GargantuanWitch t1_j9fx0dv wrote
Reply to comment by Birdface3000 in Looks like Spring is right around the corner.....Gardeners of Pittsburgh, what do you have planned for this year's growing season? by NineFootEightWeight
It doesn't work. My next door neighbor has had an electric fence in his backyard for 4 years, and year-round, at least once a month, he's out there re-stringing it because a herd fucking runs through it instead of attempting to jump.
The herd stands in the backyard for hours, until one of them is dumb enough to stumble into it, at which point they freak out, and they tangle themselves and tear it down. They're not deterred, at all. They'll gladly nose around underneath it and try to crawl under.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9fw1pk wrote
Reply to comment by Slopey1884 in Looks like Spring is right around the corner.....Gardeners of Pittsburgh, what do you have planned for this year's growing season? by NineFootEightWeight
Yup. We did asparagus for a couple years until we just took it out and stopped. For as much as we eat, we'd need to devote more space for it, and it wasn't worth the effort.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9fv45l wrote
Reply to comment by brandn30 in Clearfield Deputy Zachery Dodson Tackled and Arrested for Bar Shooting by MrCorrectTruth
It's cool, we're allowed to go slumming every now and then. We get vouchers in our monthly newletter.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9fozcj wrote
Reply to comment by brandn30 in Clearfield Deputy Zachery Dodson Tackled and Arrested for Bar Shooting by MrCorrectTruth
Is there a prize for winning this contest? Because Allegheny County doesn't care.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9foha8 wrote
GargantuanWitch t1_j9fo7hc wrote
Reply to Mark Miko Canned by FunkyDrFunkyPants
I'll do it. I've read more than one pamphlet on virtualization before, so I think I'm qualified.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9fg6l4 wrote
Reply to If you were left stranded on Brunot Island for a day, what sort of activities would you engage in? by NineFootEightWeight
Set up a tolling scheme for the ducks that use the rivers to go around the island. Their freeloading needs to end.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9ddfpp wrote
Reply to comment by trail-coffee in Where to get fresh spices? by trail-coffee
It's not a secret hookup or anything, it's just a chain grocery store for primarily Indian/East Asian food/culture. The stuff you pay exorbitant prices for at GE are cheap there.
Don't go hungry.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9b1x4o wrote
Reply to Where to get fresh spices? by trail-coffee
If you can easily get to Patel Bros., there's no reason to buy spices elsewhere.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9b047j wrote
Reply to comment by PorkyWallace in Turtle Creek man charged with possessing guns in Pittsburgh's federal building by lod254
"Incel" is short for "involuntarily celibate." There's no distinction for gender.
It's basically "It's YOUR problem you don't want Cheeto dust all over your tits and Top Ramen for dinner, Mother says I'm a catch."
GargantuanWitch t1_j8wzibn wrote
Reply to comment by chad4359 in Turtle Creek man charged with possessing guns in Pittsburgh's federal building by lod254
No responsible gun owner "forgets" where two firearms are, sorry. It's the antithesis of "being responsible."
GargantuanWitch t1_j8nqcl0 wrote
Reply to comment by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 in Soft serve ice cream by [deleted]
From which "non chain" places have you bought soft serve before?
GargantuanWitch t1_j8np6me wrote
GargantuanWitch t1_j7zeiw3 wrote
Reply to Town Talk Bread aka Yinzer Nostalgia by TremorChristPJ
I remember crafting a waterproof sleeve out of these bags for the summer that I had a broken arm. Used it whenever I took a shower. Totally looked like a clown arm but it worked and I'd eat that bread again right now if someone gave me a loaf.
GargantuanWitch t1_j7fvq37 wrote
Reply to comment by MCRNRearAdmiral in A (now former) Mad Mex Oakland employee weighs in by VacantLot412
Clearly, everyone who's downvoted has never checked someone's LinkedIn profile before interviewing them.
"Oh, someone who really enjoys beefing with his part-time employer? HARD PASS."
GargantuanWitch t1_j741m2p wrote
Imagine doxxing yourself in an attempt to get retribution against a company that has already let you know it doesn't care about you.
GargantuanWitch t1_j6o5at0 wrote
Reply to comment by NonoYouHeardMeWrong in Fallingwater by Lisa Frank Lloyd Wright by put_the_ux_in_sux
GargantuanWitch t1_j6nefx4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is everyone's utilities pricing insane or am I getting screwed? by peon2
Since you're simply parroting the same bullshit that my octogenarian mother-in-law hears down at the church every weekend, without understanding any of it, I'm gonna bid you a good day and wish you luck in your battle with reality.
If nonsense superlatives, "Sheetz" and backhanded comments about trans people were nickels, you'd be rich.
GargantuanWitch t1_j6ndnta wrote
Reply to comment by InevitablePersimmon6 in Breakfast places by InevitablePersimmon6
I doubt it. I think that was Del's, and Kitchen Nightmares did one but it was for the soul food place.
GargantuanWitch t1_j6nd8n1 wrote
Reply to comment by hllewis128 in Breakfast places by InevitablePersimmon6
It's about as classic diner as I can find near me, and that's what I want. Nice big pancakes, good bottomless coffee, eggs done just right. It's not fancy and doesn't try to be, but it's definitely a regular spot for a lot of people.
GargantuanWitch t1_j6ksxbb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is everyone's utilities pricing insane or am I getting screwed? by peon2
I hope that no one you know ever has a stroke, but if they do, I sure hope you don't neglect to use that charming nickname for them.
Who hurt you?
GargantuanWitch t1_j6ksrqu wrote
Reply to comment by fryerandice in Is everyone's utilities pricing insane or am I getting screwed? by peon2
If you've got a sump running 24/7, you need to investigate that. Even if the water is being removed, that kind of flow is NOT good. The sump should only be used for keeping shit dry, not "every time it rains" and certainly not all winter long.
GargantuanWitch t1_j6ksb3i wrote
Imagine the vindication for everyone who wisely ignored the "hurr durr pittsburgh is too cloudy" idiocy and got their solar panels installed before everything went to shit.
Those sub-$25 bills are nice, and it's also cool to not have to care (as much) about rate hikes.
GargantuanWitch t1_j6kng3x wrote
Reply to Moving from Dallas? by [deleted]
Generally speaking, gated communities aren't a thing in the Pittsburgh area. There are planned communities, sure, but not like what you're used to in Texas. Our open land isn't flat, and we have forest everywhere.
Geographically, Dallas might as well be on the moon compared to Pittsburgh.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9fysvm wrote
Reply to comment by Birdface3000 in Looks like Spring is right around the corner.....Gardeners of Pittsburgh, what do you have planned for this year's growing season? by NineFootEightWeight
Yes. Two rows, differing heights, and they really appreciated the foil strips we hung from the wires, because it let them know just where to repeatedly smell and receive current in the face. Since our backyards are connected, this has been something we've spent time working on, together.
Suburban deer don't care about your fences and deterrents. They've got every night to figure out how to get around it. They're not deer from out in the country who get easily discouraged.