
GargantuanWitch t1_j1915tw wrote

>Assholes that are in such a small irrelevant number that nobody cares. No shouting back no protesting. Just go about your day. Numbers will decline further. Which equals a few less assholes.

Tell me you've enjoyed white privilege your entire life without telling me you've enjoyed white privilege your entire life.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyf9nyr wrote

Not sure if Pittsburgh Guitars does that kind of repair, but they've been an institution for decades. They could probably give you a dozen names of people, if they won't do it.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyemt0y wrote

They targeted low income and predominantly Black areas and told people that if they voted by mail, the government could use the information on their ballots to arrest them for outstanding warrants, other crimes, or force them into vaccination programs.

They're sorry... that they were caught.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyem6sy wrote

Yeah, there was a flea market for awhile, in the decrepit carcass of the mall that was left at the time. Last time I went inside was probably 1994 or so, and it was barely functional then.

They finally razed the entire thing when Amazon showed up.


GargantuanWitch t1_iydnrkv wrote

A significant portion of people who live in areas close to park and ride lots actually drive a short distance, then get on a bus, THEN do a bit of walking to their final destination. Or biking. Had plenty of people ride the bus in from Forest Hills, with a bike, and get off at Penn Station when I was riding the bus.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyagz9f wrote

Reply to comment by saltyt00th in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]

Uh, I'd say "Not interested" and go about my day like I, and countless others, have done since we were born? You know, the way you deflect a social interaction in which you don't want to participate.

Have you never told anyone "No" before? This is an honest question.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyadaif wrote

Reply to comment by nonymiz in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]

"Hi, I'm a journalism student, can I ask you a few questions for an assignment? I don't need any personal info."

I highly doubt this sentence would result in violence on a bus. If you truly believe this, do the rest of us a favor and never leave your home.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyad3mh wrote

Reply to comment by saltyt00th in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]

If you do it aggressively, sure. But that's not at all what I said.

Asking a polite question is not "cornering someone on public transportation" and if one were to conduct an interview as an assignment, one should assume that they'd be able to handle a simple "no" rejection and not be an asshole about it.