GargantuanWitch t1_jcysu5e wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in Questions About Tree Removal and Property Lines by Flip3408
>Or, you could find a tree company that won't ask questions and just have them come out, say they're all on your land
This is a fantastic way to have something stupid happen, like a person get injured or something insignificant get broken, and now insurance is involved and everything costs 1000x more.
Or, you know, a nosy neighbor sees that you've hired an unlicensed contractor, and calls the police. Which has happened in our neighborhood, because it's full of old people who have nothing better to do than be nebby about other people's shit.
Because, you know, if you remove a tree that isn't yours, you will be successfully sued and liable for monetary damages.
GargantuanWitch t1_jcysgrt wrote
Reply to comment by Flip3408 in Questions About Tree Removal and Property Lines by Flip3408
If you're anticipating issues with the neighbor, give your local municipality a shout. There are very likely rules that will dictate who is allowed to do what, when, and if there's any notification necessary.
For instance, your borough/whatever may have ordinances in place that allow any homeowner the right to remove tree limbs hanging over their property, if they're in danger of causing damage. If that's the case, you should be completely within your rights to have the tree pruned without needing to involve the neighbor - but check with your local borough manager or whomever, first.
At the very least, they'll already be aware that you're trying to be a good community member IF/WHEN the evil neighbor tries to raise a stink about it.
GargantuanWitch t1_jcit0uk wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in How many times will Swissvale lose power this summer? by Anonymous_Cool
I don't know why, to this day, we still use them. Everyone has a mobile phone. The siren conveys zero information to anyone, other than LOUD NOISE HAPPENING EVERYONE.
It could be the Pens scoring, it could be an actual fire, it could be a curfew, it could be Lawrenceville mounting some sort of attack from the river, but no, we use a machine to make a screaming noise.
GargantuanWitch t1_jchdaao wrote
I think the more important question is "Will it be accompanied by a siren, and will every other local municipality ALSO blow their siren in solidarity?"
Fucking old people LOVE a goddamn siren blaring all summer long, for mysterious reasons.
GargantuanWitch t1_jaejieq wrote
Reply to comment by HomicidalHushPuppy in active shooter in Manchester. Manchester Academic Charter School on lockdown. by SNIPES0009
Wow, someone got real upset they couldn't brag about knowing someone involved in a shooting that happened near a school.
GargantuanWitch t1_jae0z5z wrote
Reply to Donnie Iris @ South Park early 90's by 333scorpio
Based on your criteria of "Donnie Iris, the 90s, and ribs" this could be any of hundreds of shows. Gonna need more info.
GargantuanWitch t1_jadc1xn wrote
Reply to comment by DroningBrightnessAV in What have experiences here been with the musical equipment/instrument selection @ CLP Oakland? by LockedOutOfElfland
If I'm not mistaken, each library has a working telephone and a human being on the other end.
GargantuanWitch t1_jadbs2n wrote
Someone remind me, why are we firing baseballs at home plate from the South Side? The pitcher is allowed to be inside the park, you know.
GargantuanWitch t1_ja6o9s5 wrote
Reply to comment by isthatwhathappened in Reel mower sharpening service? by enemy_of_your_enema
The replacement blade on a reel mower is, essentially, most of the reel mower. You may be confused.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9u8ofd wrote
Reply to new Subaru help, please by ssnhl
Based on a friend's experience with finally getting the truck he's been trying to buy for 2 years, it's not pretty. I wouldn't go in assuming there's any room for haggling, especially if the dealership has no stock.
Also, I wouldn't even bother driving around unless you've already called someone to set up an appointment to see an actual vehicle. My friend's dealership called him and said "a truck came in, we're calling you and one other person, first one here gets it."
GargantuanWitch t1_j9u0wlo wrote
Reply to comment by HarpPgh in The fall of Pittsburgh Bodegas by HarpPgh
But the thing is, the co-op isn't a bodega. Considering the demographics for the area it's located, it's almost exactly the opposite.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9pw1wu wrote
Reply to comment by apitbullnamedzeus in Plum cop charged with DUI after found sleeping in running pickup, police say by Aggravating_Foot_528
I never said that a conviction would/should prevent you from getting one, I'm saying that being drunk and asleep ON the job means you'd lose that job.
I also never said anything about labor unions being bad, unless you're talking about the police, at which point I'd say that the police union exists solely to protect bad police officers and immunize them against repercussions for their bad behavior.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9phob4 wrote
Reply to comment by Bulkmodulus in This gem from Nextdoor: Southside by Cocogasm
The Darwin Award is given posthumously. That's the point.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9ph1a9 wrote
Reply to comment by duker_mf_lincoln in Plum cop charged with DUI after found sleeping in running pickup, police say by Aggravating_Foot_528
The story is about a shitty cop who got drunk and was caught sleeping on the job and the first thing that comes to your mind is "I'm glad he's safe."
Also, I hope your son also installed CO monitors in your garages, too, because those carbon dioxide monitors aren't gonna save your life.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9pghjj wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in This gem from Nextdoor: Southside by Cocogasm
"Did you see all those Roman Candle murders? IT WAS ON THE NEWS, I SWEAR."
GargantuanWitch t1_j9pfygv wrote
Reply to Where can I pick up an Areca Palm? by SionicIon
First Google search result for "pittsburgh areca palm."
GargantuanWitch t1_j9oxz02 wrote
Reply to Plum cop charged with DUI after found sleeping in running pickup, police say by Aggravating_Foot_528
And a reminder to everyone that any fast food employee caught doing the same thing would be fired immediately, and THEY don't carry weapons.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9oxkjn wrote
Reply to This gem from Nextdoor: Southside by Cocogasm
I wish there were a way to have an observer account, and I didn't need to confirm my name/address. It's a good method for determining which neighbors to avoid.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9km501 wrote
Reply to comment by pedantic_comments in How safe is the Pittsburgh Greyhound Bus Station? by Purple_Discipline_70
OP isn't an idiot, they're neurodivergent and having trouble socially. However, OP also tends to not read the things that people post for them in an attempt to help, which is why we're here almost every week dealing with it.
OP - You've got all the info you need to be able to make your trip a success. Stop asking us about it. Seriously. Do NOT ask another question about hotels, reviews, how much things cost, or where the "best places for" anything are located.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9k2nr6 wrote
OP, you're not taking the bus into town. You're going to take an Uber with your sister, like you've told us for months. Stop asking questions about places that you have zero intention of visiting. We've been through this before.
What you're doing is not research. What you're doing is asking ridiculous one-off questions in an attempt to prove to yourself that you're able to make this trip.
You'll be fine. It is impossible to be 100% prepared for every possible scenario, like you're doing, and if you keep this up, the only thing you'll have gained from harassing people in this sub for almost a solid year is getting kicked from it because you won't listen to reason.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9gaab2 wrote
Reply to comment by 412beekeeper in hello fellow cat lovers by 412beekeeper
Hey, it's your attic and your time, do what you want. I'm just making an attempt to save you the small fortune in urine removal products you'll end up buying before you realize that your friend is a wild animal that desperately wants to be outside.
When you can convince a feral cat to stop peeing in your house after it's been doing it already, make sure you write it down. You'll be a billionaire.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9g982n wrote
Reply to comment by 412beekeeper in hello fellow cat lovers by 412beekeeper
>but what ever is in her best interest.
If the cat is hiding in the attic, this is your first indication that the cat is feral and doesn't want to be in the house. Given they're already 10 years old, and have been living outdoors (presumably) all this time, it's likely terrified. Let it out already. You're not doing it a favor by keeping it indoors.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9g801l wrote
Reply to hello fellow cat lovers by 412beekeeper
Your stray cat isn't a stray. It's feral and is used to humans. You are very unlikely to ever successfully take a cat that has been living outdoors for years and turn it into an animal that will be happy indoors.
GargantuanWitch t1_j9fyy6l wrote
Reply to comment by Birdface3000 in Looks like Spring is right around the corner.....Gardeners of Pittsburgh, what do you have planned for this year's growing season? by NineFootEightWeight
The only thing that has worked in the 11 years we've been here is to spray milk in a 1:3 ratio every 2 weeks on anything you don't want eaten. More often if it rains.
GargantuanWitch t1_jczdmq0 wrote
Reply to Movers recommendations from Pittsburgh to Johnstown by [deleted]
What pointers are you looking for, exactly? Not many students coming from a single bedroom home have a lot of stuff to move, so I'm not sure what your issue is.