GeneralFactotum t1_ja2qp8w wrote
Reply to comment by Itsdefiniteltyu in It's impossible to have more descendants than your ancestors. by Ok-Acanthisitta-6997
Not sure if serious... since it is usually the women giving birth to the out of wedlock children.
GeneralFactotum t1_ja1ne4h wrote
Depend how you count your ancestors. Back in the day when women had huge families historians have realized that not every child was from her husband. (Things happen once in a while you know.) No matter how neatly a family tree is drawn out all of your ancestors may not be on it! You could have come from a much bigger family then the chart shows.
GeneralFactotum t1_ja1kv4n wrote
Reply to AI image generator Midjourney blocks porn by banning words about the human reproductive system by marketrent
What about an octopus hugging my step-sister? Inquiring minds want to know.
GeneralFactotum t1_iyckq6y wrote
Reply to Somebody spray painted "procrastinating prick!" on the side of my house. by AdeptLengthiness8886
You might want to clean that up someday when you get around to it.
GeneralFactotum t1_iu030f0 wrote
Reply to Why don't cannibals eat clowns? by Goatmanthealien
Later that day the same two cannibals tried eating a clown fish.
Finally the first guy looked up at the second guy and asked, "Does this tastes fishy to you?"
Ok, that it. I have officially had too much Reddit today. Must take my meds...
GeneralFactotum t1_itjdcri wrote
Reply to A city in China is planning an offshore wind farm so big that it could power all of Norway by quellerand
Norway should set up a wind farm big enough to power China!
GeneralFactotum t1_jcrodl1 wrote
Reply to comment by whoneedscarpet in Another pigeon wearing a smuggling backpack has been found inside a B.C. prison by dread_beard
This is like when I look for news stories on and half their content came from Reddit. Lazy news reporting at best.