GamePro201X t1_j6hekuu wrote
Reply to My daily struggle 😂 by LosElite
wow how original
surely this can't be a repost
GamePro201X t1_j6gxsqw wrote
Reply to comment by Nosapaw in oh chifi, never change by Nosapaw
Oh yes, I know there are plenty of non-harman tuned IEMs. I meant mainly that is what happens when chi-fi is discussed on this subreddit. I'm not an IEM person, but new stuff is always cool. More of the same stuff being posted is tiring after so long lmao
GamePro201X t1_j6gtxgj wrote
Reply to oh chifi, never change by Nosapaw
I have no interest in chi-fi. Seems most of it is just a dick measuring contest between who can get the closest to the harman target. It's just boring
GamePro201X t1_j69wepv wrote
Yep pads can greatly change how headphones sound!
GamePro201X t1_j69vjsp wrote
Reply to comment by radrod69 in Top 10 Favorite Headphones by radrod69
Yeah well as I always say; listen with your ears first before completely judging something! Every person hears differently so you really never know if you’ll like/dislike something 100%. Even graphs are not 100% reliable because the head/ear shape of the measurement rig is different from your own head/ear shape
GamePro201X t1_j67c38w wrote
Reply to Top 10 Favorite Headphones by radrod69
I'm not very good at describing sound, so my list will just be the names of headphones. It also won't be in any particular order.
- HEDD Audio HEDDphone
- Audeze LCD-3
- Raal Requisite SR1a (but only if paired with VM1a amplifier)
- Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro
- Kennerton Audio GH40
- Warwick Acoustics Bravura
- Meze Audio Liric
- Grado Labs SR325e
- Modhouse Audio Argon MK3
- Rosson Audio Design RAD-0
GamePro201X t1_j5xjcko wrote
Reply to Question for dt880 owners by Deathpacito9000
Not repairable through regular means. You'll have to solder a new jack onto the cable
GamePro201X t1_j5x208r wrote
Reply to comment by Dust-by-Monday in Same (or very similar) driver, Wildly different sound by ThatsPurttyGood101
variety is the spice of life!
GamePro201X t1_j5w7h4g wrote
what headphones did the cleaning tool come with
GamePro201X t1_j5vouz4 wrote
Reply to comment by InternationalBug910 in Every Grado SR60 review by Refastico
yeah you have to bend the headband
GamePro201X t1_j5sqkum wrote
Reply to Comparison question: Modi+ vs Topping DACs by entivoo
what headphones are you using
GamePro201X t1_j2fqu04 wrote
Reply to head phone hair loss by shoe-eaterr
Nah that’s not true
GamePro201X t1_j2fh0ck wrote
Reply to Used Headphones. Do you replace components, even if everything is in fair condition?🏷️ by pavoid
It really depends. Sometimes the pads aren't really worn at all, but I'll still replace them because someone else was using them. The one exception to this would be genuine leather pads since you can just wipe those down with alcohol wipes and they'll basically be as good as new
GamePro201X t1_j2f9tep wrote
Reply to What headphone/audio stores do you trust? by MOK1N, Audio46, and Bloom Audio are the main 3 I'd recommend
I've heard Mimic Audio is good too, but I don't have any experience with them
GamePro201X t1_j1vo38n wrote
Reply to First headphone purchase? by natwest96
Both are amazing headphones, but the safest option would be the HD600. There's a reason they've been a staple in this community for so long. If you're not very sensitive to treble though I'd take the DT1990 because it is a bit more exciting to listen to (better for genres like EDM or dubstep). Soundstage and imaging is also substantially better on the DT1990
Also, I wouldn't really say you will hear that treble spike even if you do have sensitive hearing. I have excellent hearing and my DT990 (which people say is even worse treble-wise than the DT1990 Pro) sounds perfectly fine to me. Maybe I might experience slight sibilance on 1% of songs, but overall I hear no harshness
GamePro201X t1_j1okeus wrote
Reply to comment by YashaAstora in My first pair of legit over-ear wired headphones in a loooooong time. Greatly enjoying them! by YashaAstora
>Yes, I got these on Dankpod's reccommendation. Apparently a bunch of people on here hate them but I can't figure out why other than weird elitism
You'll see that a lot around here for sure. The tricky part about headphones/speakers is that people will have different views on how things should sound, and everybody will hear a headphone/speaker differently depending on several factors (mainly size/shape of head, ears, ear canals, etc). Plenty of people have told me they don't like the headphones I own, and vice versa.
The Samson SR850 from my understanding is a headphone that is rather bright sounding (heavier in the treble and deficient in the bass). Depending on the person they might be painful/sharp to listen to because of that brightness, or might not have as much slam in the bass as someone would like. The unevenness of their sound is the main reason some people will not like them.
GamePro201X t1_j1kools wrote
Reply to comment by D00M98 in Simple. Yet beautiful... by jeeper173
I do agree. I found that they sound rather clinical. Of course, that doesn't mean other people can't like them. In this hobby, preference is king over what is "objectively good"
GamePro201X t1_iydntm1 wrote
Reply to Are the Sivga Orioles really good? by SuspiciousHearts
I know some people like Sivga headphones a lot. However, this headphone only just came out recently afaik and there are not many reviews yet. My advice is to wait a bit. On a separate note, avoid any “tech” website when it comes to audio reviews
GamePro201X t1_iy8yyn9 wrote
Yup sounds like Focal (to my ears at least). The only 2 Focal headphones I like are the Clear MG and the Radiance. Overall I like warmer sounding gear so it makes sense
GamePro201X t1_iy62r9a wrote
They’ll probably be too quiet for you imo (depending on what you’re plugging them into). If you’re fine at listening at a volume that might be too low for you then not getting an amp is fine.
As for sound quality improvements, my DT990 (basically the same as the DT770) gets a little bit extra bass and a bit more clarity in the music when you get an amplifier. It’s pretty noticeable in my opinion, but not necessary at all
GamePro201X t1_iy464c9 wrote
Reply to comment by kazuviking in My JDS Atom amp on high gain sounds MUCH wider with Planar headphones? by Lelouch25
average ASR user
GamePro201X t1_iy0qnjc wrote
Reply to What aspect of performance is the most important or most undervalued (tonality, Soundstage, timbre, transience, etc.) ? by TheRadiantSoap
imo it’s tonality mainly because some people will say “just use EQ” in response to anyone asking about it
Most overvalued is soundstage. I can barely tell a difference between headphones when it comes to staging (yes even between open backs and closed backs). You’re paying for like 1-2 extra inches of staging when you get an HD800s
GamePro201X t1_ixugrq6 wrote
Reply to comment by BestDadIsOnMyMug in Yeah but… why aren’t all headphone cups D-shaped? by Hot_Advance3592
I like the Aeon models but I disagree about the Stealth and Expanse. I have a pretty short head so anything with an auto-adjusting headband feels like it it pulling my ears down
GamePro201X t1_ixtc6vy wrote
Dan Clark Audio has some ear shaped cups on their AEON, Stealth, and Expanse models
GamePro201X t1_j6jc1xz wrote
Reply to comment by ZeeHost in oh chifi, never change by Nosapaw
Well there is a reason I don’t generally go onto r/headphoneadvice ever lol