first_windsolar_power_plant_starts/j45xe4h/
FuturologyBot t1_j45ydr0 wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Surur:
We know EV sales have hit 90% market share in Norway, but there has always been a question of whether they are an outlier and if the rest of the world will follow. Multiple European countries are now showing that Norway was just the forerunner and are rapidly following in their footsteps.
In December 2022, new passenger car registrations in Germany increased by 38% YoY to 314,318, the highest monthly result in 42 months. The most significant result was the massive surge of plug-in electric car sales, both all-electric and plug-in hybrid. In December, 174,126 new passenger plug-in electric cars were registered in Germany, 114% more than a year ago, and a new all-time record. The market share of rechargeable passenger cars in December amounted to 55.4%, a new record, far beyond the previous one of 39.4%, and a true sign of the times that plug-ins are now in the majority.
The reason behind the surge is largely related to the reduction of incentives for BEVs and elimination of incentives for PHEVs from January 1, 2023, meaning January numbers will likely be a lot lower, but there is little doubt that ICE cars are now legacy cars increasingly relegated to the second-hand market.
Notably, the UK also saw record numbers of new electric car registrations in December 2022, with 42,284 all-electric cars (BEVs) and 8,367 plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) registered. This led to a market share of 32.9% and 6.5% respectively or 39.4% combined. The total number of new plug-in electric car registrations in December was 50,651, an increase of 41% YoY. For the year 2022, more than 368,000 new passenger plug-in cars were registered, reaching an average market share of 22.8%. This is a new record and notably better than 2021 (305,281 and 18.5% share).
Given the 14-20 year replacement cycle of passenger cars, it appears likely by 2050 there will be no ICE cars on the roads at all, which should go a long way to meeting CO2 emission targets.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10as0xk/german_ev_and_plugin_car_sales_hit_554_market/j45w7xw/
FuturologyBot t1_j453abj wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/nastratin:
The immediate goal is to create vaccines that destroy cancer cells—but some scientists are also testing vaccines that might prevent someone from developing cancer
Typically, vaccines help protect us against diseases. But cancer vaccines are different; they are potential therapies for treating people who already have cancer. These treatments have been years in the making, and failures have been frequent, but they’re now starting to show some promise.
In the last decade, technological innovations like genome sequencing have allowed scientists to take a closer look at tumor cells and their genetic abnormalities. This is helping them design vaccines aimed at much more specific targets. At the same time, we’ve been learning a lot more about the immune system and how it recognizes and destroys a patient’s tumor, says cellular immunologist Stephen Schoenberger at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in San Diego.
Cancer vaccine research is still in the nascent stages, says Nina Bhardwaj, a hematology and medical oncology expert at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. But early results from clinical trials testing dozens of vaccine candidates against a variety of cancers look encouraging, she says.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10altcg/cancer_vaccines_are_showing_promise_heres_how/j4503de/
FuturologyBot t1_j41okre wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/cyberentomology:
Some promising new developments on neuromodulation, hacking the nervous system for treating RA and other autoimmune disorders. This is far enough along that it should see larger scale clinical research this year.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10a1yar/a_new_treatment_for_arthritis_vagusnerve/j41j5ds/
FuturologyBot t1_j41c5mj wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/manual_tranny:
Forecasts for the production of photovoltaic panels are showing continued exponential growth over the next decade. The "economies of volume" are at play, according to Silicon Valley venture capitalist-turned solar entrepreneur Bill Nussey. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is expected to lead to the installation of 950 million solar modules.
15 to 20 years ago, the world did not have 5 TW of plant generation capacity. Unstable polysilicon prices lead to major drama in the solar industry, earning solar stocks the moniker "the solar coaster". But in the wake of bankruptcies and lawsuits, China's manufacturing power took the industry by storm, driving the per-watt price of polysilicon down over 96%.
Today, with the IRA as a catalyst, domestic manufacturing and installations are expected to double every few years, and continue doubling. As long as we can build the required storage, intermittent wireless fusion power will soon be able to power the entire globe.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10a02cq/from_300_gw_to_3000_gw_per_year_a_utopia/j419hzw/
FuturologyBot t1_j3z3239 wrote
Reply to AI Being Used to Further Research into Most Beneficial Psychedelic Molecules by secret-millionaire
The following submission statement was provided by /u/secret-millionaire:
As AI becomes even more advanced, I think we could soon see a wave of psychedelic-derived medicines being used to treat disorders like depression, PTSD, anxiety and patients with terminal illnesses. Fascinating what technology is actually capable of
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/109lduc/ai_being_used_to_further_research_into_most/j3yyugi/
FuturologyBot t1_j3wll70 wrote
Reply to Solar energy record: Mongolian CSP generated round the clock – 12 days, 24 hours a day by Cosmic_Ray_Bit_Flip
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Cosmic_Ray_Bit_Flip:
Solar energy record: Mongolian CSP generated round the clock
Posted on January 10, 2023
Solar record-breaking Mongolian CSP generated 24-hours for 12 days
In Mongolia at a latitude of 41.5 degrees, the Wulate CSP project generated day and night solar continuously for 12 days.
Solar energy record – 12 days, 24 hours a day
In a solar energy record for round-the-clock power generation, Mongolia’s Wulate 100MW trough CSP project ran continuously for 12 days, generating pure solar energy without batteries; due to the thermal energy storage in CSP. (How Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) works). In a CSP plant, mirrors create heat from sunlight and the heat is stored thermally and runs a thermal power plant.
Wulate began operation on January 8, 2022. The 100 MW plant generated 300,000 MWh of solar energy in its first year of operation. Records obtained by China’s Solar Thermal Alliance show that during that time; from June 4th to June 15th, 2022, and even under overcast skies for six of those days, continuous power generation round the clock was achieved for all 12 days. The total power generation of over 22,000 MWh during that period was at a maximum power generation of 106 MW.
The project, one of China’s trough CSP projects in its pilot program, includes thermal energy storage so it can generate solar energy through the night. All of the Chinese CSP projects, both the pilot projects and the 30 new ones underway as of 2023, include thermal storage. (How CSP thermal energy storage works)
China needs night solar
China has an unusual energy requirement that needs more 24-hour power than western nations. This is due to a higher percentage of load from overnight factory operations, according to a study in Nature of China’s cost to decarbonize covered recently here at SolarPACES. Supplying this load from solar energy helps China decarbonize its energy use at low cost. This is why China has emphasized building CSP in concert with PV and wind. CSP enables thermally stored solar energy.
Located in inner Mongolia at a high latitude of 41.5 degrees, Wulate is the first CSP project to achieve full operation at this latitude in China, the report states. The operating efficiency of the locally produced trough solar collector exceeded expectations for such a high latitude.
This inner Mongolian CSP project was built to supply the most hours daily of thermal storage of all the pilot CSP projects in China. To supply more thermal energy storage in CSP, the developer builds a larger solar field in relation to the steam turbine and power block capacity, so there is a greater surplus of solar energy available to store. Like in all trough CSP, the heat is gathered and transmitted in a thermal heat transfer fluid that runs through small diameter piping throughout the solar field, heated by concentrated sunlight reflected off the parabolic solar trough collectors.
China’s big business branching out into CSP
Like many of the Chinese projects, the Wulate project is built by large state energy corporations. Wulate was designed, constructed, commissioned, operated, and maintained by a division of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) – its New Energy Co. CSIC comprises 96 engineering enterprises located in northern China and employs over 300,000 people. Many big firms like CSIC in China have engineering expertise in thermal power block components, which are similar to coal power stations. Instead of burning fossil fuel, a trough CSP plant generates heat at between 400 – 500°C, the temperature used to run a thermal power station.
CSIC says that the operating efficiency of the domestic trough collector exceeded its expectations. CSIC also claims the world record for the shortest construction and commissioning period, however, this data was not provided by the reporter at China’s Solar Thermal Alliance. The firm notes that it also managed a world record short time for injecting the heat transfer fluid, with 570 tons inserted in just one day.
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Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1097a1n/solar_energy_record_mongolian_csp_generated_round/j3wjeut/
FuturologyBot t1_j3vx93y wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:
From the article
>NASA's leading planet-hunting spacecraft has spotted its second planet that matches Earth's size and may be able to retain liquid water — and both worlds orbit the same star.
Also from the article
>NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) launched in April 2018; since then, the mission has discovered 285 confirmed exoplanets and more than 6,000 candidates. One of the most intriguing of the confirmed planets is a world dubbed TOI 700 d, which is about the size of Earth and located in its star's habitable zone. Now, scientists have determined that the planet has a neighbor that's just as tantalizing, thanks to an October 2021 alert that the Earth-orbiting telescope had seen something interesting.
>"We first started looking at it and we're like, 'Is this real?'" Emily Gilbert, an astronomer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, told Space.com. Gilbert and her colleagues are presenting the research at the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society, being held this week in Seattle and virtually.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1093gc0/astronomers_find_2nd_earthsize_planet_in/j3vtkkb/
FuturologyBot t1_j3r54po wrote
Reply to Physicists have discovered that mimicking human muscles can lead to more efficiently designed electric motors for use in robots and appliances. Their bioinspired motors use up to 22% less energy, have a greater range of motion and can lift objects higher than typical electric motors. by Sariel007
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Sariel007:
>In their experiment, they compared how a muscle and a traditional direct-current (DC) motor would lift a weight up from the ground. The DC motor will yank the object with the maximum amount of force it can apply at that moment and will continue doing so as it lifts the weight.
>"The construction of muscle, however, allows for a more fluid, continuous and gradual movement," McGrath said. "Muscle can smoothly lift the object that does not require it to continuously yank on the weight as with all of its power."
>To have their motor behave like the fluid, energy-efficient muscle, the researchers used a device called a proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID), which works like cruise control in a car. The PID can recognize an error between the current speed and the set speed of cruise control and corrects by increasing or decreasing the force.
>Muscles have been shown to provide performance advantages useful for robotic systems, such as energy efficiency, stability, or increased range in motion. How muscles create these performance advantages, however, still remains largely unknown.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/108andc/physicists_have_discovered_that_mimicking_human/j3r040n/
FuturologyBot t1_j3qcxyw wrote
Reply to Controversial Proposal to Reduce Global Warming Could Threaten Ozone Regeneration by Rear-gunner
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Rear-gunner:
Scientists have calculated that injecting 8 to 16 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere each year, similar to the output of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, could cool the Earth's temperature by 1 degree Celsius. Simulations over Antarctica show that this method, known as stratospheric aerosol injection, could lower global temperatures by 0.5 degrees Celsius over 20 years. However, there would be a trade-off as this method would also reduce the ozone layer to its 1990 levels, which is only a third of its pre-human impact state.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1085n05/controversial_proposal_to_reduce_global_warming/j3qafb8/
FuturologyBot t1_j3q7zl2 wrote
Reply to French startup uses Hi-Fi speakers to develop eco-friendly heat pumps by BorgesBorgesBorges60
The following submission statement was provided by /u/BorgesBorgesBorges60:
>[...] the machine’s ecological mode of operation is claimed to provide the same efficiency of a conventional heat pump, while increasing energy savings and overall cost.
>A big part of that is the pump’s modulation, which allows users to increase or decrease the speaker’s volume to achieve the desired power output. Apart from that, the system is easy to install, doesn’t require maintenance and has a lifespan of around 30 years — about twice as long as a conventional heat pump.
Better yet, its inventors claim that it runs completely silently, thereby avoiding the low, ominous drumbeat signalling the end of days and the battle between heaven and hell you'd expect from a device built this way.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1084mhv/french_startup_uses_hifi_speakers_to_develop/j3q5xb4/
FuturologyBot t1_j3pupcl wrote
Reply to This biotech startup says mice live longer after genetic reprogramming by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1
The following submission statement was provided by /u/ChickenTeriyakiBoy1:
>A small biotech company claims it has used a technology called reprogramming to rejuvenate old mice and extend their lives, a result suggesting that one day older people could have their biological clocks turned back with an injection—literally becoming younger.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1081uhw/this_biotech_startup_says_mice_live_longer_after/j3prtg2/
FuturologyBot t1_j3nwbds wrote
Reply to Lab-grown retinal eye cells make successful connections, open door for clinical trials to treat blindness by Melodic-Work7436
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Melodic-Work7436:
Excerpts from the article:
“Over a decade ago, researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison developed a way to grow organized clusters of cells, called organoids, that resemble the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. They coaxed human skin cells reprogrammed to act as stem cells to develop into layers of several types of retinal cells that sense light and ultimately transmit what we see to the brain.”
“We wanted to use the cells from those organoids as replacement parts for the same types of cells that have been lost in the course of retinal diseases,” says David Gamm, the UW–Madison ophthalmology professor and director of the McPherson Eye Research Institute whose lab developed the organoids. “But after being grown in a laboratory dish for months as compact clusters, the question remained — will the cells behave appropriately after we tease them apart? Because that is key to introducing them into a patient’s eye.”
“The last piece of the puzzle was to see if these cords had the ability to plug into, or shake hands with, other retinal cell types in order to communicate,” says Gamm, whose new results on successful connections between the cells was published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”
“We’ve been quilting this story together in the lab, one piece at a time, to build confidence that we’re headed in the right direction,” says Gamm, who patented the organoids and co-founded Madison-based Opsis Therapeutics, which is adapting the technology to treat human eye disorders based on the UW–Madison discoveries. “It’s all leading, ultimately, to human clinical trials, which are the clear next step.”
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/107pqnj/labgrown_retinal_eye_cells_make_successful/j3nqvyf/
FuturologyBot t1_j3mnadc wrote
Reply to Can the success of healing ozone layer be extrapolated to climate change also, in real terms, given how complex climate change problem is compared to banning just one compound (CFCs)? by Beginning-Panic188
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Beginning-Panic188:
While banning one compound and the healing of ozone layer has shown that there is hope still present. However, climate change being a much more complex problem do you think such a collaborative and swift response globally is possible?
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/107insu/can_the_success_of_healing_ozone_layer_be/j3miefu/
FuturologyBot t1_j3mk65e wrote
Reply to A Singular Trajectory: the Signs of AGI by mjrossman
The following submission statement was provided by /u/mjrossman:
considering all the hype around ChatGPT, I felt like I should concretize some thoughts around ML at present and AI in the immediate future. the main point is that we're already crossing thresholds that indicate an accelerating path towards AGI and a much different looking society because of it. I link to several directions that ML can be studied in order to achieve AGI, but this is mostly an introductory post. may write again about this subject very soon.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/107i7yv/a_singular_trajectory_the_signs_of_agi/j3mg02c/
FuturologyBot t1_j3jltfb wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/the_remainder_17:
From article:
A few of us have had orders dropped on our lawns by drone already. Millions more will be within range of drone deliveries in 2023.
Drone deliveries could be dropping into your life, too, as the technology involved matures and expands beyond isolated test projects. In 2023, drones could replace vans and your own trip to the store when you need medicine, takeout dinners, cordless drill batteries or dishwasher soap.
Drone delivery companies are cagey about specifics, but all expect to expand operations this year.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/106ysl1/drones_are_already_delivering_pizza_if_you_havent/j3jg22p/
FuturologyBot t1_j3g6l68 wrote
Reply to ‘Killer robots’ and AI’s ‘dirty little secret’: Many people prefer robots over humans by izumi3682
The following submission statement was provided by /u/izumi3682:
Submission statement from OP. Note: This submission statement "locks in" after about 30 minutes, and can no longer be edited. Please refer to my statement they link, which I can continue to edit. I often edit my submission statement, sometimes for the next few days if needs must. There is often required additional grammatical editing and additional added detail.
From the article.
>This phenomenon — of some people preferring robots (in this case, an apparently-neutral robot over an opinionated human) becomes more important as we enter an era of AI-enabled robots. And it may partly explain why AI-enabled robots enjoy public support despite warning from prominent figures ranging from Henry Kissinger to former Google boss Eric Schmidt about the risks of unfettered AI. If someone suspects that opinionated-humans in authority intend to do them or their family harm, then that person will probably prefer an apparently neutral, AI-enabled robot over an obviously bigoted human.
And this truly telling finish...
>If any one thing is clear, it is that we are intellectually unprepared for both this era and the debate that it will spur.
People do not have a clue what is coming. But they will all know about the year 2025 when true, albeit limited AGI comes into existence. But that AGI will not stay limited for long. By the year 2028 it will quite complex indeed. And once that happens ASI is very close to realization. And that would constitute a TS. I place it about the year 2029, give or take two years.
Absolutely around the mid decade there will be legislation attempting to roll back the power of AI, but it will be far too little, far too late. In fact right now today, the Europeans are attempting legislation to control the development of AI. Sorry, that cat is already out the bag.
I hope it all goes well for us. I think it will.
Tangentially related. This is about how humans will come to prefer AI "creativity" to that of "inferior" humans.
And that leads me to another consideration. What happens when we remove mental illness and psychiatric disorders from the the world? Have you ever read a poem by Sylvia Plath? Have you ever remarked on the unusual beauty of a Van Gogh painting. Did you like the band "Nirvana", or Amy Winehouse? It is that kind of "defect" in human cognition that brings about the transcendent forms of art that evokes such an amazing resonance in us, the observer or listener. The same thing that makes a human crazier than a shit-house rat, is also the same thing that makes that human a genius.
The 100K question then is, will we miss that? Do we really want to give it up? Mental illness and psychiatric disorders hurt. I imagine everyone wants to take those agonies away. Right?
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/106e70m/killer_robots_and_ais_dirty_little_secret_many/j3g5aqy/
FuturologyBot t1_j3em0uy wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/skraddleboop:
Submission statement:
According to a study published in Nature, an international teamof researchers has identified a mechanism that allows cancer cells tospread throughout the body. They found that cancer cells move fasterwhen they are surrounded by thicker fluids, a change that occurs whenlymph drainage is disrupted by a primary tumor.
These findings provide a potential new target for stopping metastasis, which is responsible for 90% of cancer deaths.“Thisis really the first time that the viscosity of the extracellular fluidhas been looked at in detail,” says John D. Lewis, professor and BirdDogs Chair in Translational Oncology at the University of Alberta’sFaculty of Medicine & Dentistry. “Now that we know that fluidviscosity signals cancer cells to move in a specific way, we canpotentially use drugs to basically short-circuit that signaling pathwayand encourage cancer cells to slow down, or even maybe to stop.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1064128/new_study_uncovers_potential_target_for_stopping/j3eh87o/
FuturologyBot t1_j3e9pdy wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:
From the article
>The breakneck development and deployment of facial recognition technology are outstripping efforts to corral alarming pitfalls.
>Why it matters: Police, retail stores, airports and sports arenas are rapidly increasing biometric surveillance. But critics say the results are too often blindly trusted, without enough double-checking of matches.
>Catch up quick: The latest face-recognition surveillance technology is designed to identify people seen on security cameras in real-time, or close to it.
Also from the Article
>A Black man was recently jailed for almost a week in Georgia after a facial recognition system incorrectly matched his face with a suspect in a New Orleans robbery, his lawyer told The New Orleans Advocate.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10620l0/facial_recognitions_rapid_adoption_exposes/j3e5bet/
FuturologyBot t1_j3c9km7 wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/perpetual_C000009A:
This article details a vessel that has a submerged "wing", allowing it to "fly" over the water. This means less drag, less fuel consumption, and less wake generated by the passage of the vessel. Which in turn means less erosion of the shoreline and allowing the vessel to move faster in coastal waters and harbours.
Also detailed in the article is an artificial photosynthesis technology being developed in Cambridge, UK to produce synthesis gas, which can be used in place of gasoline.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/105qinq/flying_boats_and_artificial_photosynthesis_for/j3c61iy/
FuturologyBot t1_j37bab1 wrote
Reply to A biotech firm says the U.S. has approved its vaccine for honeybees by BorgesBorgesBorges60
The following submission statement was provided by /u/BorgesBorgesBorges60:
Some hopeful news that might avert the mass extinction of our insectoid friends, at least from American Foulbreed disease. And no, it doesn't involve beekeepers marching to every hive armed with tiny needles between their thumb and forefinger:
>The disease is caused by Paenibacillus larvae, a type of bacteria that affects the bee's larvae. The vaccine contains some of that bacteria, and it will be mixed in with the royal jelly, which worker bees secrete from their heads and then feed to the queen and larvae. When the queen eats the jelly, she will ingest fragments of the vaccine that will grant her offspring some immunity against the bacteria.
Could inspire other vaccines and prevent the need for swarms of mechanical bees servicing our fields and gardens and doing the occasional human murder.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/104vv7v/a_biotech_firm_says_the_us_has_approved_its/j376qqq/
FuturologyBot t1_j4i7tfc wrote
Reply to Pakistan launches anti-polio drive targeting 44M children by tonymmorley
The following submission statement was provided by /u/tonymmorley:
Today in Pakistan, 3859 mobile teams of para-medical staff will begin a push to immunize 44 million children across 156 districts in a nationwide drive. — Pakistan launches anti-polio drive targeting 44M children
Pakistan has made incredible progress toward eradicating polio. Travel back just 42 years to 1981, and there were an estimated 30,000 cases across the country; by 2021, it was down to 9 cases. Dive into the full data here. https://ourworldindata.org/polio
Globally, the story is even brighter, with total cases having declined by 99.99%. Afghanistan and Pakistan remain the only two countries with active polioviruses circulating. The final push toward eradication has been extremely challenging, but it may come before 2030.
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10cvy2p/pakistan_launches_antipolio_drive_targeting_44m/j4i2qnl/