GargantuanWitch t1_j19fasz wrote
Reply to comment by Powdrtostman in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
I heard that your average Yinzer will believe anything they're told, especially when it's some dumb shit that no governor in his last term will ever accomplish, because they don't understand anything that isn't a sandwich.
GargantuanWitch t1_j19ejpx wrote
Reply to comment by imadv8r2 in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
>Begs the question why was there a delay in the first place…
Stop it.
Bussing has been fucked for the entire school year for some districts, regardless of weather.
GargantuanWitch t1_j19dtjr wrote
Reply to comment by GargantuanWitch in Saw a crusty dipshit passing out antisemitic fliers and ranting about vaccines in Plum. by Creeperkry
Color me shocked that a self-avowed cat lady isn't an actual psychotherapist when they claim they are!
GargantuanWitch t1_j19386l wrote
Reply to comment by penndawg84 in Saw a crusty dipshit passing out antisemitic fliers and ranting about vaccines in Plum. by Creeperkry
"Wait till we tell 'em Jesus didn't have long straight Miss Breck hair and blue eyes!"
GargantuanWitch t1_j1930mj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Saw a crusty dipshit passing out antisemitic fliers and ranting about vaccines in Plum. by Creeperkry
>Jews do this all the time
If you've ever wondered "Am I the asshole here" I think the above has your answer.
GargantuanWitch t1_j191ski wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Saw a crusty dipshit passing out antisemitic fliers and ranting about vaccines in Plum. by Creeperkry
Then whichever professional organizations you belong to would likely cringe at how you're using your education to dismiss/make fun of others. Congrats!
GargantuanWitch t1_j191dx8 wrote
Reply to comment by EveryoneisOP3 in Saw a crusty dipshit passing out antisemitic fliers and ranting about vaccines in Plum. by Creeperkry
It means "I pass for white and have never experienced racism before, so I don't believe it's ever happened to anyone else."
GargantuanWitch t1_j1915tw wrote
Reply to comment by ttsignal24 in Saw a crusty dipshit passing out antisemitic fliers and ranting about vaccines in Plum. by Creeperkry
>Assholes that are in such a small irrelevant number that nobody cares. No shouting back no protesting. Just go about your day. Numbers will decline further. Which equals a few less assholes.
Tell me you've enjoyed white privilege your entire life without telling me you've enjoyed white privilege your entire life.
GargantuanWitch t1_j190sg4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Saw a crusty dipshit passing out antisemitic fliers and ranting about vaccines in Plum. by Creeperkry
Are you a psychotherapist? If you're not, that's gross. Those of us with mental illness don't generally go around assuming that any woman who does something we don't like is "menopausal."
GargantuanWitch t1_j0r1vp5 wrote
Reply to comment by mr_r_smith in Where can I get the best haluski? by PhillipMatits
This is the right answer, other than "Make it yourself because cabbage, butter and onions are cheap, and haluski isn't haute cuisine."
GargantuanWitch t1_iymrrzs wrote
Reply to BYOB restaurants by No_Fee_3339
How about some context?
GargantuanWitch t1_iyf9nyr wrote
Reply to Guitar amp repair? by -yeahnoiknow-
Not sure if Pittsburgh Guitars does that kind of repair, but they've been an institution for decades. They could probably give you a dozen names of people, if they won't do it.
GargantuanWitch t1_iyemt0y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Judge rules Swissvale native Jack Burman and Jacob Wohl must spend 500 hours registering voters by sleepallday345
They targeted low income and predominantly Black areas and told people that if they voted by mail, the government could use the information on their ballots to arrest them for outstanding warrants, other crimes, or force them into vaccination programs.
They're sorry... that they were caught.
GargantuanWitch t1_iyemc7w wrote
Reply to Eastland Mall in North Versailles (Pittsburgh area), PA, circa 1963, its first holiday season. Gimbels closed along with the rest of the chain in 1986, and the mall was eventually torn down some twenty years later. Duquesne Light Company photo. Photo courtesy of Pleasant Family Shopping on Facebook by AxlCobainVedder
Anyone got photos from the movie theater that was back there? My wife worked there after high school and she'd love to see some old memories.
GargantuanWitch t1_iyem6sy wrote
Reply to comment by icestormsurfing in Eastland Mall in North Versailles (Pittsburgh area), PA, circa 1963, its first holiday season. Gimbels closed along with the rest of the chain in 1986, and the mall was eventually torn down some twenty years later. Duquesne Light Company photo. Photo courtesy of Pleasant Family Shopping on Facebook by AxlCobainVedder
Yeah, there was a flea market for awhile, in the decrepit carcass of the mall that was left at the time. Last time I went inside was probably 1994 or so, and it was barely functional then.
They finally razed the entire thing when Amazon showed up.
GargantuanWitch t1_iydz7b9 wrote
Reply to comment by gggg500 in Where do the emergency exits in the Squirrel Hill tunnel come out? Wouldn’t they have to be In people’s backyards? by sqqueen2
Then I suppose we don't need to worry about bird urine, do we?
GargantuanWitch t1_iydtarr wrote
Reply to comment by gggg500 in Where do the emergency exits in the Squirrel Hill tunnel come out? Wouldn’t they have to be In people’s backyards? by sqqueen2
Birds don't urinate.
GargantuanWitch t1_iydt41m wrote
Reply to Judge rules Swissvale native Jack Burman and Jacob Wohl must spend 500 hours registering voters by sleepallday345
"Let's do crimes where we call people on the phone and tell them lies! We'll never get caught!"
- A couple of fucking idiots
GargantuanWitch t1_iydnrkv wrote
Reply to comment by Careless-Cost4991 in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]
A significant portion of people who live in areas close to park and ride lots actually drive a short distance, then get on a bus, THEN do a bit of walking to their final destination. Or biking. Had plenty of people ride the bus in from Forest Hills, with a bike, and get off at Penn Station when I was riding the bus.
GargantuanWitch t1_iydn7hi wrote
Reply to comment by saltyt00th in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]
Yes, the internet. Which is clearly working so well already, based on the fact that almost every reply from OP is that they don't know how to use Reddit.
GargantuanWitch t1_iyah9vf wrote
Reply to comment by saltyt00th in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]
If you're not doing something in public, then the other option is...
Help me out, here.
GargantuanWitch t1_iyagz9f wrote
Reply to comment by saltyt00th in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]
Uh, I'd say "Not interested" and go about my day like I, and countless others, have done since we were born? You know, the way you deflect a social interaction in which you don't want to participate.
Have you never told anyone "No" before? This is an honest question.
GargantuanWitch t1_iyadaif wrote
Reply to comment by nonymiz in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]
"Hi, I'm a journalism student, can I ask you a few questions for an assignment? I don't need any personal info."
I highly doubt this sentence would result in violence on a bus. If you truly believe this, do the rest of us a favor and never leave your home.
GargantuanWitch t1_iyad3mh wrote
Reply to comment by saltyt00th in Possible Interviews? by [deleted]
If you do it aggressively, sure. But that's not at all what I said.
Asking a polite question is not "cornering someone on public transportation" and if one were to conduct an interview as an assignment, one should assume that they'd be able to handle a simple "no" rejection and not be an asshole about it.
GargantuanWitch t1_j1aczmd wrote
Reply to comment by Powdrtostman in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
"I repeated the last thing I read on Facebook and now that I've said it out loud someplace else, I realize how dumb I sound so I better make people think I was joking the whole time before they figure out I'm a corncob."