GargantuanWitch t1_j6it6r1 wrote
Back before we were married, they were just getting these set up. Might be worth a look:
GargantuanWitch t1_j5zh2n5 wrote
Reply to comment by DisFigment in For Those of you blowing through bus stop signs while they are picking up kids! by Character-Vast-8601
People driving like assholes have only themselves to blame. No one accepts "I had to get to work on time" as an excuse for anything.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5yx70o wrote
Reply to comment by tehtinman in For Those of you blowing through bus stop signs while they are picking up kids! by Character-Vast-8601
Don't bother trying to engage. Corncob is an all or nothing "fuck 'em if they need help" yinzer with their racism hanging out.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5ywqsa wrote
Reply to comment by merkinmavin in For Those of you blowing through bus stop signs while they are picking up kids! by Character-Vast-8601
This happens pretty regularly in East McKeesport, on Route 30, right across from the GetGo. Police cars will sit in the any of the lots on the side of the highway, just waiting for a bus to stop at the GetGo during a green light, and pull over a whole line of cars who pass it.
A few years ago, I saw it being done intentionally, with an empty bus. THAT'S the kind of police action I can get behind.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5vxcu9 wrote
Reply to comment by KentuckYSnow in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
So the solution for kids who aren't being educated is to... refuse to educate them?
And we do have neighborhood schools. That's what Allderdice is. It's a public school. If you live in the neighborhood, you go to that school. Same thing with Mount Lebanon. Students who go to Allderdice are a part of the community already.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5vwrwn wrote
Reply to comment by Radek_Of_Boktor in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
I know, right?
GargantuanWitch t1_j5qbfis wrote
Reply to comment by Elouiseotter in Greenfield vs South Side Slope, where to buy a house? by Nice_Charge8971
The entirety of Western Pennsylvania has been undermined. Telling people to reconsider living here because of mines is like asking people to reconsider their relationship with water and oxygen.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5pzm30 wrote
Reply to comment by imadv8r2 in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
Do I need to wear body armor like everyone is suggesting? I'll grab some around the corner after I'm done at the juice bar and shoe store.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5pj3cq wrote
Reply to comment by imadv8r2 in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
lol it only took until Tuesday to get a Tough Guy Invite this week!
GargantuanWitch t1_j5pir6l wrote
Reply to comment by anthrax3000 in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
No one is avoiding a martial arts school that's been in the area for 40 years because one time kids went inside and made him look like a dummy.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5pi8qz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
Sounds like you should call the police, then, since you've positively identified criminals.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5phri0 wrote
Reply to comment by anthrax3000 in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
Sorry to break it to you, but there's no rule that says 30-50 people aren't allowed to be in public without your express permission. Even if they're teens!
>They damaged his property, raped another student nearby, 5 boys entered his karate student and challenged him to a fight
You sure those were all the same people? Clutch those pearls a little tighter. Squirrel Hill isn't turning into 1980s-era Compton.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5pgw3v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
The same kids who are out front of the karate place raped a student?
GargantuanWitch t1_j5pexq9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
Also, it's real weird that the argument seems to be whether or not this person offended Black people or Jews, and not "Maybe don't call a place a ghetto just because you feel like the neighborhood has the "wrong" people in it."
GargantuanWitch t1_j5pe89f wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
I don't think it's outrageous to expect that a business owner maybe understand the area where his business is located and not put his foot in his mouth by using a term that, at best, has racist connotations, and at worst, is the exact name that the people who didn't like Jews came up with to describe the place where they deserved to live.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5p1eva wrote
Reply to comment by motociclista in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
Yeah, you don't get to casually use the word "ghetto" when you are located in the actual Jewish center of the city. Sensei George should take a lesson in "reading the room."
GargantuanWitch t1_j5p0cri wrote
Reply to Off the Busy Street of Braddock Ave by Omgitsjustdae
Well, what exactly are you expecting to change? If there's no businesses or people living there, then I don't see a lot of opportunity for anything to happen, right?
GargantuanWitch t1_j5p04mp wrote
Reply to comment by Tiny-Cheesecake in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
White guy running a business and doesn't like the neighborhood it's in or the people who are nearby? Sure, let's call it a ghetto! He's not racist, we swear! He has a Black friend!
GargantuanWitch t1_j5msrgk wrote
Reply to comment by plaidmellon in Best place to get some party balloons? by plaidmellon
>I’m just trying to avoid Party City and shop more locally or DIY-friendly.
No, you're not. You already said places in Lawrenceville were too expensive. You want cheap helium balloons.
>Inflated with helium? Which dollar store?
GargantuanWitch t1_j5mqz1r wrote
Reply to Best place to get some party balloons? by plaidmellon
>I’d love to support one of the local shops in Lawrenceville but
Next time, when you've got "Best" in your title and you follow it with the above, just say "cheapest" and save everyone the trouble.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5lkc7i wrote
Reply to comment by James19991 in Weather by Routine-Interview991
At least we still inspect our vehicles!
GargantuanWitch t1_j5lk9r2 wrote
Reply to comment by Routine-Interview991 in Weather by Routine-Interview991
Then go back? No one's keeping you.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5kywpy wrote
Reply to comment by djpdx_21 in Weather by Routine-Interview991
My nonexistent electric bill for half the year says otherwise, but you can believe what you want.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5kxtrr wrote
Reply to comment by djpdx_21 in Weather by Routine-Interview991
omg no it isn't.
GargantuanWitch t1_j6k9bje wrote
Reply to Breakfast places by InevitablePersimmon6
Nancy's in Wilkinsburg or GTFO.