GeorgeMyght t1_jack9ab wrote
Reply to comment by superman_squirts in Console Manufacturers Will Switch To 3-4 Year Upgrade Cycles Like PCs, Says CMA by Darren-B80
"We made it mostly function on all of them but if you wanna play WITHOUT horrible loading times, get the upgrade!"
GeorgeMyght t1_jacj0pf wrote
Reply to Console Manufacturers Will Switch To 3-4 Year Upgrade Cycles Like PCs, Says CMA by Darren-B80
I don't like that. It's confusing. Shit like this killed the Wii U because people didn't realize it was a different console.
I don't like there being Xbox One, Xbox One S and Xbox One X or PS4 and PS4 Pro. It was fine when the only difference was making a system slimmer but when they have different system specs, that's an issue.
It makes people not wanna get the first version because they're afraid that an upgraded one will come out not long after they do.
GeorgeMyght t1_jachvqr wrote
Reply to My Console setup by Lumarist
Are there titties reflected in the screen? Kinda seems like there are titties reflected in the screen..
GeorgeMyght t1_jacgp4p wrote
GeorgeMyght t1_ja638mt wrote
Reply to comment by derf_vader in The urinals in my town's new restaurant are upcycled Budweiser kegs. by derf_vader
What's funny is how a lot of beer drinkers act like Stella Artois is great but really it's basically Belgian Budweiser.
GeorgeMyght t1_ja62wpy wrote
So it's still serving its original purpose.
GeorgeMyght t1_ja3wybp wrote
Reply to Chinese University Invents "Kissing Device" That Lets Users Smooch Over The Internet by Suspicious_Introvert
Will they press charges on people who try to kiss those who don't want it?
GeorgeMyght t1_jacnyzo wrote
Reply to comment by superman_squirts in Console Manufacturers Will Switch To 3-4 Year Upgrade Cycles Like PCs, Says CMA by Darren-B80
I want the system to carry the same specs through it's generation and then get replaced by the next generation like usual. At least the expansion pack for the Nintendo 64 didn't make you have to get another system.