
George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9x2xeq wrote

Yes. Inevitable to a degree regardless of what we do. It’s just a part of life and it’s ridiculous to complain about.

Soon you’ll see posts from peoples whose feelings are hurt because someone at a red light in the financial district beeped their horn too quickly when the light turned green


George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9x0q5v wrote

Getting so tired of this new age NE lecture from Those who don’t even know about the blizzard of 78

We live in NE. Snow and ice is life during the winter. We do the best we can. If you want to live here then expect some snow and ice blow off that we can’t always get off the car become it’s literally frozen on when you have to drive. I don’t get the super feels about living in NE and occasionally having snow fly at you. It’s literally life here. And we all live through it.

Your description says it all. Super dramatic. “I was literally dodging sheets of ice on my morning commute”

Well, ice dodger. I got up. Got ready for work by 5 am when temps are still absurd. Ran the car for 25 minutes despite the cost of gas in an effort to warm the entire car. I’m a 5’3 woman who also has three kids and drives a 4WD SUV because it’s safer in the snow for my kids. I have a long snow scraper/ shovel. Still can’t really reach the roof adequately. I make the effort. But when it gets wet and freezes over and I can barely reach and I make every effort, I’m not going to not go to work just in case a non-new englander might be offended if ice flies off my car. I also don’t get upset when someone else’s ice hit me. Like the entire sheet that hit my windshield on the way home. Like pull over and make sure your windshield isn’t broken kind of ice sheet. And I hold nothing against the guy in that car who lost ice. Know why? Cuz I also get that guy. The new age sanctimonious lectures about “make sure you clean off your car, etc happy horseshit” are getting old.

You live in New England. Ice and snow happen. Expect it and deal. Extend the same kindness warrior to other people. Show the same empathy you’re expecting from others and understanding that our cars ice over and we do the best we can but this is where we live. You’re not the hero in an Indiana Jones movie dodging rabid vampire bats. You’re not the hero here. Extend some empathy and understanding to the other people on the road. Most people are well intentioned an do our best.

If you live here during winter, ice is going to hit your car. Welcome
