GeneralZain t1_j3g3ghr wrote
Reply to "It's coming! Dreamstudio Pro released this month! As @EMostaque says in this interview it will be possible to generate entire movies, storyboarding, 3D cameras, audio integration. is ready for it 💪 BTW the full interview: [link]" by Yuli-Ban
haha remember when people told me I was CRAZY and HYPER OPTIMISITC for saying it was only months away a few months ago? I do... :)
I told you so :)
GeneralZain t1_j26jxb4 wrote
Idk if Chat-GPT should be on this? it released in 2022...
GeneralZain t1_j1y41sy wrote
Reply to comment by a4mula in Will we be replaced? by Bodhigomo
room temp IQ take.
this is almost as compelling as "we are already in the singularity because dreams!"
or maybe "robots aren't real so they cant take jobs" is more your speed?
GeneralZain t1_j0i6ygm wrote
Reply to comment by apinkphoenix in Can We Please Stop Being Disparaging Towards Artists And Others Affected By AI? by apinkphoenix
what should they do? I already said. they need to contact their local politicians and get them to move on things like UBI or some other social safety net.
this will continue to happen for ever job in every sector, art is just the tip of the spear in this coming wave of automation.
I understand and empathize believe me, but I know they weren't the first to fall to automation and they most certainly wont be the last.
how much crying did they do for all the warehouse workers who were automated away? how many "ban robots" posts did you see when they came for the car manufacturing jobs?
it sucks but its gonna happen to all of us...just a matter of time.
GeneralZain t1_j0fkc42 wrote
Reply to Can We Please Stop Being Disparaging Towards Artists And Others Affected By AI? by apinkphoenix
look mah! I said that!
listen, I know that they are angry at the wrong thing (i've said that before too...) but I would have said the same thing about every other sector when it happens to them.
Being a luddite hasn't helped before...pushing our government officials to make the system do its fuckin job will
getting mad at the AI wont fix their problems. that's why people are calling them luddites. they got mad at the technology NOT the government.
if somebody acts dumb, I'm gonna call em dumb...
GeneralZain t1_izzztpg wrote
Reply to I think this post will be monumentally important for some of you to read. Put it in your brain, think about it, and get ready for the next few years. If you are part of this Subreddit; You are forward thinking, you're already ahead of the curve, you will have one shot to be at an advantage. NOW. by AdditionalPizza
no. here's why: TAI will spell the end of capitalism. It will be a swift and violent end, and I cant wait to watch it die.
it's "watch as the very system you inhabit fails and everything that costs money will be free."
its gonna be a hell of a show :)
GeneralZain t1_izcfvmg wrote
Reply to comment by heavy_metal in What do you think of all the recent very vocal detractors of AI generated art? by razorbeamz
GeneralZain t1_iz9iopf wrote
Reply to comment by supermegaampharos in What do you think of all the recent very vocal detractors of AI generated art? by razorbeamz
Yeah except I can also go to any artist page, and learn how to draw in their style...just because an AI does it better faster than I could doesn't mean its stealing.
also where's all this "its stealing my ART" when it comes to book writing? or poetry? this is a systemic problem. They care (understandably) about their income, if they didn't have to make money from their art, NOBODY WOULD CARE. people would just do ART because they ENJOY DOING IT.
Be mad at the economic system not the AI.
GeneralZain OP t1_iz0hg8i wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in bit of a call back ;) by GeneralZain
no harm no foul :)
GeneralZain OP t1_iz0d13h wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in bit of a call back ;) by GeneralZain
my bad I didn't mean to come off as hyper rude, it was more of a playful snarky-ness :P
but that said, I think almost nobody in this reddit thinks that...but there are billions of people outside of this little bubble on the internet who don't know or care about AI.
what I'm saying is if you literally go outside right now and ask somebody about AI...heck, ask 100 people...90% of them will give you similar responses that I gave. (I have experienced this many times :P)
GeneralZain t1_iz0af4s wrote
Reply to What are your predictions for 2023? How did your predictions for 2022 turn out? by Foundation12a
At some point during next year, a proto-AGI will be developed and subsequently after its creation in a relatively short time period (anywhere from a day to a few months), that proto-AGI will hit a "tripwire" event at which point it becomes proficient in all the areas needed to self improve recursively thus quickly becoming ASI.
The second AI begins to vastly outpace our intelligence everything changes, that is in essence the singularity.
this change will be so sudden it will actually give you mental whiplash.
prediction over :)
GeneralZain OP t1_iz090ax wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in bit of a call back ;) by GeneralZain
I guess I gotta explain the meme then...
the man represents the general consensus of people who are unaware of the concept of the singularity, who (wrongfully) assume that progress with continue at a slow and linear pace.
I personally don't think it will take 200 years, but go and ask literally anybody who doesn't think or care about AI or the singularity, and they will stare blankly , and then casually say "that's impossible" or "not for another 100+ years"
that's the joke...they think it wont happen for a long time, then suddenly it happens. it "hits" them...get it?
GeneralZain OP t1_iyz6qh9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in bit of a call back ;) by GeneralZain
lmao it went right over your head...
GeneralZain OP t1_iyy2n70 wrote
Reply to comment by Superschlenz in bit of a call back ;) by GeneralZain
well hey you learn something new everyday :)
GeneralZain OP t1_iyy0j5k wrote
Reply to comment by Superschlenz in bit of a call back ;) by GeneralZain
its a banger.
also its elephant*** ;)
GeneralZain t1_ixnk2v1 wrote
DUDE IMAGINE! how about this one?!?! IMAGINE if there was a leprechaun who did it with a unicorn!??! that would be totally crazy...WHAT WOULD HAPPEN!?!?!? UniChaun babies?!!?
god these posts are dumb
GeneralZain t1_ix8osxj wrote
Reply to comment by idranh in Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation (NVIDIA) by nick7566
we will find out soon enough :)
GeneralZain t1_ix8kmxx wrote
Reply to comment by idranh in Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation (NVIDIA) by nick7566
haha yeah man I wasn't joking around when I said that :P
its only gonna get faster. 2023 may be the tipping point imo.
GeneralZain t1_ix8cz6j wrote
Reply to comment by idranh in Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation (NVIDIA) by nick7566
no, and the whole field of AI will only get faster and faster from here on...that's the whole point of the singularity.
Advancements happening too fast to predict what's next, too fast to keep up.
GeneralZain t1_ivw9ttl wrote
Reply to comment by 24-7_DayDreamer in Will Text to Game be possible? by Independent-Book4660
underrated reply! good shit!
GeneralZain t1_iv38yhi wrote
Reply to comment by Quealdlor in What will the creation of ASI lead to? by TheHamsterSandwich
oh my b :P
GeneralZain t1_iuw5evj wrote
Reply to comment by TheHamsterSandwich in What will the creation of ASI lead to? by TheHamsterSandwich
its posted on this sub every 2 days...everybody and their grandma wants to know how it will pan out :P
speculate all you want...just stop posting the same damn question over and over again on here sheesh.
or better yet, just type the question in the search bar of this sub! there are literally so many im sure you can get any answer you are lookin for...
GeneralZain t1_iuw599b wrote
Reply to comment by Quealdlor in What will the creation of ASI lead to? by TheHamsterSandwich
how is what I said pessimistic? xD
GeneralZain t1_iuua5yi wrote
GeneralZain t1_j3gbe4x wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in "It's coming! Dreamstudio Pro released this month! As @EMostaque says in this interview it will be possible to generate entire movies, storyboarding, 3D cameras, audio integration. is ready for it 💪 BTW the full interview: [link]" by Yuli-Ban
I never said anything about budget, or quality, just that it would be possible.
and it seems It will be... that's a W for me :)
Edit: looks like the reply was deleted...oh well