GamerTMTDK OP t1_j8nus7g wrote
Reply to comment by RockyRaccy in 30fps vs 60fps. by GamerTMTDK
Excatly. If I did'nt have any other option to play that game then in 30fps, I wound't play it.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j8ntwny wrote
Reply to comment by WorldsBiggestNarcist in 30fps vs 60fps. by GamerTMTDK
I've seen ALOT of people saying they play fallout 76 on ps4/5 that game runs a 30fps
GamerTMTDK t1_j7f5m2k wrote
Reply to What was your first console? by Imaginary_Fennel6772
GamerTMTDK t1_j5xt2ng wrote
Reply to comment by ThorsEyeball in Have had a Playstation since PS3...should I finally cave and get an Xbox also? If so, which one? by threemoons_nyc
I know make's no sence, but I can't seem to let go of the ps5 eventhough I don't have the budget for it, to own it. And year, I'm fine, mentally now that's another topic.
GamerTMTDK t1_j5xo36i wrote
Reply to Have had a Playstation since PS3...should I finally cave and get an Xbox also? If so, which one? by threemoons_nyc
I've been with Playstation since ps1 to this day I don't have the budget to own the ps5, but still I own the ps5 and can't force myself to leave ps, guess I am kind of a fanboy.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j5sp7ao wrote
Reply to comment by Lariver in buying a game, when renting is an option? by GamerTMTDK
Oh, my budget says !!gamepass all over!! But my mind says ps5, because that's my preferred platform.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j5qdpbt wrote
Reply to comment by Lariver in buying a game, when renting is an option? by GamerTMTDK
My prefered place is ps5, I just don't know if buying a game is kind of stupid when it's avaliable on the other platform.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j5q857v wrote
Reply to comment by YousureWannaknow in buying a game, when renting is an option? by GamerTMTDK
A couple of hours a day, maybe 3-4 tops.
GamerTMTDK t1_j5nnphd wrote
I've tried the xbox gamepass eco-system, but in the end, I prefer ps5 because I've been with that brand since the ps1 and I prefer to own my games I'm interested in. Also their exclusive is top quality. And I prefer the controller way more.
GamerTMTDK t1_j2wri93 wrote
Reply to comment by Witty-Star8870 in Xbox series x or ps5 by Dangerous_Plane_4424
Yep, their consol, their games and their accessories.
GamerTMTDK t1_j2vxkqh wrote
Reply to comment by Witty-Star8870 in Xbox series x or ps5 by Dangerous_Plane_4424
Atleast your on "save the money" side. ;)
GamerTMTDK t1_j2vvi3y wrote
Reply to comment by Witty-Star8870 in Xbox series x or ps5 by Dangerous_Plane_4424
Good to know I'm not alone in this frustration.
GamerTMTDK t1_j2vuvet wrote
Reply to comment by Witty-Star8870 in Xbox series x or ps5 by Dangerous_Plane_4424
I don't think microsoft would notice if you jump ship to Playstation. So is your loyalty to yourself then? I only ask because I'm in the same situation just with Playstation, and I think it's so stupid that my head would allow me to jump to xbox in the end, it's just a peace of plastic.
GamerTMTDK t1_j2vtwk4 wrote
Reply to comment by Witty-Star8870 in Xbox series x or ps5 by Dangerous_Plane_4424
Then why not go with the ps5?
GamerTMTDK t1_j2vs1d3 wrote
Reply to Confused!!! by Ly7thegr8
I'm that much of a Playstation guy, that even if the games excicsist on gamepass I buy them on Playstation, because... I can't help it 🤦
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j1qe920 wrote
Reply to comment by TapeSticksToIt in concidering leaving playstation for good. by GamerTMTDK
Nope me included. Hehe.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j1qdoxc wrote
Reply to concidering leaving playstation for good. by GamerTMTDK
My pc runs a RYX 2060 super
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j1qdlht wrote
Reply to comment by TapeSticksToIt in concidering leaving playstation for good. by GamerTMTDK
Wauw sounds like your pc is a beast!! Most have been expencive?
But year, in your case an xbox would make no sence.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j1qcf39 wrote
Reply to comment by TapeSticksToIt in concidering leaving playstation for good. by GamerTMTDK
You have a ps and xbox? Or pc? And what is your strategy when a game is multiplatform how do you decide on which which platform to own the game on?
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j1pj7l2 wrote
Reply to comment by Legit_TheGamingwithc in concidering leaving playstation for good. by GamerTMTDK
It's just the xbox is way cheaper to replace, the a new pc, my pc is pretty old now.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_ivdx4je wrote
Reply to comment by OldYellowReddit in losning ps5 SO frustrating. by GamerTMTDK
Me too. I also have major fomo, over ragnarok and other games. But year you are 100% right, I think I'm gonna come back to your comment when ever my fomo gets to big. Thanks.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_ivb7a2r wrote
Reply to comment by OldYellowReddit in losning ps5 SO frustrating. by GamerTMTDK
You don't own a ps5 either? But year seem like a good idea, I just think ps exclusive are hyped all over and for me it's difficult not to ignore.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_iv9mv62 wrote
Reply to comment by xzombielegendxx in losning ps5 SO frustrating. by GamerTMTDK
Lol indeed
GamerTMTDK OP t1_iv9j128 wrote
Reply to comment by originsspeedrunner in losning ps5 SO frustrating. by GamerTMTDK
Thanks. Regarding the ps5, that's the plan.
GamerTMTDK OP t1_j8nw6oj wrote
Reply to comment by Gonch76 in 30fps vs 60fps. by GamerTMTDK