
FyuckerFjord t1_iy6ih5n wrote

Reply to Food Scraps by mmac1011

Chinese food containers in the spare freezer along with a compost bag if we need (company, holidays, long stretches between dump visits, etc.).


FyuckerFjord t1_ix1j2eh wrote

Reply to comment by foomp in Vermont Native by brymandog

Don't get me wrong, I've met some very friendly Vermonters, about half transplants here 25 plus years and half native. The natives have given me the lay of the land, and mostly, they're the families that understand a last name will go a long way with getting permits approved, and they don't have that last name. So they're the, damn I don't wanna say lower class in Vermont natives, but it's somewhere close to that. And you know what, thems my peeps. I don't like the exceptionlists.

With regards to participating, what I meant is I buy local. Farmstands. Mom and pops. Aubuchon instead of Home Depot. I don't want to come here and change things - I didn't vote in the primary but did in the general. I figure let the locals who know more than me (as a 2-year resident) decide the party representatives.

All in all, I'm trying to be as sensitive to a small state as I can, but I also realize that I busted my ass to get here and won't be marginalized. It's a fine line to walk. I'll tread it out of awareness for the state of this state, but it's also my home as well.

Happy to be here. :)


FyuckerFjord t1_ix1304l wrote

Reply to comment by Trajikbpm in Vermont Native by brymandog

I'm not scared of the type of native Vermonters who see me as an invasive species but I am expecting a confrontation at all times and operate at threat level midnight. That changes how I deal with people right off the bat and I find myself reverting to my gruffer self by default and I don't like it. I rather enjoyed the laid back middle-aged dude I turned into rather than the bar-fighting rapscallion I once was.


FyuckerFjord t1_ix0j8qo wrote

I moved here not to change things, but to participate in the local economy and be left alone. Still, when I found my elderly neighbor wandering around near my house, I was friendly and asked if he needed help with anything.

He proceeded to tell me how much he hated "the bitch" that lived here before and how she rented to "high-flying beaners" and when I smiled and pointed out my wife is Mexican he said, "Not her, she's a good one."

Also had my truck keyed for having out of state plates. Encountered some of the most entitled people I've ever met and run into Vermont exceptionalism more often than fairly priced maple syrup.

In fact, Raleigh, NC felt a million times friendlier than Vermont, so maybe your view of Vermonters is askew.

So Vermont may not be the birthplace of kum-bah-ya you feel it is. It's also more expensive than where many of us come from, so you're welcome for my family's willingness to pay higher taxes to help state programs that benefit all Vermonters.

And believe me - I want costs to go down. Period. Exclamation point.


FyuckerFjord t1_iujuz91 wrote

We've only had one ground freeze so far this year and it was minor so you should be good for a bit. But if you're curious, take a hammer and a steak outside. Grill up the steak and eat it. Then find something to drive into the ground, like a stake. You should be able to quickly tell whether the weather is fence weather or not by your effort.


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufw7xn wrote

Mmm. A side of homophobia to go with that manure-dull wit. I bet your mom tells you you're a real catch.

Okay, Spudnuts. It's been fun setting stupidity traps and watching you walk into them, but it's time to head out for some Halloween fun.

If you're that lonely you can reply now and wait for me to come back like a good boy. :)


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufu3b4 wrote

Indeed, that was an easy one showing just who has fallen for Russian disinformation. Thanks. :)

I'll leave this here in case you actually want to learn something - even went to an independent country's top university to remove bias: https://lens.monash.edu/@politics-society/2022/08/19/1384992/much-azov-about-nothing-how-the-ukrainian-neo-nazis-canard-fooled-the-world


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufq6cx wrote

Yes, everyone just picked up and moved one Saturday in May. It was as easy as that. ROOOOoofflfllfLMFAO!!

You simple syrup sucking son a streetwalker. Here's some of the things you learn when you go to school because you want to - not because daddy potato balls is holding the belt.

(College. I mean college. I just realized you wouldn't get that.)



FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufjo07 wrote

The parties switched views between the two Roosevelt presidencies. Google it along with The Southern Strategy. Or just ask yourself why the GOP is fighting so hard to keep Confederate statues up when the Dems formed the KKK?

You're not the party of Lincoln, you're the party of oppression, gaslighting, and regression.


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufb5ix wrote

Except there's more proof of Republicans marching around with Nazi and Confederate flags than there's evidence of Q.

When you mate with other potato-genitalia people at your QAnon meetings, do you catch potato bugs or the crabs Marjorie Taylor Greene is circulating?