GamerTMTDK t1_isla9kk wrote

I just sold my ps5. Became tired of their high prices, and their shitty deals. Plus I have a mid-range gaming PC I from now on will play some of their "exclusive" on. Also have a xbox series s I play on.


GamerTMTDK t1_is96qz3 wrote

I wanna like xbox more then I actually do. because I actually care about those trophies, which is dump I know, they don't do nothing other then raise my overall trophy lvl. 🤦

And because my most hyped game at the moment is starfield, also I'm a fan of befeshda. therefore I torture myself every day with the thought of whether to go with one or the other.


GamerTMTDK t1_is0on7s wrote

I have sold my ps5 in favor of my gaming pc, sony's furture plans is to release there exclusive in time on pc, and there is talk that, they will launch thier own Playstation launcher on pc maybe next year.


GamerTMTDK t1_iqziswy wrote

I have respect for those of you who have replaced the PC with ps/xbox. I hear many say that PC is the "king of gaming" as you don't have to compromise with frames and graphics. as well as mouse and keyboard options as well as controller options. One of my close friends is PC only and since I also have a hard time letting things go, it's hard for me to switch from PC to ps/console. it must be said that I have both a gaming PC, an XSS and a PS5. but I don't have the time for all three and also thought it was too expensive with all three.