
FwibbFwibb t1_itai00x wrote

Did you just ignore that the title SPECIFICALLY said INCUMBENT homeowners? Meaning someone who already owns a home. The most difficult part is breaking in to home ownership in the first place. After that it's gravy. Your mortgage stays the same while rent increases exponentially for others.

>Countries intentionally incentivize home ownership

This is about people who already own a home.

> first time homebuyer FHA government-backed loans available

This is about people who already own a home.

>lowering the barrier for entry is the right take.

This is about people who already own a home.

Why should someone who already owns a home get taxpayer subsidies?


FwibbFwibb t1_it9jcgi wrote

If they come back in a couple of years saying they are ready for use, will you even remember this post?

How many of these "never hear about again" is just you not remembering something from years ago?


FwibbFwibb t1_ist9snb wrote

The first time this comment was posted 10 years ago it made me think. Since then it's been a race between morons to see who can be the first one to post it in a new thread.